Hungaryan truck driver frustrated with refugees at Calais crossing


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
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10 years, many dashcams
It is really sad the ppl in charge will not do anything about situations like that, And so they force ppl to be judge and jury them self and that in turn lead to our society stepping ontl a slide all the way to the bottom.

wish i could understand what he was saying,... he had quite a lot to say!

that said - if you're stupid enough to be out on a major highway, walking around with massive vehicles like that, you shouldn't be surprised when you get run over. cleanse the gene pool!
Yeah its really bad it had to come to this, clearly the ppl we vote on at home and in EU are not worthy of the trust we put in them.

It is like Danish railroads, ever year at this time it come as a major suprice that a fjew leaves land on the tracks and a little snow fall from the sky.
And so every year all manner of things have to be rushed in to patch up things.

And right now as i type we have a major storm here, i just been down in the back year to secure a major trampoline belonging to the block next door, those A-holes cant secure ther own "poo" so i have to do that every storm, or risk my car beeing ruined by ther stuff flying around.

Wind ( gusts ) expected to reach 32 M/s or 71.5 MPH for you ppl on the non metric system, heard several EMG vehicles go by in the past half houe, and things have just started here.
I saw no attempt to kill anyone. I did see him drive at them to scare them, and I don't think it was undeserved. They had the lorries under siege, I'm sure the drivers were scared first.

If people are found on the lorries by authorities, the drivers are held accountable and have to pay big fines. How the hell can you blame the drivers when they are subject to these conditions? Do they need to start driving Mad Max style vehicles?
Perhaps now some ppl will undestand why i want to buy a Marauder if i win big in the lottery. :D ( will have it wrapped in razorwire )
It might be overkill right here and now, but soon it might be what it take, here in my country there is allready places where police cant just be or drive.
Even firefighters are stoned when they try to go there to put out a fire and rescue ppl, and worst of all is those ghettos is populated with ppl that have been here for decades and really should know better.

But i blame myself and the ppl i have voted for, as much as i do the ppl comming here.
Offcourse not all, but it do seem like many that come here isent really the kind of ppl we need, and those ppl dont seem to want to conform to the way we run things here.
And so the society that feed them and put clothe on ther back and a roof over ther head and give them things like helthcare and education for "free" become the enemy o_O
Pretty sad :(

I dont think i am worth more than any other human on this planet, but to me it do seem like some ppl are not geared towards living in a society like the one my forefathers have build.
So i ask the simple question. Should my way of life and society have to change to something generally considered as less to accommodate people that come here as guests or refugees.
Same question i think is the one politicians do ther best not to awswer, cuz no matter what they say a lot of ppl will not like it.
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Why are they throwing stuff at the trucks?
Because they didn't give ride?

They don't look like peaceful refugees to me.
For starving refugees, they seem to be pretty healthy, and active.
Their behaviour seems far too coordinated/planned for my liking. Very suspicious. This isn't just random people fleeing, this is systematic.
half of them probably isil, notice their all fit young men supposedly fleeing their country cos they are too COWARDLY to stand up and fight. Chairman Mao and kruschev wouldn't put up with them, they'd just send in the tanks.
I must wonder aloud if whether if these people had exhibited such determination in saving their own home that they would have not found themselves leaving it? Centuries ago Flavius Augustus said "(he) who desires peace should prepare for war". History has proven him correct.

These refugees did not heed history in doing what was needed to have their peace, or they decided to abandon peace by taking sides in a war they desired, although the outcome was not what they wanted. That is not anyone else's fault nor is anyone compelled to do anything for them save that which they desire to do willingly. As sad as the carnage is this is a lesson of what occurs when war is allowed to occur and why that must never be allowed to happen even if that means killing people to stop the war from happening. If you are not willing and ready to stand up for yourself and your people to the bitter end if necessary then you do not deserve that which you have, and you will become a victim to those who are willing and ready sooner or later.

Such is the way of the world and until we all learn to hate war regardless of cause we will repeat history until we learn that lesson ourselves.

Life is not fair, just, peaceful, or easy- but no sane person ever said it was or would be.

The only thing we dont have up here compared to where the refugees come from is bullets flying and bombs falling and a higher average temperature, do they really expect we have 10.000 empty apartments ready here and 10.000 jobs.
Hell here where i am we cant even take care of our own poor and needy, our welfare state is so undermined now that when "we" wish to do somthing in one place we have to take money from another place.
And thats not sound economics, thats patching a leaking levy by putting your finger in the hole.
I assume they dont have news down there, or they just dont give a hoot about what go on in other parts of the world.

We have make our bed, and now we have to lie in it.

O and by the way, this is just another proof how the EU have failed, i am astounded ppl cant see that the EU have outgrown itself in a massive way.

BTW i go voting for some EU stuff the day after tomorrow, and no matter if i vote yes or no i will get screwed over. :rolleyes:
And so i am not sure if i will go and vote, quite frustrating when you as i do believe that democracy is the way to go, but i find it damm hard to choose between grey and a little darker grey.
Problems like this are easily and cheaply solved by machine guns. The survivors shall be deported back. Where is Putin when you need him? :)
How many normal immigrants get to a new country, and a few years later are disenchanted in some way, anyway?
While I doubt many of these are ISIS/ISIL now, some of them will be easy recruits in a few years, when they aren't happy they don't have a good job, mercedes, big screen tv, and feel they aren't 'treated well'.

The ones who are obviously continuing to try to do things illegally, (Like sneak onto UK bound trucks) should be documented, and tracked a bit more thoroughly.

I heard a news story about a North African family who finally managed to immigrate legally to the US and were doing well, assimilating. They spent YEARS in a refugee/processing camp.
I think it was 6 years. Let the ones who are doing things legally in first.
Mass of unknown people should never be allowed inside a country.
Specially from a dangerous place known as a breeding ground of terrorism.
Hell, just to travel, one has to apply for visa, prove fund is available, check no fly/entry list, check for no criminal records, wait for all the verification etc... and here we have thousands coming into EU as if it's their parents' property.
EU has to house them, feed them from tax payers' money and on top of that, they show violence like this.
Glad we are across the pond where these ungrateful low lives can't swim to. ;)
can we start microchipping the criminal ones the way we microchip our pets?

Insert sound of thin ice cracking :D

Then again, here at least once you have served your time your history should not be held against you, but offcourse it is, its allways been that way.
And since i am no longer in that "game" i think taggin some ppl like criminals might be a good implementation of technology.
Better that than the tag and track every one we seem to be heading for now in the name of fighting things we cant win over.

A little fun with languages tag in Danish mean roof :D