Is there a way to rotate 90 degrees? (Not 180 degrees)


New Member
Mar 22, 2014
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United States
I'd like to use my Mobius as a "walking" device. While I've used it pretty successfully simply carrying it on it's dash mount, I thought it might be easier (and less obtrusive) just to elastic strap it to my upper arm like a Walkman or I-Pod used by joggers. Is a 90 degree rotation available or could one alter the existing code in a simple manner?
As always, TIA Jim
Like Jim, I'd like a 90 degree option too. Don't want to start messing about converting footage with software (which I don't have), just want it straight from the camera.

Don't want vertical video either! just want vertical camera & landscape video :-)

Remote lens option and you can point it however you like, not the neatest solution though
I had thought of that, but as you say, it's not a neat solution for strapping onto a helmet or armband. I'd need to fabricate a new case and I ain't that skilled :-(

I had thought of that, but as you say, it's not a neat solution for strapping onto a helmet or armband. I'd need to fabricate a new case and I ain't that skilled :-(

U can buy a short lens extension cable and rotate lens 90degree inside existing housing, but again yuo still need to do some DIY modification to the part of housing that holds cmos.
U can buy a short lens extension cable and rotate lens 90degree inside existing housing, but again yuo still need to do some DIY modification to the part of housing that holds cmos.
I'd be afraid of ruining it altogether, but I might give it a go at a later date. Things would be much easier if it could be done within the firmware as you could always switch it back if the need arose.

I'd be afraid of ruining it altogether, but I might give it a go at a later date. Things would be much easier if it could be done within the firmware as you could always switch it back if the need arose.


can't do it in firmware, the aspect ratio is 16:9
I'd be afraid of ruining it altogether, but I might give it a go at a later date. Things would be much easier if it could be done within the firmware as you could always switch it back if the need arose.

Dont be afraid of ruining something. I ruining time to time. Off course its piss you off when money is wasted, but from other side its kinda Lego for big boys, and you learn "how stuff works" ( how its made ), - one of my favourite Discovery programms ;)
U can buy a short lens extension cable and rotate lens 90degree inside existing housing, but again yuo still need to do some DIY modification to the part of housing that holds cmos.
Re-reading that Tom Frank post in RC Groups "Not possible, either in FW or physically in the case. You can however, add one of the accessory extension cables and rotate the lens module outside the case to your hearts desire. But then when you play the video, it will show as if you rotated your head, e.g. a 90 deg. rotation will still play with the long dimension horizontally, so your video would be laying on its side and you'd need to use an editor to rotate it back upright."
So turning the lens module through 90 degrees wouldn't give me what I want either?

not sure what he posted but that doesn't sound right, whatever direction you turn the lens in is what you'll get
not sure what he posted but that doesn't sound right, whatever direction you turn the lens in is what you'll get
I thought that but I'm no expert in electronics. Mechanical things fine, electrical fine but electronics? No-No I'm afraid :-)

I thought that but I'm no expert in electronics. Mechanical things fine, electrical fine but electronics? No-No I'm afraid :)


well you're talking very much a mechanical process, a detached lens facing in the correct plane is not relevant to wherever and what direction the cam body is mounted, just have a look at some of the remote lens installs people are doing to see that
So is the image actually formed in the lens module like say the negative in a film camera, and then passed on to the rest of the circuitry to be processed?

So is the image actually formed in the lens module like say the negative in a film camera, and then passed on to the rest of the circuitry to be processed?


the lens and CMOS board are a set, pull it out on an extension cable and hold it straight and you can turn the camera body whichever way you like
Thanks for all that. I'm a bit better informed now so I may give it a go at a later date. I only have one Mobius which is my dashcam. I don't want to render it useless just yet :-)
It would have been nice to be able to take the cam off the car mount, change the image orientation and then fit it to my helmet.
