Hello from Sweden - Eager to learn about Dashcameras

How do you store and manage video files

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Robert Lonn

New Member
Nov 22, 2015
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I am from Sweden and dont have a dashcam(yet).
Since I am uncertain about the leagal situation in Sweden I just have to learn from you here in the forum. I think there is much to gain from dashcams for Sweden as well.

How are you taking care of the files from the dashcameras?
Do you store them on files or just delete them?

Looking forward to learn about dashcams here
I think the majority of people don't keep the files unless something important happens

you've come to the right place anyway, heaps of info here
Welcome to forum, Robert !
I just save the files with action in them, and of those i normally cut out the good parts and put it on youtube.
Files ( 3 minute ones ) is about 3 - 400 MB so you generate a lot of data, and most of it is just worthless as nothing happen in front of the camera.

A dashcam is really a set and forget device, so you only take footage off it when you need it, the rest of the time it is just there "just in case"

A rule of thumb is still to look over files created on your SD card, just to make sure they match with your drives lately, some allso format ther SD card once in a while.
Dashcams store our footage on fairly small SD cards, and so they take a lot of "abuse" and so its a good idea to have a eye on your SD cards performance.
If you go for a good camera that should not be a problem, then again even the best brands once in a while encounter problems.

So the set and forget is not all true, thats why you inspect the SD card once in a while. Personally i think i have my card out of my cameras every 3 weeks or so, but i dont drive a lot these days as i am without a job.

O and welcome to the forum Robert
Hi, and welcome to the forum Robert!

There are laws prohibiting dashcams in Sweden? Makes me wonder about Norway. I could not be bothered to check:eek:

At any rate, my cam records in 5min segments, then it overwrites the oldest file when the card is full. If i want to keep a file, I copy it to my computer. Mostly they are never even watched, but should an incident occur it's nice to know I got it on tape. Also I have done timelapses of roadtrips , sort of a narrative effect in editing family vacation videos :)
Hi, and welcome to the forum Robert!

There are laws prohibiting dashcams in Sweden? Makes me wonder about Norway. I could not be bothered to check:eek:

At any rate, my cam records in 5min segments, then it overwrites the oldest file when the card is full. If i want to keep a file, I copy it to my computer. Mostly they are never even watched, but should an incident occur it's nice to know I got it on tape. Also I have done timelapses of roadtrips , sort of a narrative effect in editing family vacation videos :)
Thanks! Yes I believe it might fall under the survailance laws.... but I am not certain. Thank you for the tip on a cool way of using the videos. I can imagine that adding a very nice touch to vacation footage.
I just save the files with action in them, and of those i normally cut out the good parts and put it on youtube.
Files ( 3 minute ones ) is about 3 - 400 MB so you generate a lot of data, and most of it is just worthless as nothing happen in front of the camera.

A dashcam is really a set and forget device, so you only take footage off it when you need it, the rest of the time it is just there "just in case"

A rule of thumb is still to look over files created on your SD card, just to make sure they match with your drives lately, some allso format ther SD card once in a while.
Dashcams store our footage on fairly small SD cards, and so they take a lot of "abuse" and so its a good idea to have a eye on your SD cards performance.
If you go for a good camera that should not be a problem, then again even the best brands once in a while encounter problems.

So the set and forget is not all true, thats why you inspect the SD card once in a while. Personally i think i have my card out of my cameras every 3 weeks or so, but i dont drive a lot these days as i am without a job.

O and welcome to the forum Robert
Thank you! Good to know about the reformating of SD cards. I suppose the footage become useless if the SD card is too slow.
Some makers recomend stupid fast cards with 40 MB/s write speeds, but i do allright with the kingston sdxc cards i use and they only do around 10-15 MB/s

Plenty for recording, but i bit slow in the card reader if you are going to move all 64 Gb off the card, but i only pick a file here and there of fellow Danes driving like idiots, so i do them the favor of putting them om youtube.

And doing that i think is illigal here, but i will not stop before a judge order me to do that, here its okay to record what ever i want, the problems come when you publish that footage.

A camera with a bitrate of 20 mbit will need a card that can handle less than 5 MB/s so in thoery you should be able to make do with old slow SDHC cards.
But there is no need to go cheap on the SD card, by local to make sure you have good warrenty terms, and using a little more will even land you one of the stupid fast cards for 50 - 100 kr more.

Next card i will get will be somthing like this, thats about +100 kr over my other kingston cards, but have much faster read/write speeds.

Be advised some dashcams might have issues with some types / models of memory cards, there is some debating on this matter on here about what is the best memory brand.
Some hate sandisk - some love them.

I use both sandisk - kingston and lexxar.
I believe it might fall under the survailance laws
You are right, it is in the domain of "datatilsynet", and the surveillance laws. But dashcams are not forbidden, just frowned upon. But if I was to upload captures from the dashcam to youtube, it would make me a criminal.
Maybe the laws are similar and same in Sweden then as in Denmark and Norway as Kamkar1 and Bitmash points out. Seems like a good Dashcam is what I want for Christmas this year:-)