G1W-C turns (and stays) off during ignition

Strange. I give them solution above. The simplest way is to set fixed delay 60 seconds. A lot of problems will disappear at once.

the information you can give to the seller but it rarely ever gets to the developer
I will say that going to the 'On' position on the key switch (not push button start cars) you should let the car computer complete POST, the fuel pump come up to pressure, before spinning the starter. Not all circuits are cut when spinning the starter. If the cig lighter IS cut, find another circuit.
One easy way to find one is to watch the dome light. Does it go out, or just dim a little while starting?
Cig lighter circuits range from always on, to on in acc and start, to cut when starting.

Faster boot up? Not likely.
Delay to start recording? That would likely work. How long do you spin the starter?
To have the camera use it's own battery/capacitor to run a few seconds then initiate shutdown might be better.
Let the firmware tell the camera to start with power, but during shutdown wait 5 seconds then start saving/shutting down.

The problem/fix might be the power adapter used for the camera.
There is insufficient energy storage to run the camera through a power glitch. How many times has your desktop computer shut down with a short power outage? If the power supply stores just a few seconds of energy the computer will not sense a power outage and keep running.

The dash cam can have a battery or a capacitor but if the input power isn't buffered to cover a short interruption the camera will sense power off/power on.
The little cig lighter / USB adapters are the worst. Any glitch will shut down the 5 volts out.
Providing 5 volts to run the camera for just a few seconds would cost money and doesn't fit into the profit profile of the makers.
A 5.4v (5Farad) Supercapacitor on the 5v side should hold the voltage for a few seconds whilst your starter is cranking the engine. Cheap on Ebay.
If the 12 volt to 5 volt adapter can handle the current surge while charging the capacitor.
It just might look like a short until the voltage comes up (current leads voltage with a capacitor).
If properly designed, a power supply can have energy storage/supply filtering to cover short glitches.
This problem comes up from time to time here on DCT and it can manifest with different models of camera. One solution is to install a 5V adjustable delay timer in the circuit that runs the dash cam, set to a delay long enough for the car to start before it powers up the camera. These delay relay timers are quite affordable, selling for a few dollars each and are available on eBay. There is even a new micro-USB version available that I wasn't previously aware of.

See THIS link at eBay for some examples.


relay timer2.jpg

5V Conduction delay relay module
- high quality delay turn-on module.
- high-performance timing CPU design.
- power indicator LED and switch trigger timing indication LEDs
-The input can be connected to AC 250V 10A / DC 30V 10A load
-Chrono-potentiometer regulation time, adjustable delay from 0-24 seconds by default, or by changing the capacitance adjustment for longer times

1.Module based on: NE555 chip.
2.Delay module:delay connect module
3.Input voltage: DC5V-30V
4.Control voltage: AC 0~250V / max. 10A, DC 0~30V / max. 10A operating voltage: 5 volts DC; (otherwise 5V optional)
5.Max. load: 2200W

Main Chip (NE555) Characteristics:
1. Timing from microseconds to long hours
2. Simple circuit design
3. Precision Pulse Generation / Timing,
4. Adjustable Duty Cycle
5. Burglar, alarm, building delay switch, sound and light control light switch.
6. Delay powered vehicle equipment, to prevent large currents generated as the car starts.
7. Prevent simultaneous launch multiple devices cause burning appliances or fail to start.
Wide voltage 5V~30V, trigger delay relay module, timer module, conduction delay,
delay switch.
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I agree that additional power delay eg. from cigarette plug can be good solution but I do not agree that additional fixed delay, shall we say, 10 seconds can be good. It will be not comfortable for driver to keep in mind to start engine before engine start.

I find that delay of power like this:

can be better solution than firmware mod.
But... I am not sure...

Let's imagine two scenario:

Half key turn - power on. Car POST is made. Delay circuit makes shall we say 10 s delay. POST was finished in that time. Power from delay circuit is ready now - camera starts. We start engine and camera feels power fall - problem
The same issues occur - when we start engine during camera start (before recording) and when we start engine when camera starts recording.
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I agree that additional power delay eg. from cigarette plug can be good solution but I do not agree that additional fixed delay, shall we say, 10 seconds can be good. It will be not comfortable for driver to keep in mind to start engine before engine start.

I find that delay of power like this:

can be better solution than firmware mod.

What do you mean by "It will be not comfortable for driver to keep in mind to start engine before engine start"?

The product you linked to on eBay is the same type of delay timer device as previously mentioned. These timers have adjustable delays according to one's requirements. - "Main Chip (NE555) Characteristics: Timing from microseconds to long hours"
If we set long delay on circuit eg. 1 minute we should make car POST and start engine. Until this time (60s) camera is not power supplied. After 60s time camera starts and begins recording.

Time to drink some beer... hard to think at the end of week
Have a nice weekend for everyone :)
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I think anyone using a delay timer would need to do some trial and error testing to discover just how long a delay their particular car/camera set-up requires.

Edit - Na zdrowie !
You have hit the nail right into the head :)
We are on the right track but we do need testing of the delay-on timer.

The problem I have found is when we are sitting in the car with ACC powered (eg. getting petrol, waiting for someone) so we can listen to music. The dash cam is generally operating for some time. When the driver starts the car, power is briefly removed and sometimes causing the dash cam to lock/crash (not recording). In this scenario, will the delayed start power off for the duration to create another clean boot ?
We are on the right track but we do need testing of the delay-on timer.

The problem I have found is when we are sitting in the car with ACC powered (eg. getting petrol, waiting for someone) so we can listen to music. The dash cam is generally operating for some time. When the driver starts the car, power is briefly removed and sometimes causing the dash cam to lock/crash (not recording). In this scenario, will the delayed start power off for the duration to create another clean boot ?

the timers will hold power for a preset time value when they lose power, when you start the car it would hold the power on as though nothing had changed so the camera would keep on running
I suspect this would be the case. The timer only has a brief voltage drop and continues to stay powered on. This means the cam will also see the voltage drop and may still lock up. Ideally we need to have the timer see the voltage drop and reset, hence removing power to the cam and doing a full delayed repower.

Testing will prove what the real outcome will be.

I will soon be trialing the capacitor method.
I suspect this would be the case. The timer only has a brief voltage drop and continues to stay powered on. This means the cam will also see the voltage drop and may still lock up. Ideally we need to have the timer see the voltage drop and reset, hence removing power to the cam and doing a full delayed repower.

the timers are setup three wire, when the accessories are cut when you start the car it still holds power to the camera, there is no interruption to power from the cameras perspective so it just continues, that's the whole idea, it also means when you power off the car the camera will continue to run for whatever timer value you have set before shutting down
Yes, if this was setup with the relay being fed via a direct (fused) battery wire it should work. Some internal 12v feeds internal to the car do remove power during the starter cycle.
The delay circuit (timer) should make power supply delay longer then car POST + a few seconds more. During car POST the camera is not powered at all because the timer counts!!! After POST and additional several seconds the timer switches on the camera power supply. It should works well. It is necessary to set delay longer then entire POST procedure plus several seconds more to get time to make additional procedures eg. mirror setting and finally engine start.

We do not need to delay shutdown, we need to delay camera startup to prevent against double camera triggering. Normally first power trigger occurs just after key turn. We have to "mask" this fact by means of timer. The timer should power up camera after POST procedures, mirrors setting and even engine start. Then powering up the camera will be first trigger !!!

So, I think that delay should be minimum 1 minute's time.

I think also that common relay plus one bipolar transistor, capacitor and resistor should make necessary simple delay circuit.
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you can add a power on delay, I wouldn't do it this way though, power off delay is more reliable for this