How is it possible to take a picture with the A119 V3 ??


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Sep 4, 2016
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Come è possibile scattare una foto con la A119 V3 ??
Click once on the MENU button in RECORD mode to take a photo.
How do I set up my A119 V3 - 1.02 - Memory Lexar 64GB , to shoot continuous Video. It stops sooting after a minute or so at present. A detailed instructions please, I am new to Cam recorders.
[QUOTE = "krishan sondhi, post: 481737, membro: 61748"]
Come posso configurare la mia A119 V3 - 1.02 - Memory Lexar 64GB, per girare video continui. Smette di sparare dopo circa un minuto al momento. Un istruzioni dettagliate per favore, sono nuovo per i registratori Cam.
Vai nel Menu, e imposta la lunghezza della registrazione come vuoi tu..1Min..3in 5 Min 10 min....
As soon as it gets ignition power it should record continuously until the igntion power is cut.

It does record in chunks, separate .MP4 files, usually 3 mins each but user adjustable
It does record for a minute or so, when it gets power. REC button still lighted, but LCD shows no video. May I ask a detailed set up parameters to A119 V3 , so You may assist me with the problem. I am new to Dashcam.
It does record for a minute or so, when it gets power. REC button still lighted, but LCD shows no video. May I ask a detailed set up parameters to A119 V3 , so You may assist me with the problem. I am new to Dashcam.
Maybe the screensaver kicked in? Check what screensaver is set to.
Screen Saver has been turned OFF. Loop Rec - 2 minutes , EV -00, WDR - ON, Time lapse - OFF, Motion Detection - OFF GPS - ON, G señor - Low, Record Auto - ON , Is there any other setting or configuration to be programmed for A119V3 to record continuously . Please help.
How are you determining that the device is not recording as you think it should? Have you checked the files on the SD card? Please answer that question, seems obvious, but you haven't said. How are you determining that the device is not recording? There should be multiple 2 minute files on the SD card when viewed on your PC, eg: 15 files in the SD card folder as viewed from your PC for 30 minutes of recording, (as you set 2 minute loop recording). Also check the Frequency is set to 60 MHz for Canada.

You need to provide more info of & exactly your steps & be less demanding of users in this forum. Providing "Detailed" instructions for you is very time consuming for anyone to type out & would be extremely generous of another's time, when you can easily find that info yourself, most of which is in the user guide that came with the device or is downloadable from the Viofo website or you can find by searching this forum for v2 & v3 threads, as they are nearly the same, with v3 having only a few different settings options, none which should affect your "problem".

So ...... What EXACTLY do you mean by continuously? Loop recording is continuous just in 2 minute file segments (as per your present setting). Personally, I set loop recording to 10 minutes as that is supposed to be a bit more gentle on the life of the SD card. The device CANNOT record continuously as one continuous file or outside of a loop recording minutes setting, if that is what you are talking about, as your question is not clear (at least to me) what you mean by continuous.

Also, you want detailed instructions, but have you a) read the manual b) searched this forum? Also do a search for BC Hobbyist on this forum & YouTube as he has generously provided a LOT of Viofo information & modifications & how to's & videos. You could find all this with a web search.
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Screen Saver has been turned OFF. Loop Rec - 2 minutes , EV -00, WDR - ON, Time lapse - OFF, Motion Detection - OFF GPS - ON, G señor - Low, Record Auto - ON , Is there any other setting or configuration to be programmed for A119V3 to record continuously . Please help.
Are you saying with the above settings the camera stops recording after one minute or just that the screen shut off after one minutes? Have you checked the files on the memory card?
FYI, Lexar cards are not a reliable card to be used in dash cameras.
Sounds very much like some one has not rftm. Or does not understand the reason for looping. The format used by the SD-Card can only record upto 2Gb at a time hence why the video loops you can not have a continuous video you have to choose from the time lengths offer by the dashcam.
Does a recorded video is displayed on the LCD screen to comply with loop recording setting ( say 2 or 3 minutes ) . I shall follow , read instructions submitted by all. Thanks.
The time the screen shows depends on the time set in the display saver ( do not remember actual name) settings I use a 1 minute setting after which the screen goes blank but video is still being recorded.
The device does not display continuously while it is recording continuously, UNLESS the screensaver is set to Off. But that could be distracting & so dangerous & cause a ticket, as some distracted driving laws deem the LCD display on as a distraction offence. The screen saver timer kicks in as per your screen saver setting but the device will keep recording once the LCD turns off as per the screen saver timer. Do a web search or forum search here, LOTS of explanations & tutorials & settings suggestions. It is the same for all versions of the A119.

So is your question about DISPLAYING CONTINUOUSLY OR RECORDING CONTINUOUSLY? Please answer the questions that we are asking & so trying to help you with. You did NOT answer our previous questions which is bad manners IMO.

The device has a Playback Mode, which you can learn how to use via the Manual / User Guide. It is called PLAY MODE. You can choose whatever file that you want to view via the series of buttons as per the manual's instructions. It is a manual push button function as the device is not designed to be a playback device, other than one chosen file at a time.

Do web searches, do YouTube searches, READ the manual & push buttons & experiment & ..... answer our questions.
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I checked the SD CARD . There were video and Photo folders . It contained no continuous Video 1 or 2 minutes. I have to read , understand and set up. Thanks all who participated in my problems.
If there are no video files on the SD card, then your device was not recording. Was the device alarm Beeping? That means it is not recording. Also, make sure that you SEE on the LCD screen at the left top side, that the Orange Dot is Blinking (Recording Dot), which indicates that the device is recording.

The recording function turns on when the device is turned on (but after the Boot Delay setting) but recording can be turned off when the REC button is pressed (so one can then go into Menu choices), press again to turn Rec On. So make sure that you don't accidentally press the Rec button to turn off recording but the device alarm should beep when it is not recording until you turn Rec off (press Rec to then use Menu button).

Turn the device off via the Power Button or just unplug it. Then turn it on & don't touch anything & it should start recording after the boot delay setting. Let the device run for a few minutes (do you see the orange button blinking & the Rec button glow red?) & then turn the device off & then remove the SD card & check the files on your PC or use the Play Mode on the Viofo to check the recorded files.

Check YouTube for "BC Hobbyist". He has videos on Viofo Settings. It doesn't have to be the v3 except for a few newer settings which will be in your manual.
BC Rural: Thanks for your detailed Info.Orange Dot does blink for a minute or so. , then a blank LCD Screen. I did not know that A119 -V3 still in a record mode , it shall record after the loop REC setting ( 2 Minutes ). Should I reformat the card ,re- install menu setting. Do a run with the car and see. I read that " Always reset menu to default setting, after all firmware updates " I upgraded to Firmware 1.02 from 1.00. Do I have to change or configure any setting ?
BC Rural: Thanks for your detailed Info.Orange Dot does blink for a minute or so. , then a blank LCD Screen. I did not know that A119 -V3 still in a record mode , it shall record after the loop REC setting ( 2 Minutes ). Should I reformat the card ,re- install menu setting. Do a run with the car and see. I read that " Always reset menu to default setting, after all firmware updates " I upgraded to Firmware 1.02 from 1.00. Do I have to change or configure any setting ?
You need to try another brand memory card.