Justice served

Good catch. I really need a camera on my bike, I wish the technology would evolve faster!
Nice :) but i dont get why he ride so far out on the road, here you bloddy well keep right and close to the curbe ( where there isent a dedicated bicycle path )
Nice :) but i dont get why he ride so far out on the road, here you bloddy well keep right and close to the curbe ( where there isent a dedicated bicycle path )
He was in the centre of his lane, exactly where he should be, especially going across the junction. Nice to see a bicycle actually following the rules of the road and correctly joining the queue at the lights.

Although here he might get done for undertaking!
Sure the cyclist has the same rights as the motorist, but why would you want to challenge a small SUV? At what cost will you hold your ground?
To me it seem dangerous to drive in the middle of "heavy" traffic, but you actually have to do that too on what we call 45 km/h mopeds, witch is regarded like a Little MC but can be driven from you are 18 and have a licence for car or MC.

Those 45 km/h mopeds in mid traffic witch at times move at 70 - 80 km/h is just asking for truble in my eyes, but they are not allowed on bicycle paths where 30 km/h mopeds are allowed and supposed to drive. ( if there is one otherwise its keep right on the street and dont drive side by side as that take up too much room )

And those 45 mopeds are slower than what is allowed to be driven by kids 16 up in most other EU countries, but us stupid Danes have to be so damm special.

At times you will see ppl on bicycle move from the far right curbe across 2 or more lanes to get into the L turn lane, again somthing witch is not allowed here.
To make a L turn at a intersection here you have to go strait across the intersection, then wait at the cornor there untill the crossing traffic get green light or there is a hole in the traffic.

The only thing cyclists here more or less have in common with the motorized traffic is the rules ( light of color ) in interserctions, they are in general called "Soft motorists"

Top of the line Danish cyclist keeping right :)


Danish bicycle rules ( in Danish )

So how close/far from the bike is okay?
overtake a minivan

like a boss
I allways give ppl on the road plenty of room when i overtake them, myself i have been shunted into a ditch as a car towing a caravan hit the sleeping bag i had on my luggage rack on the bike.

There is no need to cut it close, but i do at times see ppl overtake a cyclist when there is oncomming traffic on a 2 lane road, witch mean they allmost hit the biker as most Danes have no idea about how much space ther car take up on the road.
Myself i can brake down to 15 km/h and wait untill the oncomming traffic is gone and i can overtake.

It feel pretty bad pedaling along at the side of the road, and then a car wizz by centimeters from you at +80 km/h, and not forgetting trucks witch allmost blow you into the ditch when they pass too close to you.
Sure the cyclist has the same rights as the motorist, but why would you want to challenge a small SUV? At what cost will you hold your ground?
well the bike was doing 30 in a 30 zone, so there shouldn't have been a problem with him being in the center of the lane. i hate it when people try to ride their bikes in 45+ mph zones and only do 10-15 mph. THAT is suicide. i always feel like i'm about to get rear-ended when i get stuck behind someone on a bike going that much slower. i have no problem at all when they can do +/- 5mph of the speed limit, especially since most folks in houston consider the speed limit to be a MINIMUM speed.
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Motorists, ask yourself why would you tailgate a cyclist closer than any other vehicle?

Think about the consequences. You only have to touch that bicycle and they ARE going to come crashing down and you WILL run over the top of them with a very high probability of very serious injury or DEATH. For that you'll be up for time in prison.
It's nothing like a little bump on the back of a car bumper where you would be hard pressed to even see a scuff mark.

Have some respect for your fellow human beings!
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Nice :) but i dont get why he ride so far out on the road, here you bloddy well keep right and close to the curbe ( where there isent a dedicated bicycle path )

My question is, why do so many people here in the US ride AGAINST traffic on thier bikes? Are they suicidal? When in grade school the police came every year to discuss bicycle safety and you were to follow the rules of motor vehicles. I'll try to post a "wrong way biker" video when I catch one. I shouldn't take long to catch one.
We have the same here, ppl on bicycle go against 1 way traffic, or they ride on the bicyclepath on the wrong side of the road.
You will allso often see them ride on the sidewalk, and crosswalks, and our shopping streets and all are illigal as they are there for walking ppl and nothing else.
Allso its not unusioal to see a cyclist on there road where there is a perfectly fine bicycle path right next to the road. ( we see that a lot in the forrest where we go to drive our Little RC 4x4 trucks )
To me it seem like many of them live in ther own Little World, and the rest of us just have to conform to that.

Offcourse ppl acting like that is not only some ppl who ride bicycles, but its annoying to see even in a country like mine witch is one of the best to bicycle in harmony with the other traffic. ( assuming all do what they are supposed to do )

Give them a hand and they will take the Whole arm,,, and ask or take more.
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That guy is an idiot. Lets antagonize someone who already tried to run you off the road once, maybe they will succeed during a second try.

Yes it is a good lesson for all of us that feeding fuel to the fire is not good.
My question is, why do so many people here in the US ride AGAINST traffic on thier bikes? Are they suicidal? When in grade school the police came every year to discuss bicycle safety and you were to follow the rules of motor vehicles. I'll try to post a "wrong way biker" video when I catch one. I shouldn't take long to catch one.

Happens here too.
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