Looking For A Good WiFi Enabled Dashcam

Wow. I appreciate the advice. First off, I am very green when it comes to video camera internals and architecture.
Maybe I underestimated the effort a little...:)

Anyway I have been dabbling in WebRTC lately and thought hey, if I can use my Webcam at home to send video over the internet without using any plugins or installing any downloads (besides the webcam software), why not a dash cam?

If you want to use your dashcam purely as an external webcam then it can be simple - you'll need to figure out how to connect the camera to the internet (it's in a file called wifi.conf but not all cameras will have this visible). Then in theory it's much easier as your remote streaming is just to an IP and you can watch.

The problem however arises for the recording and transfering the video over wifi to be stored somewhere else. That's the problem.

I genuinely would recommend taking this in baby steps:
1) Create an app which has very easy access to different frameworks/tools/api - basically a streaming app
2) Expand your app to include your webcam
3) Look for other common APIs for webcams, logitech I think might have released theres but not sure
4) Buy an Ambarella based camera with wifi
5) Try basic RTSP commands and functions
6) Look at the Xiaomi hacks area and see what they have done
7) Replicate these on your camera

8) Market your app

I really do see where you are coming from but sadly it's not easy, you're going to run into a lot of bottlenecks.

Again if I can help I will but I'm just trying to be realistic.

If you want to use your dashcam purely as an external webcam then it can be simple - you'll need to figure out how to connect the camera to the internet (it's in a file called wifi.conf but not all cameras will have this visible). Then in theory it's much easier as your remote streaming is just to an IP and you can watch.

The problem however arises for the recording and transfering the video over wifi to be stored somewhere else. That's the problem.

I genuinely would recommend taking this in baby steps:
1) Create an app which has very easy access to different frameworks/tools/api - basically a streaming app
2) Expand your app to include your webcam
3) Look for other common APIs for webcams, logitech I think might have released theres but not sure
4) Buy an Ambarella based camera with wifi
5) Try basic RTSP commands and functions
6) Look at the Xiaomi hacks area and see what they have done
7) Replicate these on your camera

8) Market your app

I really do see where you are coming from but sadly it's not easy, you're going to run into a lot of bottlenecks.

Again if I can help I will but I'm just trying to be realistic.

Again, I really appreciate your comments. It seems you are very much experienced in this area.
I will continue research, but certainly keep you in mind for any advice.