How to create (above/below) side by side videos (center cropped full screen edge to edge)


That misses the whole point of this thread though. We want full screen edge to edge, full 1080P resolution so no comparison detail is lost. The example you gave has black bars and resolution is reduced big time to make it fit. This is where the center cropped comes in to play. Also what happened to the audio in that video?

Also most comparison videos want to compare/show night quality.

That misses the whole point of this thread though. We want full screen edge to edge, full 1080P resolution so no comparison detail is lost. The example you gave has black bars and resolution is reduced big time to make it fit. This is where the center cropped comes in to play. Also what happened to the audio in that video?

Also most comparison videos want to compare/show night quality.
yes while I have not played with that software but I assume it can do horizontal stacking if it can do side by side.
1980p side by side doesn't make sense as we want to show the best quality available and we don't have 3960p monitor, at least I don't own one.
Unless it's cropped.
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Again, not video editor of the year, just showing that it is simple. I wasn't doing a comparison, it was just a quick synchronized split screen example. I'm fairly positive that Kdenlive will do edge to edge ... I'll play more.

Upon edit -- I intentionally took the audio out. The last time I uploaded a video to YouTube, apparently I violated some music copyright (background from my stereo) and YouTube automagically caught it and muted it.

I also did my first test run with horizontal stacking ... and it worked ... but I screwed up something and the video came out horribly wrong.
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Free vs free...
now it's all about which is easier and useful features.
Kdenlive and this tutorial video, it was freakishly easy. I ended up with a fairly simple, but effective split screen.

I asked in the comments of that YouTube.

I asked in the comments of that YouTube.

"Yes you can basically manipulate Kdenlive to produce any split screen effect, and its free. That's one of the reasons I gave up using Windows, Linux has some excellent free programs for video and image manipulation."

"I wouldn't call myself an expert, although I do work with experts, I earn a living in front of the camera as an actor.

To crop two videos top or side, you will need to place the videos in tracks one and two, add a composite transition, then in the effects list drag “crop, scale and position” onto each video, adjust each video size in the “clip boxes” and then reposition the clips by dragging “pan and zoom” onto each clip then drag the clips to line up in the project monitor"
Wow, thanks! He might not be an expert, but way more than I am. Most of his videos are simply beautiful, but not bad tutorial. Thanks again ... I'll play with it.
Ouch! My anti-virus threw up a warning when I tried to install VSDC video editor. Beware!
Ouch! My anti-virus threw up a warning when I tried to install VSDC video editor. Beware!
If you downloaded it from official site there is probably no viruses.
However, at install procedure it offers a couple of adware suggestions in very sneaky way, you have to be very careful for not to install them. These may be the reason for your virus warning since they might be rated as malware.
Is it possible to have a project that retains the native 2560x1080 of the 0806? I'm trying this VSDC for the first time, and it would appear that even when going with a 'custom' resolution, it maxes out at 1920x1080.
I'm just about to purchase some video editing software to combine my front & rear images but would like to asks those of you with vastly more experience on the subject a couple of questions.
  1. Will the software sync the front and rear images exactly?
  2. Is the Metadata stored in the images transfered when you combine them, i.e. will the new file still show your location when played through RegistratorViewer or similar?
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