How to change language from Chinese to English

Note: When I refer to startup sound it is not a sound, it is a voice. I want to remove the voice of the woman. When I turn off I don't hear it

I want to delete the voice says "start recording"...
Let's do this:
1. Turn-on melody. Not a voice.
2. Voice greeting "Start recording"
3. Turn-off ringtone. Not a voice.

Which of these should you replace with a sound of silence?
Software update!! All perfect, all silenceee

Thank you

I think the options in app about silence are about power on and power off, the voice of woman does not silence by options.
If you can modify the bin file with silence only the voice greeting i try the silence options in app. I think the options works with turn on melody.

Thank you for all!!
With this last modified firmware, the sound when the camera is turned on can be activated and deactivated through the app, but the sound when it is turned off cannot be chosen by the app. I prefer the modified version where nothing sounds.

thank you Lisabon!!
@lisabon_Q3 I just wanted to say a big "thank you!" for the updated firmware that silences the "start recording" voice just after the device starts up.
Hello, I have a similar problem but it concerns DashCam M300 v.1.0.5ww. I want to turn off the shutdown.aac sound. Unfortunately, TelNet does not connect like in A500s ...
Please help
Hello, I have a similar problem but it concerns DashCam M300 v.1.0.5ww. I want to turn off the shutdown.aac sound. Unfortunately, TelNet does not connect like in A500s ...
Please help
Hello. I do not know a way to turn off the shutdown sound... I'm sorry if you were hoping for me.

In the application settings, you can turn off only the power-on sound.
How did you install the new Firmware?
1.Format the memory card with the DVR (insert the card into the recorder - turn it on - format it (press the button 3 times) - recording will start - turn off the recorder - pull out the memory card)
2.Unzip the firmware file FW_DR0008.bin from the archive
3. Copy the FW_DR0008 file.bin to the root of the microSD memory card.
4. Insert the memory card into the DVR.
Connect the device to an external power source. (not from USB, use a native memory or compatible with a current of at least 1.5 A)
5. The device will turn on and start flashing blue (the firmware process has started)
6. After a successful firmware update, the device will say something (it may not say, this is normal) and turn off (the blue LED will go out)
Turn on the device by pressing the button 1 time.
1.Formatieren Sie die Speicherkarte mit dem DVR (stecken Sie die Karte in den Rekorder - schalten Sie sie ein - formatieren Sie sie (drücken Sie die Taste dreimal) - die Aufnahme beginnt - schalten Sie den Rekorder aus - ziehen Sie die Speicherkarte heraus)
2.Entpacken Sie die Firmware-Datei FW_DR0008.bin aus dem Archiv
3. Kopieren Sie die Datei FW_DR0008.bin in das Stammverzeichnis der microSD-Speicherkarte.
4. Legen Sie die Speicherkarte in den DVR ein.
Schließen Sie das Gerät an eine externe Stromquelle an. (nicht von USB, verwenden Sie einen nativen Speicher oder kompatibel mit einem Strom von mindestens 1,5 A)
5. Das Gerät schaltet sich ein und beginnt blau zu blinken (der Firmware-Prozess hat begonnen)
6. Nach einem erfolgreichen Firmware-Update sagt das Gerät etwas (es kann nicht heißen, dies ist normal) und schaltet sich aus (die blaue LED erlischt)
Schalten Sie das Gerät ein, indem Sie die Taste 1 Mal drücken.
Vielen Dank, es funktioniert