GPS Viewer Recommendation

So surely this is exactly my point, the programme is resident on Datakam Cameras, so if this site closes down what happens then?

no, they use it on Datakam cameras, there's a copy of it on the camera that writes to the memory card, purely for convenience, nothing to do with a copy of the same program that you can download yourself

you download it, you put it where you like, nothing to do with anyone else, no reliance on any other site or server other than the map data which is provided by Google, if Google closes down you can select one of the other map options in the software, if they all close down this software is probably the least of your worries
The difference is that with Avidemux I am given a programme which, when I run, installs itself on my computer, the programme is then mine. With Registrator Viewer the programme does not install on my computer, it runs remotely from Dakacam's site.
My question can be posed like this; what is the difference between installing a programme that runs on my computer and running an exe file that that does not install on my computer? do I have control over the latter or not?
All installers do is copy required files to various places on your computer - a portable exe like Registrator Viewer is portable which means it doesn't need any other files other than the one .exe file.

They could wrap it in an installer if they chose too but there's really no point.

What do you mean by control? You've got as much control over that copy of RegistratorViewer.exe as anything else on your computer.

If you just save that .exe onto your Windows Desktop then it will sit there until you decide you either want to upgrade it which is when you download the new version, or you don't want it any more at which point you just delete it and then empty your recycle bin which essentially does an uninstall of it.

I have a stack of these portable applications on a USB drive and I can then run them wherever I am.

When you load RV it checks to see if there's an update available, but if the site isn't available it just carries on minus maps like the guys have said if there's no internet connection.
The difference is that with Avidemux I am given a programme which, when I run, installs itself on my computer, the programme is then mine. With Registrator Viewer the programme does not install on my computer, it runs remotely from Dakacam's site.
Wrong again

Download it, disconnect from the internet and run it, only thing without being online is mapping doesn't display for files that have GPS info, everything else is business as usual
The 'wrong again' is surpurfulous and passive aggressive, if you don't ask you don't learn.
Thanks to all for the clarification.
My question can be posed like this; what is the difference between installing a programme that runs on my computer and running an exe file that that does not install on my computer? do I have control over the latter or not?
I guess the real difference is that you have to install it yourself manually instead of having the installer do it.

It is perfectly possible for an installed program to be dependent on an internet server, in fact it is possible that during the install process it can be given higher privileges so may be more dangerous and out of control.
The 'wrong again' is surpurfulous and passive aggressive, if you don't ask you don't learn.
Thanks to all for the clarification.
Disagree with that, the "wrong" indicates that your statement is incorrect, not superfluous at all, jokiin has been trying to help you, not fight you!
The 'wrong again' is unnecessary, the sentance makes sense without it, it us passive aggressive.
The 'wrong again' is unnecessary, the sentance makes sense without it, it us passive aggressive.
The sentence, and in fact the whole paragraph, only consists of those two words, it doesn't exist without them so how can it make sense without them!
The difference is that with Avidemux I am given a programme which, when I run, installs itself on my computer, the programme is then mine. With Registrator Viewer the programme does not install on my computer, it runs remotely from Dakacam's site.

Avidemux will have limited functionality and won't correct for overlap between video segments very easily. (plus no GPS speed/location/map data)

I've never heard of a Windows program that "runs remotely" unless you have a thin client box in a corporate environment. The only thing I'm aware of that "runs remotely" aka Cloud Computing would be Web Site based apps. (like, etc)
It's true the Map Data is pulled down on demand, but you can't expect to download gigs of offline map data for the whole world just to run RegistratorViewer offline with no internet connected.

So yes RegistratorViewer was put together as a "portable" exe rather than a complete installation package.
The Portable Executable (PE) format is a file format for executables, object code, DLLs, FON Font files,[1][2] and others used in 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windowsoperating systems. The PE format is a data structure that encapsulates the information necessary for the Windows OS loader to manage the wrapped executable code. This includes dynamic library references for linking, API export and import tables, resource management data and thread-local storage (TLS) data.

Check out this section on how to best use RegistratorViewer:
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The 'wrong again' is surpurfulous and passive aggressive, if you don't ask you don't learn.
Thanks to all for the clarification.

Sorry if you took it that way, I wasn't having a go at you, if you were asking a question then a question mark would have gone a long way however what you wrote came across as a statement, which was wrong, if I was just having a go I wouldn't have then tried to clarify how it works
When I record in 1296p no device plays videos . I have a 1080p TV , PC, smartphone bluray and nothing plays the video , only the mini 0803. anyone know what should I do ?
In RegistratorViewer try the menu Playback/Renderer/VMR, that should work.

If you update your computers codecs with the right ones then other things like Windows Media Player and Microsoft Movie Maker will be able to understand it too...
I have the registration viewer, but it don't run the video.
Yes, with the menu option the video plays.
Thank you!
Yes, with the menu option the video plays.
Thank you!
You'r welcome :)

Now you could try installing some new codecs for Windows Media Player etc. : , I don't know exactly what is needed but after installing K-Lite I could view and edit any Mini 0803 video. I think that also overlays the GPS speed subtitles on the video when viewing in Windows Media Player if you save them using RegistratorViewer.