Found Yi Cam - file size limitation address


Active Member
Apr 8, 2015
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First thanks to @fuyghjb 's information about this, from by @AndyBig. I want to say f**k, all writen in russian, very difficult to me to make it clear by google translation.:confused:

But anyway, I made it !!! After comparing many fw version, first need to find HEX value in the PRI.a7s file:
A0 33 7A
then right after these, find HEX value:
30 7A
in this address, modify it as you will set the file size to 4GB:
04 20
all available values by @AndyBig (not all tested), please test by yourself:
00 20 - Split OFF

01 20 - 1G
02 20 - 2G
04 20 - 4G
08 20 - 64M

F0 20 - 60 sec
F1 20 - 300 sec
F2 20 - 30 min
or disabled the split value at value in PRI.a7s (by @AndyBig):
Search in PRI.a7s:
8F 48 00 78 C0 06 C0 0F
Change 00 78 to 00 20:
8F 48 00 20 C0 06 C0 0F

I give autoexec.ash script for this:
# fw version 1.2.6
# set file size to 4GB
sleep 3
writew 0xC0396E64 0x2004
sleep 1
# use this on your own risk !

One more script here is to modify the firmware version number, just to "fool" the mobile-phone app. You need to find in PRI.a7s:
for example, modify to version 1.2.7, autoexec.ash script:
# fw version 1.2.6
# set fw version to 1.2.7
sleep 3
writeb 0xC02DD3D8 0x37
sleep 1
# use this on your own risk !

Updated set file size to 4GB
# fw 1.2.6 (tested ok by @luckylz)
writew 0xC0396E64 0x2004

# fw 1.2.12 (tested ok by @cpurage)
writew 0xC03A8620 0x2004

# fw 1.2.13 (tested ok by @gente)
writew 0xC03A8520 0x2004
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Great job @luckylz.. Another reason why I just love this community.
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I have no guarantee on other version of Yi Cam, so you'd better to search the PRI.a7s file in your own firmware.
First sorry for my bad english :)
and now need to reserch how disable limitation at all )) Record without cutting files.
I found in disassembled firmware these values:
00 20 - Split OFF

01 20 - 1G
02 20 - 2G
04 20 - 4G
08 20 - 64M

F0 20 - 60 sec
F1 20 - 300 sec
F2 20 - 30 min
No one more values checked in split procedure.
Maybe the best result would be to disable the limitation if you do the following:
Find in PRI.a7s sequence in HEX:
8F 48 00 78 C0 06 C0 0F
Replace in this bytes
00 78
00 20
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Hi @AndyBig ! finally see you here ! thanks for you wonderfully sharing information.

I just wonder why guys who named as Andy, are so powerfully. Another Andy --> @Andy_S is also very great !;)
Maybe the best result would be to disable the limitation if you do the following:
Find in PRI.a7s sequence in HEX:
8F 48 00 78 06 C0 C0 0F

Hi, I only can find, maybe your wrong typing ?
8F 48 00 78 C0 06 C0 0F
Hi, I only can find, maybe your wrong typing ?
I'm sorry, an error occurred while copying the HEX values. Yes, right HEX sequence is
8F 48 00 78 C0 06 C0 0F
Thank you for correction :)
I do not have this camera, so I can not try himself. Perhaps this method will work. Perhaps it will work in combination with the replacement of "30 7A" to "00 20" from your first post.
But it is possible that any method will not work.
Hi @AndyBig , can you do me a favour?
There is a function in XiaoYi Cam mobile-app: "Find Camera".
If click this function, the camera will continue to beep.
I'd like to know the msg_id for this function, can you find in the disassembled firmware?
There is a function in XiaoYi Cam mobile-app: "Find Camera".
If click this function, the camera will continue to beep.
This occurs when communicating over WiFi?
I try to see but I suspect that all actions of WiFi services builtin Linux :)
Yes, when connect with wifi. I want to know the msg_id for "Find Camera"

For example:
msg_id 257 is to get token
msg_id 258 is to clear token
msg_id 769 is to take photo
msg_id 513 is start record
msg_id 514 is stop record
... ...
and so on
its a config setting - you can find it in C&C "buzzer beep"
Found ! Thanks guys.
It's buzzer_ring
If i modify your script like this it disable the file limitation??

# fw version 1.2.6
# set file size to 4GB
sleep 3
writew 0xC0396E64 0x2000 (instead 0x2004)
sleep 1
# use this on your own risk !

Thanks 4 the replies...
It's not possible while using FAT32.
It's right. But i was told that Xiaomi understand exFAT format of SD. If this is true, then limitations in file size must be very huge :)
It's right. But i was told that Xiaomi understand exFAT format of SD. If this is true, then limitations in file size must be very huge :)
The problem with larger files is if the camera freezes or something like taht, you will loose more video or even everything you were recording.