GuardTrak GT2S model details and info

Bit of an update for anyone that might be interested

Our tooling is nearing final stage (first injection test was today) which means possibly Friday we should be getting some of the first sample tooling, depending what fine adjustments are required, there's always something

We've made a couple of refinements to the design, power button was raised up slightly to make it easier to operate, took the red reference line off the back of the camera and changed it to black, we've added the location of the two LED's (power and record) that are next to the screen

inside view.png

Our patent paperwork has been filed so I can show a bit more detail than I wanted to previously

Here's the camera off the mount bracket


Here's the mount bracket, as mentioned previously the bracket stays attached to the window when you take the camera off and contains the 12v/24v power supply and the GPS is built into the bracket, power cable of course is connected to the bracket

We're another revision down on the mainboard and 2 revisions in on firmware, still stuff to be done though of course, most of the firmware stuff is sorted but still some fine tuning and as per the previous camera we'll continue working on it, adding features and improvements along the way

We've also been working on the accessories, nothing is off the shelf so just doing things like power cables, we're using an Apple MFI licensed supplier for the power adapter, not because it has anything to do with Apple but basically because the standard is higher, real copper wire, better quality fittings, that sort of thing, little stuff in the scheme of things but all things that need to be done, still lots to do, user manuals, accessories, packaging etc that will keep us (me) busy over the next few weeks

This first one is by far the most involved because everything is new, a lot of what we're doing though translates directly to the following models as there's a lot of shared hardware so the following models will be able to roll out much quicker than this one has, more on those models as we get closer
I hope that the power connector that you are supplying with the camera will be a 90 degree one, so that it saves some 1-2 cm space if you want to place the camera on the most upper part of the windshield.
I hope that the power connector that you are supplying with the camera will be a 90 degree one, so that it saves some 1-2 cm space if you want to place the camera on the most upper part of the windshield.

Yes it's a 90 degree connector
One more question about mounting camera into the bracket: where is the camera hanging? I can see in the picture the white thing from the button, but no other clamping place.
Hard to explain but it does have a section the slides in and it locks together, just not easy to make out in the pictures
It looks like the block with the 5 pins has a recess around the top and sides and the camera is pressed forward just a bit above the block and then slides down to keep it tight to the base and the white thing prevents the camera from sliding up and disengaging. The weight of the camera is carried by the block. Of course when you want to dismount the camera, push the slider on the front to the right, the white thing is withdrawn and the camera can be lifted up to clear the block and it's free. Well that's my guess...
Ah well, And here I wanted to mount at the bottom of the windscreen... will the camera have 180 degree inversion so I can mount it upside down? :)
Ah well, And here I wanted to mount at the bottom of the windscreen... will the camera have 180 degree inversion so I can mount it upside down? :)

no, it wouldn't work upside down so there is no provision in the software to invert the picture, no camera really works well at the bottom of the window as the field of view is wrong and it mucks with the AE levels, too much sky, not enough road
I've been investigating purchasing a dashcam for a couple of weeks and not surprisingly this is one of my favorite forums . Why? Because of the variety of comments, almost always positive and informative. The one thing that has impressed me more than anything is the attention to detail that Jokiin is applying to this product. I work in the embedded computer industry and know how hard it is to make products that will last, especially in a challenging environment like a vehicle. When I buy a dashcam, I will take the time to install it professionally and then I want to forget it - unless/until I need the footage. I don't want to be constantly messing with it because it's stopped recording, broken, fallen off the windscreen etc.

I think I'm your ideal customer, I will wait until it's properly ready and then buy one on the day of release (assuming the price is reasonable).

Look forward to hearing more as you get closer to release.
We've made a couple of refinements to the design, power button was raised up slightly to make it easier to operate, took the red reference line off the back of the camera and changed it to black, we've added the location of the two LED's (power and record) that are next to the screen

[...] but basically because the standard is higher, real copper wire, better quality fittings, that sort of thing,
A lot of good work and refinement, especially I like some small details you have done, like the removal of that small red line. The more the cam is without ostentation behind the windscreen the better it is e.g. for the prevention of theft of property from vehicles. Raising up the power button is a proper decision, now you can feel the button also in the dark without looking especially for it.
The LED's seems very small and discreet to me, what I appreciate, but will both glow permanently or will it be possible to set an option in the menu, for instance that both of them will only glow, when I start the ignition and start the recording and afterwards disappear from sight? I prefer as little lights as possible, which distract my attention from the traffic and streets.
Better quality fittings results in more satisfied customers. So keep on that track. :)
The power button realistically is not something you'd need to use too often but it just wasn't good enough so I changed it, there have been some other changes as well but it was stuff that was never announced so telling people what we've done is less obvious I guess anyway if they hadn't seen the earlier version

we are adding an option to disable the LED's in the menu so if you don't want to see them you can shut them off

we are also working on having a valet mode option which would disable all lights and sounds when activated (free unit going out to the person that suggested that once we get that happening) so it won't appear to be doing anything, still working on that

things like the car adapter as I mentioned we've gone to an Apple licensed supplier because the standard is better but we've still done some refinement, increased the gauge of the cable, used a low brightness LED, used a cig plug that is screwed together not glued, little stuff but it's the right way to do it I believe
Personally I find sounds not as bad as e.g. blinking lights in the darkness, which distract me much more. Maybe you can implement separate options for turning off sounds and lights? Some may find both helpful, some only the LEDs or sounds or some none of that.
sounds can already be turned off, that's no issue, for valet mode there is nothing from the camera, no light, sound, nothing from the LED screen, the idea of valet mode is just as implied, maybe someone else has your car but you don't want to alert them to the recordings, valet parking, car service etc
Jokiin, does the lens rotate 180 degrees for buses, taxis or times you want to film the interior? I would say this could also be useful to deter interior theft in Valet mode. I had someone get into my car and clean it out. Insurance covers accidents not personal stuff in the car.
Jokiin, does the lens rotate 180 degrees for buses, taxis or times you want to film the interior? I would say this could also be useful to deter interior theft in Valet mode. I had someone get into my car and clean it out. Insurance covers accidents not personal stuff in the car.

no, 100 degrees rotation, when we do the dual camera models it would be possible to use the second cam as an interior cam (we do get asked about this regularly) but it's not the intended usage of this model
What aperture number?