Just got the A119S and the video is blurry :/

I had a G1W-C for 3 years and it served me well as an entry level dash cam.
I'm very happy that I upgraded to the Viofo A119S with GPS & CPL.
Absolutely no regrets whatsoever.
Yea I loved my G1WH just had to replace the battery about every year, however, I don't want the battery to be dead when I go in a crash or the cam has defeated its purpose. I will see how this replacement camera does and post back on the quality. If the temperature is the reason why then it may not be a good fit for me since here in AZ it gets hot.
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Looks terrible on my Computer screen ... I have a A119s

Wait for the experts to jump onboard

ps. Out of curiosity - what micro SD card are you using?
After you have removed the protective film from the filter and lens,
what do you use, and how, do you clean them to get ready to be used?
Likewise, the cleaning preparation inside and out of your windshields?
The 6 layer glass lens and the Sony Sensor processor is an excellent combination and setup.
I think there maybe something else possibly interferring with the transferring integrity of your images from your sd card and computer or the prep cleaning stated in my previous post.
I also noticed your dash cam doesn't come with a CPL filter.
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Streaming re-encoded videos can pose a problem causing poor qualty videos.
Is this possible with your setup?

What is recoding ???
Original video uploaded ! file properties view.

Looks terrible on my Computer screen ... I have a A119s

Wait for the experts to jump onboard

ps. Out of curiosity - what micro SD card are you using?
Did you download it or watch it within the Dropbox window? You need to download the file or it will most likely look like crap.
Well, the new camera came in and took it out for a drive. It seems bit better however still blurry. I'm thinking about returning both and looking for something else. Views?

Video Clip 1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ig9u3gmeewg8hgb/2017_0921_003901_102.MP4?dl=0
Video Clip 2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/m8lsjsxgkp0bq5n/2017_0921_004201_103.MP4?dl=0
So I assume you didn't set your clock yet? The first clip was taken after about 40 minutes of driving and the second video was the clip after that? What does the image look like when you first start it up? Both of those clips look out of focus. It would be helpful to see what the first clip of that drive looked like. That would determine if it's some kind of focus drift or just a poorly focused lens.
Did you download it or watch it within the Dropbox window? You need to download the file or it will most likely look like crap.

Had just opened the above link to view.

Then I downloaded Dropbox but couldn't open it ---> Pass.
Good lord, people don't half expect a lot from a dirt cheap camera these days :) It's an absolute miracle anything this good and this complicated can be made and sold at a profit for the price they are.

I've been a pro photographer for 35 years. My mind boggles at the thought of a 95degree (horizontal coverage) f1.8 lens for a manufactured cost of less than 10 grand. Obviously there have to be a few compromises here :) but some things are just optics...

Vignetting is inevitable because of the proximity to the focal plane. Rays near the edge are spread out more by striking the sensor at an angle, which means less light per unit area, which makes the image darker toward the edge of the field of coverage. That's just simple geometry (same as why we have winter and summer) and there is no way to escape it without fancy retro-focus designs (that extend the back focus), and/or building in axial ND filters to the lens, and/or using software to correct exposure across the field of view. High-end digital cameras do deal with this vignetting in image processing, and many raw converter softwares will do it too. You won't find any of that in a $5 lens and a £100 camera.

All lenses produce focus on a hemispherical plane, not a flat plane like a sensor or film is, and with wide-angles this is pronounced. I'll try and explain this...

All rays pass through the optical node (centre) of the lens. If the lens is sharply focussed on an object 10m away, the back focus distance to the sensor is x. If the object is on the lens axis, and the sensor is x distance away on axis, we have a sharp image in the centre of the sensor. But if the object is 10m away and near the edge of the image, the back focus is still x, but the distance to the sensor is a lot more than x (= x/sin (angle of ray from the optical axis)).
This can be largely corrected by using multi-element construction and fancy glasses with different refractive properties so that the focal point varies across the frame. That's why a lens that doesn't show the effect much will cost plenty. A simple, cheap lens will have to rely on depth of focus hiding most of the off-axis softness. And that's what I see in the Viofo. In bright light the lens is stopped down and the edge is almost as crisp as the centre. At night, though, the lens is at or near full aperture and the images edges are relatively soft. Moreover, the lens is fixed at the hyperfocal distance and wider apertures make for less depth of field. Things that are closer or further away will look softer at wider apertures (at night).

