Image becomes blurry after a while


New Member
Jul 15, 2017
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Dash Cam
Viofo A119S
Hi everyone,

Reviewing my videos, I've noticed my new Viofo A119S significantly lowers image quality after driving a while under sun exposure. The camera becomes quite hot during daytime (summer + southern Spain = bad combination).
When I come out of the garage, the image is sharp and clear. Then, let's say 30 minutes later, probably due to heat, the recordings become blurry.

Lens, CPL and windshield are perfectly clean.

Is this normal? What can I do to solve this problem?

Thank you very much.
Then, let's say 30 minutes later, probably due to heat, the recordings become blurry.
and after ~"30 minutes" under the sun try to turn on the air conditioner for ~15 minutes, if your car equipped with it, just for a test.
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Hi everyone,

Reviewing my videos, I've noticed my new Viofo A119S significantly lowers image quality after driving a while under sun exposure. The camera becomes quite hot during daytime (summer + southern Spain = bad combination).
When I come out of the garage, the image is sharp and clear. Then, let's say 30 minutes later, probably due to heat, the recordings become blurry.

Lens, CPL and windshield are perfectly clean.

Is this normal? What can I do to solve this problem?

Thank you very much.

Ваша проблема в этом теме:
Добавьте оригинальное видео , холодный , горячий(через 30мин), на одну и туже картинку, что бы сравнить.
Пишите в поддержку, пусть решают.
Hi everyone,

Reviewing my videos, I've noticed my new Viofo A119S significantly lowers image quality after driving a while under sun exposure. The camera becomes quite hot during daytime (summer + southern Spain = bad combination).
When I come out of the garage, the image is sharp and clear. Then, let's say 30 minutes later, probably due to heat, the recordings become blurry.

Lens, CPL and windshield are perfectly clean.

Is this normal? What can I do to solve this problem?

Thank you very much.

The focus could be shifting due to the heat.

Get in touch with the seller you bought it from and get it replaced.
I think your's is the first such report about the A119S on DCT.
Wow the first report !?, I a subject created, link above . The problem is known and solved, the Viofo explained everything. Can't hear ?
Wow the first report, I a subject created, you read. The problem is known and solved, the representative explained everything. Can't hear ?

I deleted that part after seeing your post. Probably missed your thread, don't remember..
I deleted that part after seeing your post. Probably missed your thread, don't remember..
Once again, the blur problem is solved by installing a metal holder or heat resistant plastic. No problems.
and after ~"30 minutes" under the sun try to turn on the air conditioner for ~15 minutes, if your car equipped with it, just for a test.
Thank you for your reply, borik.

I'm afraid the air conditioner was on all the time haha. The weather was 36 ºC (97 ºF) today, with a UV index of 10. The cam was quite hot when I got into a garage.

The camera is partially hidden under a dotted fild the windshield has. I guess I'll have to cover it somehow.

Dashcam placement:


Snapshot right out from garage:

Yes, that's an Audi RS4 Avant 2018 in dazzle camouflage I just caught this morning!

After half an hour:

Ваша проблема в этом теме:
Добавьте оригинальное видео , холодный , горячий(через 30мин), на одну и туже картинку, что бы сравнить.
Пишите в поддержку, пусть решают.
Большое спасибо! Я не видел твое сообщение. Прости.

@viofo can you help me, please?
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Загрузите оригинальное видео пожалуйста.
I'm afraid the air conditioner was on all the time haha. The weather was 36 ºC (97 ºF) today, with a UV index of 10. The cam was quite hot when I got into a garage.
do you have the screen saver On or Off?
do you have the screen saver On or Off?
Что это даст ? Меньше нагрев ? Это не решит проблему.
Никогда не отключаю экран.
Что это даст ? Меньше нагрев ? Это не решит проблему.
Никогда не отключаю экран.

it does create unnecessary heat to have the display on constantly, probably unrelated to this issue anyway, but always something to keep in mind
it does create unnecessary heat to have the display on constantly, probably unrelated to this issue anyway, but always something to keep in mind
Вам эта проблема известна, я уже делал вам акцент на это, в SG у Вас стоит металлхолдер, почему не ставят в Viofo ? , На сколько я понял , в самых первых 119/119S , ставили именно металл.