Drive thru challenge 2016

it's a bicycle suggestion lane (doesn't have the bike pictograms) but the concrete blocks make pretty sure that only bikes use it. Actually: that's a nice challenge!!!
Saw a Minion in the back seat of a car today when I was in the drive thru lane. I have a dash cam for this car but have been too lazy to mount it. I rarely drive it :rolleyes:

Minnn.jpg sss.jpg
I have a late entry for the 2011 edition of this challenge:
Thats what i was hoping to catch this summer, but then summer decided to go on vacation in Portugal it seem :(
Passing them by is alright i guess, but getting one in the car is well worth flipping the mobius 180 degrees to see what kind of footage it get on a day like today ;)

Catching this is illegal for sure :eek:

Trust me they was both mighty fine looking, so fine this i had to slap my wrist and mumble you dirty old man ;)

Pretty awesome fall weather here today ( 30 degrees and sunny ) so the girls was out en mass, + i nailed my departure time pretty good. :p






This last one i passed by really slow as she set off my babe detector from a far, and she is looking at me cuz both windows in my car was down all the way and i had Black Sabbath going at full blast.

you just got to give it up to the LBD ( Little Black Dress ) :cool:

I could cite this guy.
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I assure you they are all legit, but however also young enough that i could have fathered them myself.
But there should not be any jail bait in there, but off course that's hart to tell for sure these days as many ppl let their under aged daughters dress up like skanks.

This is just as the gymnasium close to my apartment let classes off for the day
In Denmark, there are four kinds of gymnasiums: STX (Regular Examination Programme), HHX (Higher Business Examination Programme), HTX (Higher Technical Examination Programme) and HF (Higher Preparatory Examination Programme). To attend hf, it is a prerequisite that students add a voluntary tenth year to their primary school education. Hf then lasts only two years, instead of the three required for stx, hhx, and htx. All four type of gymnasiums theoretically gives the same eligibility for university. However, because of different subjects offered, students may be better qualified in an area of further study. ex. HHX students have subjects that make them practically more eligible, for studies such as business studies or economy at university.
Perhaps this fits here as well?

I guess if you have a cup to spit into.
Your windows don't open?

Shaving in the car? Really?
Ok, I admit to distracting activities while driving.

(as an experiment, I apparently need 43% of my brain capacity for driving)
Yes, with a battery operated shaver like this one. No shaving cream or anything, no need to look in the mirror as I can feel the stubble, and shave blindly with one hand while still paying attention to my driving. Then when I get where I'm going and have parked the car, I'll do a few seconds touch up with a mirror to get those few whiskers I missed.
If you can dry shave with a strait razor and do so while driving without it turning into a bloodbath inside and outside the car, i think that would be quite a accomplishment.
I was always taught to put your finger across the trigger guard till you're actually ready to fire. which is of course completely opposite of what you see on tv/movies, and in this photo. very rarely do i see someone pose with a firearm with their finger OFF the trigger.

Anyway, here's my entry. caught this a few days ago in the Jack In The Box drive thru. apparently chevy has come out with an even better trim level for their trucks. View attachment 21892
Hi Gibson99. I'm just now going through this thread and came across your post. Now, I know I need new glasses, but does that pickup really say "Bacon LTX"? And if it does, it's in the wrong state - Texas is beef country, at least if my years in SA and Amarillo are anything to go by! Cheers :)
I am looking forward to tasting a nice longhorn steak when i hopefully get to Texas soon.

So far the best beef i ever had was in Argentina, it even beat the also nice steak i got in Japan.