Help: A129 Plus Duo drains car batter completely??


New Member
Jul 8, 2021
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United States
Hi, this is the 2nd time this has happened.

SO I had my mechanic hardwire using the Viofo hardwire kit to our 2014 Honda Oddessy van.

We set the voltage governor to 12.0v ( this is what many youtube videos recommended) . I am in the Bay Area.

THe 1st time this happened...the parking mode was set to low bitrate continuos. SO I thought that was the culprit.

SO I changed from low bitrate to motion sensor.

But obviously this didn't work.

I thought the voltage governor was supposed to save the battery??

WHat can i do?? the whole purpose of hardwiring was to get the parking security...i can;t have to keep jumping the battery??
How old is the battery?

Have you tried setting the voltage cutoff higher?
well if the hard wire kit have been set to a reasonable 12.2 V cut off, but dont do that, then there must be something wrong with the hard wire kit. ( this would be a first for me )
If the camera using low bitrate just record for hours on end, then the hard wire kit are supplying power to the camera, so at least that part of it is not broken.

Have you tried to turn off parking guard in the camera ? to see if there also is a power usage when the camera are clearly not recording ( maybe even unplug it from power when stopped )

Clearly you can not keep running your battery way down, that will actually kill it sooner or later.

I assume if the camera start / stop like a normal none parking guard using camera, then the wiring of the hard wire kit should be in order ( there have been cases with +12V and +12V ACC wires have been mislabeled, as there have also been cases of DIY people going by a misunderstood notion of what the wire color code are for 12 V ACC lines and 12 V BATT
I dont think that is a issue DT, as i understand the battery are discharged so low the car cant even crank, so way below 11 volts.
i Havent mechanic did a really good job hiding it so I have to find it.

Could it be the fuses he plugged it into?

any fuses u recommmed?

as for the battery...i have to ask my sister