Hands on: the Hyundai MnSoft R700


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
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Nice place
Dash Cam
Viofo A229 Pro TeleQuad (the best dashcam in the world!)
The Hyundai R700 is a korean camera which can be found on ebay for about $290.

Video format:
It is recording at 1080p 30FPS, up to 13mbps, H264 in AVI container in video segments of 1 minute. You must to know from the start that with the actual firmware (which is in english) you cannot join the AVI segments in direct stream copy using VirtualDub or MKV Merge because the framerate is different for every clip, but around 30FPS and also the audio have different sampling rates about 8000Hz for every file. This is for the first time when I have this problem with a dash cam so you must convert the FPS (to 30FPS) and audio sampling rate.
There is no pause between video segments.
The camera was offered by astrobile.com.

The image is offered by a Sony Image processor, the lens is about 150 degrees and I can say the image is not very distorted on the sides, like I saw on other dashcams.
The PC configuration tool is offering some settings for the image like: Artifficial Intelligence Auto-Exposure which should make more visible the car number plates during night recordings, Fog Perception which should make the image more clearer in these conditions, Noise Removal and of course, Brightness Improvement which is a general setting with no steps which is affecting the image during day and night. I used only the Artifficial Intelligence Auto-Exposure.
The image is nice, clear and rich even sometimes the sky have some strange blue colors, but we are not interested about sky here.

The contends of SD Card can be found here: https://mega.co.nz/#!3oYwhbAC!QJWVik9Bw ... Ppp7Oy7Xhw
I don't know from where to get the latest firmware update, but here are some screenshots from the PC configuration tool and you can see also the firmware version which is 1.0.3:

As you can see in the screenshots, there are some simple settings, easy to understand, but I will write a little about the parking mode based on voltage because this was new to me: when using this option the camera will enter in parking or normal mode based on car battery voltage. When you are making this setting and using the camera for the first time with it, insert the card in the camera when the engine it not running. Start the camera. A voice will tell you to start the engine and press the camera button (the top most button). In this way the camera will know which is the voltage for the running engine and in the future it will know when to enter in normal or parking mode based on this voltage.
For me was very nice because I can turn off the frontal security LED, but you must to know that the side and back small blue lights lights cannot be turned off. These lights are not disturbing you, but some people don't want any light at all.
The english voice is nice and clear and you can turn it off too.
The videos are nice ordered based on day an hour.
Another interesting option is a mixed video quality recording called MicroSD Card optimized which is used to record in VGA mode for normal mode and just the events are recording in FullHD mode. This will save a lot of Card space. I am not using this optioin because I want best quality all the time, but for long trips this can be an option for you to save a lot of space.

When using for the first time you must format the SD card using the bottom two camera back buttons pressing on them at the same time, when the voice is telling you this.
I don't have the GPS module so I can't tell you about the GPS.
Also use the camera with the voice ON for the first time to hear the messages because when using voltage sensing you must to press some buttons. After you understand how is working the camera you can turn the camera Voice OFF.

Here is what is inside the camera (not my pictures, but from some russian forum).

I like at this camera the form factor because is not very visible from the front and the always white lights during night recordings (no more yellow or reddish image during night city driving).
During 2 weeks of daily test I never had any problem like camera stop working even the weather is hot here now.
The start-up time of the camera is about 30 seconds,

My video review:

How is working the event mode on R700 or any camera with this option:

Night recording:

Day recordings:

Original video files:
https://mega.co.nz/#!f0BmULbJ!f499ij2i8 ... ECdo-uqDAM
https://mega.co.nz/#!T5pSBSTb!CCzzZltct ... v2zYWzfuP8

Camera lights and mount:

Power on, power off, LEDs, lights and english voice:
The frontal LED and the voice can be turned off.



  • R700-setup.jpg
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  • R700-setup2.jpg
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  • Hyundai R700 lights.jpg
    Hyundai R700 lights.jpg
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Great review.
I was looking at this dash cam tempted to buy for nearly a half year. Based on Korean forums its high quality built with very good video quality. Now you also confirmed this.
Few questions:
1. Does it goes automatically into parking mode and sets into motion detection?
2. I dont like any blinking led so what do you think, if open the body and cut led wires of rear leds will not interrupt any other functions ? Other dash cams i did this trick were working fine.
3. Can you upload all those video samples in raw files to download.
4. Have you tried playing files on Russian made RegistratorViewer ? Works ?

