G1W-C Motion Detection : Power bank recommendation


New Member
Jan 2, 2014
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Hi all,

I started looking at dashcam and considering to enable motion detection. I was considering Power Magic but read recently that more are using power bank to do so.

I was wondering if there's a one-time step up solution as I heard a short drive is not enough to recharge the power bank.

I was thinking of a permanent setup in the car:
Car cig -> at least 10k mAh power bank -> dashcam (considering G1W-C)

Does anyone has similar setup? Does it work?

As I am living in Singapore, the typical usage of a car is 30 min to 1hr drive per trip and 2 trips per day. Will that be enough to recharge whatever the dashcam has used overnight? Some buys 2 and keep a charged unit at home and swap when it is needed.

Another worries is the total number of recharge for the power bank. It seems like most power bank has recharge cycle of about 500 times. If I drive daily, I will need to replace the battary every 1.5 years?

Should I just go back to Power Magic route and forget about all these trouble :p

Apologies for the long story and thanks in advance!