Licence plate readability, is this normal?

You are thinking wrong. In order for oncoming cars' numbers to be read better during the day, HDR should be turned off.
There is a link to my screenshots above. It is clearly visible there.
I will turn off HDR for daytime and keep it only for the night and see how it goes. I left it on because I saw a post saying that people keep HDR on day and night.
I will turn off HDR for daytime and keep it only for the night and see how it goes. I left it on because I saw a post saying that people keep HDR on day and night.
Previously, when there was no HDR stamp on the video, I always wrote under the video in the settings: HDR enabled or not.
Since HDR appeared in the stamp, I no longer write this.
But for me, since the V3 model, HDR is disabled during the day and enabled at night.
Previously, when there was no HDR stamp on the video, I always wrote under the video in the settings: HDR enabled or not.
Since HDR appeared in the stamp, I no longer write this.
But for me, since the V3 model, HDR is disabled during the day and enabled at night.
I disabled HDR stamp, logo etc. just left what is relevant to me
Weird I wonder why VIOFO has HDR on in the daytime by default on the timer.
I've not used a 4K camera yet (actually just ordered one yesterday)

But I find plate capture on 2K is a bit hit/miss. On a 50mph road (100mph closing speed) I've managed very good captures, but last week on a 30mph road (60mph closing speed) I failed to get a plate capture when needed.

However I think the A229 Pro should probably be doing a bit better in that situation.
So I made adjustments to lens position and settings as suggested but I don't see any improvement in a plate capture for upcoming traffic at speeds over 40mph :cry:

As per @Karagandinez recommendations, I lowered the lens so that the sky and the earth are around 50/50% and disabled HDR.
Changed the video player to Windows Media Player Classic Black Edition as someone suggested on my Windows laptop will try it on my Mac later tonight.

I uploaded today's recording with all these changes and now I couldn't even make out the plate in upcoming traffic even at 26mph see it at 00:19 same at 43mpg at 00:50 but for some reason, you can capture the license plate at 47mph at 01:36 time stamp I don't get it :unsure:

A229 Pro 2CH front video
3840x2160 30fps
Maximum Bitrate
Mic = OFF
Wi-Fi = OFF
Conditions = cloudy, weak drizzle

@Karagandinez the screenshot samples you posted earlier look much nicer colour wise and you can see licence plates clearly on similar speeds but the only difference I noticed you are on older version of firmware for those examples so that might be a huge difference. Viofo changed a lot of things since and maybe made it worse :(
I've not used a 4K camera yet (actually just ordered one yesterday)

But I find plate capture on 2K is a bit hit/miss. On a 50mph road (100mph closing speed) I've managed very good captures, but last week on a 30mph road (60mph closing speed) I failed to get a plate capture when needed.

However I think the A229 Pro should probably be doing a bit better in that situation.
Yeah, you would think it should be better but doesn't look like it's the case at least with my camera sample. Because examples of @Karagandinez look very good compared to mine but as I mentioned he was on the older firmware version. So not sure, I wish someone else with an A229 Pro would be able to show examples from their camera at a similar speed to compare.
Yeah, you would think it should be better but doesn't look like it's the case at least with my camera sample. Because examples of @Karagandinez look very good compared to mine but as I mentioned he was on the older firmware version. So not sure, I wish someone else with an A229 Pro would be able to show examples from their camera at a similar speed to compare.
This post contains a screenshot from a video on the latest firmware.
Are you sure your HDR is off?
If you look at the yellow sign on the left side of the road, you can't tell.
It's impossible to see anything on it....
I did turn it off I'll double-check again on my way home. I know that looks pretty blurry, initially, I thought it was because of the speed I was travelling but as your examples show it shouldn't be the case.

Alternatively: Try removing the CPL filter for the sake of experiment.
I was thinking the same. Will try with no CPL on my way home. It was hard to put CPL on was very tight, I also saw others mentioning the same for the A229 Pro.
I did turn it off I'll double-check again on my way home. I know that looks pretty blurry, initially, I thought it was because of the speed I was travelling but as your examples show it shouldn't be the case.
Try resetting the settings to factory defaults and setting everything up again.
I was thinking the same. Will try with no CPL on my way home. It was hard to put CPL on was very tight, I also saw others mentioning the same for the A229 Pro.
There have been cases where people did not notice the protective film inside the CPL filter and complained about poor video quality.
Try resetting the settings to factory defaults and setting everything up again.

There have been cases where people did not notice the protective film inside the CPL filter and complained about poor video quality.
Good shout I will try all this and report later (y)