G1W-CB shuts down when cranking


New Member
Jun 15, 2016
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Dash Cam
hi there, this is my first posting here.
i bought 2 G1W-CB's via gearbest, they are genuine and everything is fine except for one thing.
when i put key in my car and turn it one step, camera powers up and starts recording.
then when i turn key one more step to crank the engine, camera shuts down.
after that i have to manually turn camera on via power button on top, which is annoying because i have 2 cameras, 1 in the back and 1 in the front.
in settings-version it shows "2015.1109.11" for both of my cameras.
i guess that is firmware number

also, i watched alots of videos and reviews about this camera before buying it and nobody mentioned this problem.
That is the version (2015.1109.11) I'm currently having the problem with too. I have a "newer" version from the supplier, but the date is older. Like I said in the previous thread, I'm unsure what to do. I don't want to lose the functionality I currently have.
easy way to work around this is add a delay timer to keep power to the camera, less than $10 in parts to get what you need


Unfortunately, that work around doesn't solve the issue for my use case. This install is for a senior driver who makes short trips, the most critical time being pulling in and out of parking spaces.

The pause at ACC could be 1 sec. or 2 min., noway to know because they are unpredictable starting the truck. So setting the timer too long would miss video the device was intended to catch, too short and it might still shut off anyway.

There has to be a firmware that solves this, based on users not having this issue with the same hardware.

I wrote blueskysea@coshinegroup.com for the latest firmware, not sure what their customer service / product support is like (I have very low expectations).
what bugs me is, this camera (capacitor model) is out there for years now.
and i saw loads of reviews online as well as youtube footage.
i saw nobody complaining about this.
and since all modern cars (even some older) have function of cutting off power to accessories during cranking, nobody probably noticed this because it didn't happen.
so, that's why it make sense what "quaters" is saying about this being firmware problem.
so my theory is, older firmware was ok and in newer firmware they messed something up.
is there way to revert to old firmware somehow?
what bugs me is, this camera (capacitor model) is out there for years now.
and i saw loads of reviews online as well as youtube footage.
i saw nobody complaining about this.
and since all modern cars (even some older) have function of cutting off power to accessories during cranking, nobody probably noticed this because it didn't happen.
so, that's why it make sense what "quaters" is saying about this being firmware problem.
so my theory is, older firmware was ok and in newer firmware they messed something up.
is there way to revert to old firmware somehow?
Here is the FW that estore009 sent me 2015.1012.11: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bx_VJpIMYTBzeEUwNjlIeTgwWDg/view?usp=sharing
I'm not brave enough to try it. Since it's an older version by the date stamp, maybe it fixes the issue. If anyone tries please post the results.
well, tomorrow i am traveling, and i'll be back in october.
so i won't have access to my car until then.
if there is no solution to this problem until then, i'll test 2013.1112.18 on one of my G1W-CB (i have 2).
i'm also planning to hardwire my cameras then.

also i googled a little bit and supposedly newest firmware for this cam is 2016.0217

if anyone is willing to test these 2 firmwares for problem of shutting down when cranking engine, please post results in this thread.
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I have the same problem intermittently on two A118C devices in two different vehicles - it seems to do it if I pause too long on the first step before the full crank or the vehicle doesn't start fast enough. Irritating. I guess the solution jokiin is referencing would work if I moved the power to a non switched source, but both are currently on switched sources - obviously. I will have to look in to it.
There has to be a firmware that solves this, based on users not having this issue with the same hardware.

The question is: those who don't have that issue, what firmware do they have in their cameras? That's where you should start because there's the possibility they might have the same FW as you...
ok, as promised, i came back in october and i tested 2014.0813.11 firmware and it fixes "shutdown when cranking" problem.
it stays powered ON when cranking.
but allegedly this firmware has problems with recording.
allegedly, it stops recording once SD card is full.
why do i say "allegedly"?
because i haven't tested that yet.
ok, as promised, i came back in october and i tested 2014.0813.11 firmware and it fixes "shutdown when cranking" problem.
it stays powered ON when cranking.
but allegedly this firmware has problems with recording.
allegedly, it stops recording once SD card is full.
why do i say "allegedly"?
because i haven't tested that yet.
Does that mean it will not loop after reaching capacity?? If so that is a deal breaker.

Thank you so much for testing this. I wish they would merge the two firmwares to make it right. Is that too much to ask.. ha

Please let me know what you find out on the looping.

well i did some more testing and found no problems.
when SD card is full, it deletes oldest file and overwrites it with new one.
looks like this firmware is best so far.
found somewhere on forums one dude complaining about this firmware, but i think it is his SD card problem and not firmware.
if you're gonna flash firmware on your G1W-C (or CB), here is the steps: (i successfully flashed it this way on both of my cam's):
1. while still in your car, turn camera ON and STOP recording
2. format SD card using camera menu
3. unplug camera
4. download and extract this file on your computer: https://www.sendspace.com/file/qs862r (it is 2014.0813.11 firmware), it should be named:"FW96650A.bin"
5. connect camera to your computer , when cam turns on, select "mass storage"
6. there should be new drive now on your computer (it is SD card from your cam)
7. open it and copy "FW96650A.bin" to it
8. disconnect the camera from your computer
9. go to your car, (don't connect cam to your computer anymore), connect cam to car power, (not to your computer) and turn car ON.
10. wait until camera flashes itself, it shouldn't take more then one minute.
11. camera just turned ON and it has 2014.0813.11 firmware, using menu, FORMAT SD card (dont skip formatting, this is very important at this step cause if you don't delete that flash file from SD card, camera will flash itself every time it turns ON)
12. adjust settings to your liking (loop time, motion detection OFF, G sensor off, bla bla...)
13. check version from menu, it should be 2014.0813.11, and show middle finger to whoever is writing these firmwares.