known bugs from beta tester


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2013
Reaction score
Dash Cam
mini0806, mini0806S, mini0903/0905, mini0906, mini0808
Here we will list the known bugs which are feedbacked by beta testers,
please make sure you will not be trapped

1, :peeking::peeking: don't use the current supplied USB-A to USB-C cable with the cigar charger to recorder GPS/DATA port, (probably damage audio amplifier for the speaker in GPS module), this is a compatibility design problem. Will have to change to USB-A3.0 connector to solve.
----you may: A/ use the supplied USB-A to USB-C cable with OBD driver to recorder EXT port to operate the recorder; B/ use another common USB-A to USB-C cable with a cigar charger to recorder GPS/DATA port.
2, don't use the current supplied USB-A to USB-C cable with the cigar charger to recorder EXT port, (USB data trapped UART data, only consume 300mA current, not boot), this is a compatibility problem. will add special remark in manual.
3, :peeking: don't use OBD driver and other power supply at the same time, otherwize will damage OBD chip (although it not like to happen but there is potential problem), will update OBD driver hardware design.
4, OBD drain protect sticker is forgeton, please refer this configuration:
5, TBD
6, TBD
Perhaps it will be a good idea to have a little label on all the wires in the end ( not main unit end ) to specify what they are intended for, or maybe a little color code.
  • OBD driver is not working for me. It looks as if it supplies constant voltage. I have to turn the K2S ON and OFF manually. When it's on, it does supply data (although delayed as @kamkar1 mentioned) (Volvo XC90)
  • K2S logo is present even if you turn it off in settings
  • SD card is recessed too much - very difficult to remove
  • Speaker volume not loud enough
Also, when powered from OBD it kept restarting (media length is set to 3 minutes):
20190126_122111_00206A.MP4 Duration : 0:02:44
20190126_122358_00207A.MP4 Duration : 28.17 s
20190126_122430_00208A.MP4 Duration : 0:02:45
20190126_122718_00209A.MP4 Duration : 3.10 s
20190126_122724_00210A.MP4 Duration : 27.53 s
20190126_122803_00211A.MP4 Duration : 0:00:53
20190126_122859_00212A.MP4 Duration : 0:00:40
20190126_122942_00213A.MP4 Duration : 0:03:01
20190126_123243_00214A.MP4 Duration : 0:01:33
20190126_123418_00215A.MP4 Duration : 0:01:50
20190126_123611_00216A.MP4 Duration : 0:02:00
20190126_123815_00217A.MP4 Duration : 0:02:53
20190126_124128_00218A.MP4 *** corrupted ***

Last file was also corrupted. Will try later with the cigar adapter. Log attached.


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At first i could not get the camera to work as i had the little white switch on the OBD to off, i assume it is a on/off switch.
Also running the camera on my table at home i found out that if i had the 2 cameras in port 1-2 and the GPS in port 3 then powering the camera via port 5 dident work i had to have all the ports beside each other populated.
So i move the USB power to port 4 and i was ready to take a closer look at menu structure.
But in the car having USB power in port 4 and the OBD in port 5 seem to work fine when the car was turned off, i did confuse myself in regard to this as i had the LCD screen on all the time, so thinking camera dident go into parking mode, which i had assumed the OBD connection would provide the option to do.
Turning my car off with key the camera remain on powered by the OBD, so works fine for me, my 2 dip switches was set to the lowest cut off, assuming they was for cut off voltage a flipped them both up which appear to be the highers 12.4 V cut off.
BUT ! i am not using OBD now, want to get wiser on this and also get new longer wires i ordered last night.

First memory card I tried ( a 128 GB Silicon Power card that work fine in my DC ) well the camera did not want to play ball at all with that, so i put in a 128 GB trancend which worked fine.
Yes the memory card are indeed recessed deep, and the power button sliding up over it i have not yet gotten used to, i can see people having had the memory card out forgetting to slide that button up 1 notch so the camera will power on with the car.
I have not tried logo off, besides i want to keep it on as it is located well so are just "stamped" on my car dashboard.
Speaker volume are low, not sure if it are so becuz on the issues with power wires & OBD mentioned. don't bother me that much i would not use it in day to day driving, but if failure to record warnings are also at that level, that might be a issue.