Then there's decentering. Some of the faults described hereabouts are due to assembly errors. With a tiny, multi-element lens, any slight defect in element position will have consequences. The precision required is extreme. This could well explain the infamous 'unsharp left side of image' problems often seen with the 119. Or the lens may not be correctly aligned to the sensor, eg the optical axis is not dead-on perpendicular to the sensor. For all I know, the difficulty of getting lenses manufactured with enough precision might explain the change of lens in the S.

And while we are at it, there is no inherent engineering deficiency with using plastic as a lens barrel material. Canon and Nikon have been doing it for decades. Some plastics like acrylic are exceptionally thermally stable, better than metals, and capable of precision manufacture and of course cheap. What plastics are not much good for in lenses is high-wear, high stress moving components like focus helicoids and mounts - but our little dashcam lenses don't have those.

Frankly, 30 years ago these cameras would have looked like magic.
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Dont Knowler
It is useless, as my head against the wall.
They apparently don't understand the point.
Thank you for your thorough in-depth explanation of how the optics system affects the performance of the A119s.
I also appreciate the fact you discussed the use of different materials used in cameras.
You backed it up with factual examples of top manufacterers like Canon and Nikon who have used plastic lens barrels over a long period of time.
Thanks again, I like this forum and your contribution here today has made it that much better.
of how the optics system affects the performance of the A119s.

Not 119 and 119S, 119 defocus unnoticed, since it uses a matrix OV4689 , it is smaller and "cold".
Canon and Nikon here not and.
Viofo is using for the lens holder is thin, poor quality plastic, which when heated expands and pushes the lens from the matrix in microns, which gives a defocusing.

there is no inherent engineering deficiency with using plastic as a lens barrel material. Canon and Nikon have been doing it for decades
Since photo cameras are not subject to the extreme temperature variations, which are typical for dashcams, for photo cameras temperature expansion of plastic parts is not that of an issue.
Looks terrible on my Computer screen ... I have a A119s

Wait for the experts to jump onboard

ps. Out of curiosity - what micro SD card are you using?

I am using the Adata Class 10 64GB SD card.

After you have removed the protective film from the filter and lens,
what do you use, and how, do you clean them to get ready to be used?
Likewise, the cleaning preparation inside and out of your windshields?

Yep, I already cleaned my windshield before I got the cam and when I had it.

The 6 layer glass lens and the Sony Sensor processor is an excellent combination and setup.
I think there maybe something else possibly interferring with the transferring integrity of your images from your sd card and computer or the prep cleaning stated in my previous post.
I also noticed your dash cam doesn't come with a CPL filter.

Nope, I don't have the CPL filter.

Streaming re-encoded videos can pose a problem causing poor qualty videos.
Is this possible with your setup?

No all my videos I uploaded to Dropbox are the raw files. I use windows media player or windows 10 movies to pay the video file.

So I assume you didn't set your clock yet? The first clip was taken after about 40 minutes of driving and the second video was the clip after that? What does the image look like when you first start it up? Both of those clips look out of focus. It would be helpful to see what the first clip of that drive looked like. That would determine if it's some kind of focus drift or just a poorly focused lens.

Looks like I forgot to set the time or it did not set the hours. I am uploading a video clip from the start of my drive to almost the end.

Alright so to make sure its not something in my car causing the issue I have put my G1WH and A119S side by side and recorded today a drive. Here is the link to the drop box: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ayv06nppg5n96s8/AAA9IEYaEMTF6rQa-Il0frI8a?dl=0

*I am uploading the files right now so if you click the link not all the files may be uploaded yet!*

Looking at both the G1WH is clearly more focused than the A119S. The A119S seems to get better quality super close up but the further you look a more of a haze it becomes. I also did a night time side by side and the A119S seemed to do better in lighting up the road however still seems out of focus. I would be interested in to see what you guys have to think/say about it.

Also yes I did clean everything the best I could. I usually baby my car so it is usually as clean as I can get it