External Mic SJ7


Mar 29, 2017
Reaction score
Dash Cam
SJ7 Star V1.15
Hello together :)

im waiting now for ages for my external mic that i ordered at gearbest..... now ive found 2 very interesting items at amazon.de

Mic1: https://www.amazon.de/gp/B01EF75FMQ
Mic2: https://www.amazon.de/gp/B01ER2IX6E
as far as i can see, both mics are USB cables? can anyone testify that GoPro Mics are working on the SJ7? I really want to start to use the real potential of the camera but gearbest is slow as f**k. If anyone can told me that gopro mics arent working, could you provide me a link within the EU?

best regards
both are miniUSB. We currently cannot confirm that 3rd party mics can work with the sj7.
should i give it a try?
so, finally ive received my original SJ7 mic Vers. B (long clip) I started the cam, connected the mic and nothing happenend? it doesnt even show up in the menu?? and while its connected the cam still uses the internal mic! Firmware V1.13

EDIT: im stupid, i had to push the usb really hard and now its working! @sjcam_official

which microphone sensitivity do you recommend for outside recording on a car/motorcycle? 70% percent?
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I think you will have to experiment a little yourself @t0m2k
If the external mic are as sensitive as the build in MIC then i think 70% are too high, but it might be a good place to start and then work your way up/down in the settings from there.
so, after several testing runs, i definitly need a windbreaker! :D
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My SJCam lav mic ( their "A" model) made audio worse. However, I do have an Eaton mic that worked well using an adapter.
The mic-only version is no longer available. I'm not sure if the bundled version currently available is the same or not.

The Eaton mic substantially improved audio over the SJ7's internal mic.

strange, same for me. could you upload a video sample on youtube?
Sorry, my SJ7 went into meltdown mode and is inoperable! As I recall, the SJ7 internal mic was not so good at picking up lower frequency sounds and the volume generally wasn't all that good. The SJCam-branded lav mic was worse in both respects. It barely picked up higher frequency sounds and filled in with lots of hiss. The Eaton mic picked up the full range of frequencies and did so at a decent volume. Everything sounded more natural and closer to reality with the Eaton. Strangely the SJCam mic did a halfway decent job when I used it with my Dazzne P2 Plus - go figure!

EDIT: I originally bought the Eaton mic for use with my smartphone because it has a 3.5mm TRRS plug. It did a good job. I bought a 3.5mm female TRRS x male mini USB adapter to use with the SJ7.

I also have a Movo GM100 lav mic that didn't work at all - static only. However, it did work half-assed when I tested it on my Dazzne and did okay when I tried it with a digital voice recorder (without the mini USB adapter).
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My SJCam lav mic (their "A" model) made audio worse. However, I do have an Eaton mic that worked well using an adapter.
The mic-only version is no longer available. I'm not sure if the bundled version currently available is the same or not.

The Eaton mic substantially improved audio over the SJ7's internal mic.
So you were able to get an adapter and third party Mic to work?

Yes, we changed the supplier of the mics so the Lav Mic should be fixed soon. Firmware also factors into how the Mics perform as well. We are adjusting things now.
So you were able to get an adapter and third party Mic to work?

Yes, we changed the supplier of the mics so the Lav Mic should be fixed soon. Firmware also factors into how the Mics perform as well. We are adjusting things now.
Yes, the Eaton mic worked well with an adapter. It was an improvement over the SJ7 internal mic.
I am unable to open the links from China. Can you please attach a pic of the adapter / MIC? Were you able to use other Mics, or, only the Eaton mic?
Here are some pics of the Eaton mic. I originally purchased it to use with my smartphone, hence the TRRS plug. The adapter is actually from a mic that didn't work with the SJ7, the Movo GM100. 001.JPG 003.JPG


  • 004.JPG
    835.7 KB · Views: 7
  • 005.JPG
    849 KB · Views: 6
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I am unable to open the links from China. Can you please attach a pic of the adapter / MIC? Were you able to use other Mics, or, only the Eaton mic?
The Eaton mic worked well. The SJCam mic worked poorly and the Movo GM100 mic not at all. However, both the SJCam and the Movo (with adapter) worked with my Dazzne P2 Plus.:)
The Eaton mic worked well. The SJCam mic worked poorly and the Movo GM100 mic not at all. However, both the SJCam and the Movo (with adapter) worked with my Dazzne P2 Plus.:)
Good to hear that there is an alternative for those looking for one.

Again, the Mic source has been changed so Mic issue should be fixed. We are now testing our Mic model FW (sj6, sj6 air, sj7)
Good to hear that there is an alternative for those looking for one.

Again, the Mic source has been changed so Mic issue should be fixed. We are now testing our Mic model FW (sj6, sj6 air, sj7)

what does that mean exactly? new update or new revision for the whole cam?
I've read comments and reviews that say the internal mic does a good job and others (like mine) where it's just so-so. It just dawned on me, could that be because of the difference in position of the mic? On my SJ7 the mic is on the side. I think on later cameras it's on the front, right? Maybe that explains (at least partly) the difference in audio quality. I also wonder, would the changed location have any bearing on internal circuitry and thus the performance of external mics? Not sure on either question . . .
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The Eaton mic worked well. The SJCam mic worked poorly and the Movo GM100 mic not at all. However, both the SJCam and the Movo (with adapter) worked with my Dazzne P2 Plus.:)

You got a external mic to work on your p2 plus?
I've tried a couple different ones and they did not work and most
reviews I've read people said it did not work for them too.
You're the first person Ive seen that said you got it it work.
You think it depends on the mic or the adapter?
I've been trying a right angled adapter.
You got a external mic to work on your p2 plus?
I've tried a couple different ones and they did not work and most
reviews I've read people said it did not work for them too.
You're the first person Ive seen that said you got it it work.
You think it depends on the mic or the adapter?
I've been trying a right angled adapter.

Latest batch Mic reviews are coming in. There is clearly a difference.

Please buy the mic from our Official website as there are knock-off mics on the market now.

If you guys want, we can maybe give you a discount on the mic from sjcamhd.com.
SJ7 Mic test (Current Batch):