1. Yes. It is entering in parking mode after 10 or 20 minutes after you stop the car, depending which setting of them you apply. When the camera is in parking mode and a motion is detected it also is making a beep sound. I am using the lowest sensors settings and are OK for me. I don't have many event files because of small road vibrations.
2. I wrote about the blinking LEDs already. The side lights are not blinking but only if you are in Mute mode. In other situations the lights are constant. I will post a small video about the R700 lights.
3. Updated the first post with download links for original videos.
4. Registrator Viewer was not made to work with avi files like the R700 ones, but only with MP4 or MOV files. But you can manually play the selected file in Registrator Viewer.

looks good quality

tried put into a spider nest ? like a place whit a lot overexposure such a place whit a lot cars during night to see if brake lights overexpose. ? :?:
Mtz said:
1. Yes. It is entering in parking mode after 10 or 20 minutes after you stop the car, depending which setting of them you apply. When the camera is in parking mode and a motion is detected it also is making a beep sound. I am using the lowest sensors settings and are OK for me. I don't have many event files because of small road vibrations.
2. I wrote about the blinking LEDs already. The side lights are not blinking but only if you are in Mute mode. In other situations the lights are constant. I will post a small video about the R700 lights.
3. Updated the first post with download links for original videos.
4. Registrator Viewer was not made to work with avi files like the R700 ones, but only with MP4 or MOV files. But you can manually play the selected file in Registrator Viewer.


You are right, Registrator Viewer plays single avi files, but because of poor codec pack it plays videos with big pixel cubes in some places, so its not best choice. VLC player was best to play files if not having special MnSoft player.
For me any blinking led at night ( at parking mode ) is NO NO. It's attracts bad guys. But I have sorted out this issue yesterday without cuting any led / diode wires. I used darkest car windows tinting film, cut for each LED small pcs and applied them with hair-dryier to each LED, cut surrounding excess. Also used same on all buttons that has LED. Now all led diodes and led buttons are "tinted" :). Now it is almost impossible to see led-s light from outside of the car. Only if you are inside the car and close to dash camera

Thx for raw files.
I added a latest youtube video which is including also the lights.

Mtz said:
I added a latest youtube video which is including also the lights.


Thank for video.
I purchased it at the astrobile.com
It is going on big discount promotion for R700 and considered as the best price than other sites.
They support English things such as manual and PC viewer though.
I'm satisfied with this R700 as good resolution video quality.
Anyone who is interested in R700, this time is the best chance to get R700 with the lowest price.
After one month of hot summer usage the camera is working without any problem regarding the heat. Never auto power off because of heat or other problems.
But the image quality have some problems. Not because of heat, but some other problem unidentified by me.

Thanks for the review, do you have any samples which I can download, as opposed to viewing on YouTube? Just to see what the quality is like before YouTube messes them up.

xreyuk said:
Thanks for the review, do you have any samples which I can download, as opposed to viewing on YouTube? Just to see what the quality is like before YouTube messes them up.


If you read with more attention first post, you will see links to raw video files.
niko said:
xreyuk said:
Thanks for the review, do you have any samples which I can download, as opposed to viewing on YouTube? Just to see what the quality is like before YouTube messes them up.


If you read with more attention first post, you will see links to raw video files.

Whoops, must have missed those.
I don't understand too many things from that blog.
After two monts of daily usage during hot summer the camera is still working everytime.

Mtz said:
I don't understand too many things from that blog.
After two monts of daily usage during hot summer the camera is still working everytime.


I agree with you, too man y words are translated with direct Google translator, where meaning is confused. After few years of Korean blogs I have laready used to their expressions ( short-words / synonymous ), but for new reader it is hard to understand some time. Basically in that article they have tested side by side few top rated Korean dash cams for temperature, power consumption etc.
I purchased a SoftMan R700 with a GPS unit 3 weeks ago (from eBay) and I found that the GPS unit that comes with the DVR is pretty sensitive but had a bug in the posision display window of the softman R700 application, I found that any posision with a negative longitude value would be incorrectly displayed in a mirror like fashion from west of the GMT meridian line.

I have edited the map.html file and uploaded it here (you will have to change the extension of the file from .pdf to .zip and extract the file as I cannot upload the map.html or zip file directly due to web page restrictions).

The fix works great from the US to most of the UK (until you pass the GMT meridian line), the changes I made to the file are as follows:

line 217 contains initial posisioning data for the map which you can change to your home location if you like.


line 302 contains the negative (-) flag next to the longitude variable.

These are the only 2 things I have changed in the file and I know this is not the perfect fix but I am not a programmer just someone that had a go.
I hope people find this as useful as I did.


I think its the same case as with Korean Panorama2. German buyer did not had gps log data problem readings but me ( Ireland ) and few others had this issue with using mirror data recording due to probably a GMT issue ? But RegistratorViewer developer released Beta version and it works perfectly now.
Maybe it will help you as well? Try.
jokiin said:
If registrator viewer supports your model there are correction options within the program

Hi jokiin,thanks for that, I will try it if can download it, I think the server is very busy right now.