Instant Justice to Red Light Runner

That sort of exists now on intersections with separate pedestrian signals. Their signals start flashing or counting down long before the yellow light comes on for vehicles and I use that as an 'early warning system'.

And despite that being a net-positive for driver info, municipalities are putting 'blinders' on those cross walk signs so that approaching traffic cannot see them. One step forward, two steps back it seems.
And despite that being a net-positive for driver info, municipalities are putting 'blinders' on those cross walk signs so that approaching traffic cannot see them. One step forward, two steps back it seems.
Over here, they have actively removed many traffic lights from the far side of junctions over the last 20 years or so. Not only does this mean you have to be a contortionist to see if your own lights have turned from red to green, but pedestrians are often completely unable to see where it is safe for them to cross.
I'm sure "they" think they're being clever and have a theory for why this is a good idea.
Beware people trying to be clever. They do the stupidest things.
That sort of exists now on intersections with separate pedestrian signals. Their signals start flashing or counting down long before the yellow light comes on for vehicles and I use that as an 'early warning system'.

You're absolutely right, however, when you say that responsible drivers will use whatever information at hand while those that don't care, or think they know more than the experts, or think they know what the law is but really don't, will do whatever they want.
And despite that being a net-positive for driver info, municipalities are putting 'blinders' on those cross walk signs so that approaching traffic cannot see them....
That's something I've not seen yet.
They look something like this, though the egg-crate cover is much deeper, reducing the viewing angle to direct-on only.


And here's the completely moronic and counter-intuitive argument against the timers:
And here's the completely moronic and counter-intuitive argument against the timers:
"The biggest increases in crashes come at intersections that were previously safe intersections. And they think this is because..."
And they go on to give unsupported speculation.
The likelihood is that this effect is just regression to the mean.
It may be a biased website, but it has a few gems of information.
Running a yellow when you can safely stop is the same as running a red.
You stop for the yellow light if you can safely do so- that is the law and you have failed to obey a traffic sign or signal when you don't

False. Please check individual local, state or federal statutes before making such blanket, potentially inaccurate statements.