BUT ! as with everything it is just a matter of geting used to things changing or all new.
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So this is confusing to me. Is the ODB module also a parking guard?
Yes the OBD module can stand in for a hard wire kit, when i found out that by assumption / trial and error, i also assumed the 2 DIP switched was low voltage cut off, just dident know what setting was what voltage.
I am going to visit my friend tomorrow as he still have griefs with his new SJ8 action camera, so again the tech support that is me are needed. so wanted to try out parking guard but due to the possible issues in relation to USB power and OBD module use i will refrain from this for now.

I totally missed out on the 0906 model as i managed to destroy that pretty fast, i dont want to repeat that if i can help it,,,,, though i have no ides why the 0906 died that quick for me.
Well then mine must be busted :(
Have you tried that little single switch on it, at first mine dident work either until i realized that little button on the opposite end of the DIP switches.


2, don't use the current supplied USB-A to USB-C cable with the cigar charger to recorder EXT port

I did this on the computer table though i did not use the cigar charger provided but the wall charger to my Asus tablet, maybe that's why i have low audio volume now and no speaker in GPS antenna ??

But other than that i cant see anything wrong here, just want to be careful so that's why i have put the OBD part on halt for a while.
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I have:
1: camera
2: camera
3: GPS
4: USB power to a vacant 2A USB port on my DIY power grid in the glove box using USB A - USB C wire from my phone charger ( generic USB A - USB C wire i got a few years ago )
5: OBD connection using the provided USB A - USB C wire.

Today i have changed as my old phone charge cable was very loose and small so was not held in place by bracket, i an now using the provided USB A - USB C cable for power from my glove box, so port 5 are empty at the moment, awaiting new 3 M long wire so i can route under dashboard to OBD port located at drivers knees.
Ok, having no luck in making OBD module working properly, I switched to cigar adapter and now all files are 3:01 length which looks correct. However, last file is still corrupted. Should K2S voice something when shutting down? Mine just blinks a few and then OFF - just seems abrupt.
Another issue: While driving the screen on K2S just turned ON for no reason, then OFF after a minute. Have logs if anyone wants them.
Sound strange.
I am going for a drive soon, will use the screen saver so its not on all the time, and see if my camera can do the same unmotivated on/off behavior.
Okay then all last files don't get saved so they can playback.
Hissing audio persist with provided power gear
File naming error first file in drive sessions, probably due to RCT clock issue, not a constant error
Occasional first file not playing / corrupted, this seen pronounced after short stops, but not related to amount of driving before short stop and then start.

Camera overnight in car temperatures minus 1 -2 degree C at the worst.

The #2 file from the top are the first file from my session today, but i have no idea why it are so short, it should be 3 minutes, i just started my car and set off today.

Dont mind the shaking video, its the capture software that do that.

Funny thing that #35 first file that are on top of my memory card, in the audio you can hear and see the GPS getting a fix some 10 seconds into the recording, so it is strange it is still "fixed" with a 20180101 time/date.
Not really "bugs" but I expected a mini-USB for power input. I'm hunting my magnifying glass to read the manual even though I'm wearing my strongest reading glasses :mad:

Cams, cables, and main unit are temporarily installed :) Rear cam cable reached the front with some to spare (y) Review thread started.

Isent it a bit early to start a review ?
Isent it a bit early to start a review ?
Just unboxing pics so far- I'm not fast with that so I did it while I could. Real review only after testing ;)

Units on OBD dashboard are metric only - same as "Over speed warning"
Over speed warning
I was thinking yesterday if i could use some MPH warning speed to get say 85 - 90 KMH warnings, i don't need warnings for motorway as it is rare i drive there, and when i do i stick to 110 KMH and not the allowed 130 KMH
I will not be looking at the camera before Wednesday after the trip to once again help my friend, okay i might mess with it tomorrow if i get the cables i ordered on Saturday.
Hey @kamkar1 is your OBD module/dongle working? Mine just provides constant voltage, I have to manually turn K2S ON and OFF.