Just bought my first dashcam - the K2S

It is a good little camera system. I have two problems though. One is that I have some interference on the audio. Another is that some recordings are missed. I have noticed this on two occasions.

Does anyone know if Rayman or anyone from CAMDII will come on the forum and provide technical support and/or software updates to fix?
we can only highlight @Rayman.Chan and hope he can help.
It is a good little camera system. I have two problems though. One is that I have some interference on the audio. Another is that some recordings are missed. I have noticed this on two occasions.

audio is not such a big deal, but missing footage is!
One is that I have some interference on the audio. Another is that some recordings are missed. I have noticed this on two occasions.

Hi which firmware version are you using?
for the audio, please share a video for me so i can discover what is happening,
for the missing files, please share the files snap

looking forward your feedback
I have some times muted the microphone by accident, not least now when the camera are on the B pillar of my car.
Taking a picture of the file structure and missing files, you can use the print screen ( PrSc ) button on the keybord, and you can then paste that into paint so you can save it as a Jpeg picture, which you should be able to upload to this site just fine.
there is mic muting shortcut on the UP button, I think you must pressed the UP so it is muted.
Hello Rayman, good to speak with you. I am running firmware K2S-FW-20190822V1.

Here is a video of the audio problem I am experiencing. It sounds like a grasshopper in the background audio which is a little annoying.

Concerning the missed recordings, this happened again today. Here is a screenshot of my SD card:

I entered the car at 16:57 today to drive from the office to my home.
20191126_165714_00266A.mp4 lasts for 7 seconds when I entered the car, then recording stops.
Then my drive home is not recorded.
Also when my car is parked at home is also not recorded (should be 2fps)
Recording starts again at 20:50 when I visited the car to retrieve SD card to show you.

The mystery is, what happened between 16:57 and 20:50? Why did it not record?
What power source do you use ?
I am powering my K2S with the OBD dongle, and it also change from parking mode ( G - sensor motion detect ) to off when i get into my car, but the problem is it is erratic.
If it happen fast i Leave home - arrive at the gas station, and then leaving the gas station the camera turn off.
If it is fast i leave home - arrive at gas station - arrive at my mothers place, and then a little later when i leave her place to go do some shopping for her the camera turn off instead of on.

I assume moving to regular power source, and the power plug in the camera to the other one would fix that, but i have not gotten around to change that yet.
I have also wanted to try using a start delay, though i am driving a little gasoline car. And i don't see this issue with other cameras in my car.
Hi Kamkar1, good to speak with you again. I am using the hardwire kit to power the dashcam.

My camera failed to record my journey to work again today. The first 10 seconds of my journey was successful. When I arrived at work, I checked the K2S and the LCD was black. I had to manually switch off, then on to get it back.

@Rayman.Chan , should I return my hardware to Combi for a replacement?

One thing I notice is that the file sizes are erratic and different sizes. See my picture above.
For now i am looking after the red light on the GPS antenna when i start a drive, if it is not on i just have to reach back ( a bit award with my camera location ) and then slide the On switch forward to turn on.
I have also tried to get the camera to act like a normal camera but still powered by the OBD dongle, trying some of the other options in the parking guard menu, but i have not been successful with that either.
Also the K2S system are not my main camera, though now as side cameras it is the only cameras covering that angle, but then again it is rare i have a need for side camera footage, so i am not too worried.

When my camera are recording when i am driving it make the same sized 3 minute files, and even in parking mode the files are also much the same if nothing ( motion ) have kept the recording going for longer.
I will try and get my memory card later today so i can post some pics of that.
not much footage on my memory card though, i formatted the memory card yesterday.
I figured i would make a video instead.

So on the 26 i set off from home to go do some shopping for my mother, i make a stop at the circle K gas station, and then drive on to my mothers place ( all good )
I arrive at mothers place and park my car, shortly there after i return to drive to the shop, and there the car do a little parking guard, and after that it record my drive back to my mothers place. ( all good )
I then set off for the drive home, and this are also uneventful, and after parking in the back yard at home the K2S do some hours of G-sensor / motion detect recording before it eventually shut down. ( all good )
Then on the 27 i go shopping.
I set off from home and drive to the shop, where the K2S do some parking guarding, it also see me arrive back to the car, but the drive home from the shop are not recorded. ( not so good )
Then today on the 28 i set off from home again making a short stop at the front door cuz i forgot something, drive to the Circle K station to buy and install a new light bulb in my Left headlight ( cuz the Right one blew on Friday so with my luck the Left one of course have to blow on Tuesday even if the bulb are not even a year old )
Anyway the K2S do a little parking guard meanwhile, and after that i swing by the car-wash cuz i was there anyway and i have cheap flatrate car-wash, but i do not stop the engine.
So after that i drive home, and all this are also filmed as one would expect. ( all good )

Also as you can see in the video, but i mentioned this before, the OBD devise list my RPM as 751 when the car are turned off and in parking mode, no big deal but still a error.
I am on the 20100827 firmware, almost stock settings using the OBD dongle for power and G-sensor / motion detect parking mode setting.

As you can see my filer are fairly regular sized, but with action ofcourse the motion detect parking files can get a bit longer, but that is to be expected, as you can see on all the parking footage files on the 26, what ever set off a recording it only last 10 seconds most times.
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I really am losing confidence in this product :(

Mine is now turning off by itself randomly.

Also, the recordings are set to 3 minute loops in settings but the recordings completely vary in length. Some are 10 seconds, some are much much longer, maybe 8 to 10 minutes.

See below, record time is on 8 minutes, 25 seconds. Loop time currently set to 3 minutes.

I have reset back to factory settings today and I still have these problems.

I am going to contact the supplier (Combi) to swap my unit because it is just too unreliable. :(
Also, the recordings are set to 3 minute loops in settings but the recordings completely vary in length. Some are 10 seconds, some are much much longer, maybe 8 to 10 minutes.
Have you tried a different memory card?
Yeah i would try another memory card too.
Did you ever run tests on that old sandisk card ?
Could be a card problem and as cheap as the good ones are right now I'd suggest getting a new one as I don't think prices will ever be lower ;) Also try a different vid length setting. Some dashcams seem to work best at particular vid length settings and I don't think anyone has figured out why yet.I like 1 or 3 minutes but I'm OK with anything as long as it's reliable and I miss nothing :)

My own K2S is pretty mostly default settings- I only tweaked a few. It runs continuously so I can't comment about start up issues much, only that whenever I do unpower-repower it always starts when power is applied with no failures yet. I'm not using the OBD power, rather a ciggie-plug PS instead. Also using a Samsumg EVO Select 128GB card which has worked perfectly for me :cool:

You guys were right. I bought another SD card (Sandisk Endurance 128GB this time) and the file sizes are now all consistent (3 mins/348MB) and I have no failed recordings! Good result and thank you!

Now just to fix the audio problem which is very annoying...
Audio are secondary to me, and really in most dashcams not that good, besides with me swearing all the time i mostly mute the sound in my uploads to youtube.
I will have a listen to my K2S tomorrow, what kind of problem do you have, hizzing or crackling audio or what ?