first impressions (nighttime)

Gary D

Jun 8, 2016
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
United States
Not bad. It helps that I have really good headlights (LED lights.) Lots of hot pixels, though. :(

A youtube upload of one of the .mov files:

@jokiin, in another thread I asked about displaying the timezone on screen in the video. Is that something that's going to appear post beta16? Eventually, I'll want to set my cam to UTC, but I'd like that reflected onscreen - something like "23:15:01 +0" or something would be awesome.
youtube takes a minute or two I find to make it 1080p, it starts off at 360, look again now its 1080p.
I think he meant on the live LCD
It's not embedded into the OSD recording.

I just private messaged you the pixel calibration.
My eyes are untrained to this, but where are the hot pixels?
Hehe yeah hot pixels can be hard to spot, for sure allmost impossible in my current situation with a lot of window glare in my CRT monitor.

to test any camera just have it record nothing but blackness for a little while, and then playback that and view it in a dark room.

It is after all single pixels spread out over the full frame, so for the most you will have to look for them.

A hot pixel is a pixel that only display white no matter what, i asume the opposite cold pixels is one that only display black.
ah ok i think i see one at the start of the video. Will have to look out for those on my cam when i drive at night.
You can't see them? Really? Bring the video up to full screen and force 1080p. Any single "bright" pixel that doesn't vary/move is hot.

There are hots between the speed and date, above the first number in the date (the "11"), directly above that one just over the hood line, above the minute in the time, about 25% up from the bottom over the year, on the right side about 10% down from the top, on the left side, about 15% up from the bottom... (Most seem to be clustered around the lower right quadrant of the video.) A couple towards the center of the screen are harder to see due to it being a lighter background (but if you're OCD enough about looking, they're there.)

I'll do the hot pixel calibration and will see how it goes (if I have time tonight.) I still need to flip my GPS and re-run all the wiring in a more permanent way.

The hot pixels aren't a show stopper. I'm taking 30 fps video in very dark conditions and pushing any sensor that hard is going to show hot pixels. It just surprised me how many there are and that the camera wasn't pre-calibrated. Perhaps I just got older amazon stock from before SG started pre-calibrating the cams.

In other (related) news, I did a nice daytime drive today and determined that I have to order the CPL. My dashboard is a pebble-like black texture and having the reflection of that superimposed on all the video makes it look like a very poor camera. The CPL should clear that up. I hope. ;) So, the CPL should show up Wed evening.

While at it, I also ordered a 128GB transcend (400x) microSD and a better microSD USB adapter.
I uploaded a PNG that's a grabbed frame and has some of the hot spots circled in a red outline. There are a couple of other spots in the image, but they aren't lit all the time (making me believe they are reflections.) Again, none of this makes the camera less useful. I was just surprised to see them (and surprised that they weren't pre-calibrated out.)

Frame 2016.06.11 00-10-58 (0-00-26.638).png
Here's a sunny daytime part... After seeing this, I decided I really need the CPL (even if I have to pay an extra 20 USD for 2-day shipping.)

A CPL will improve most of dash reflection. How does wife liking your new toy?:D
That's your approval for a rear camera.:D.
I've been looking to install one at the rear. 2016 RAV's is still too new for me to start removing panels. Will wait some more till I'm more familiar with it
That's your approval for a rear camera.:D.
I've been looking to install one at the rear. 2016 RAV's is still too new for me to start removing panels. Will wait some more till I'm more familiar with it
Wimp. I'm yanking panels on my 16 RAV4 Hybrid... I have a lot more voltage to be afraid of. (Probing for +12ACC in a bundle of cables can be nervous work...)
Here's a sunny daytime part... After seeing this, I decided I really need the CPL (even if I have to pay an extra 20 USD for 2-day shipping.)

The beauty of driving an old car is that one can do THIS, because it doesn't matter if it looks good or not. :) (PS: I didn't leave it like that, I cut it to fit).
What matters is that it works, and no matter how many times I change dashcams, I will never need a CPL filter. ;)
Good thing is you can recalibrate a 9665GC, the hot pixels was a "major" problem for us with V1 cameras, but it look like they can allso sneak past QA with the V2 cameras.

I think my V1 camera had like 9 of the hot pixels, after recalibrating i dont notice any.

Your seller @Pier28 and or @jokiin should be able to provide the stuff needed, its been a while since i did it, so my brain have deemed that unwanted information and deleted it.

My brain is pretty wierd in relation to what it want to keep or forget, not much i can do about it i found out after allmost 50 years.
Good thing is you can recalibrate a 9665GC, the hot pixels was a "major" problem for us with V1 cameras, but it look like they can allso sneak past QA with the V2 cameras.

the challenge with calibration is you do it during production on a brand new sensor, the bright pixels don't always show up straight away, at least it can be redone though