Looking for Dual Cam for motorcycles

I am also currently looking for a suitable motorcycle dashcam.

In my opinion, the screen is not that important as long as there is good app support to view each channel on a mobile phone. Would likely stow the main unit below the seat close to the battery anyway. The main thing id be looking at is image quality; currently, nothing on the market is really that satisfying. A good quality image sensor on both the front and rear with decent video processing and compression is super important.

Also, don't see having an emergency save button to be that useful. If an incident was to occur, it would not be hard to find the required footage before it was written over if the SD card supports a reasonable footage time. However, I like the implementations that include this button in a small module with a microphone for recording some road noise.

As others have said, park mode probably isn't really viable and I wouldn't want it to be a problem on my battery.
I don't know why, but to me looking at car and motorcycle videos, it is as if while both would be better off with a higher bitrate it is as if motorcycles need it even more.
Maybe this is due to a motorcycle front camera are always down low and have more road surface in the picture.
I would also like the manufacturers to take into account one important point: the possibility of connecting an external microphone, or installing the remote control on insulating gaskets that do not transmit the sound of a motorcycle engine to the microphone through the frame. This greatly interferes with sound recording. This we could find out when testing Foxeye GC1
I would also like the manufacturers to take into account one important point: the possibility of connecting an external microphone, or installing the remote control on insulating gaskets that do not transmit the sound of a motorcycle engine to the microphone through the frame. This greatly interferes with sound recording. This we could find out when testing Foxeye GC1

improving the sound is a big challenge for a bike camera
Small remote mike, maybe even with with modest controls via bluetooth/wifi which could be mounted somewhere away from road/engiine/wind noise? Maybe not wired, but charged occasionally via USB? Maybe even as an optional module?
On a motorcycle I'd guess some people still want to have audio recordings when stopped, like, by the police? Probably more important than when moving.
I think clandestine recording is smarter, and the day I am one of those people who pull a phone out and start videoing when ever a cop is within 50 feet of me, I'll just stay home and wear my tin foil hat and pajamas. :)
Gixxers seem popular, i am only crawling on top of one on a track,,,,, and then the owner better not be too attached to his bike, cuz i like to push that envelope so a trip on the asphalt are not unthinkable.
my last bike was a Honda Fireblade, similar style of bike which unfortunately for me is difficult to ride now, I have pins in my right wrist and my hand goes to sleep after about an hour when I ride a sports bike, need something where I don't have weight on my wrists while riding now
You need Ape hangers Rick :)


I would take a smaller Gixxer, modified for stunting, so pretty stripped with a few ad-dons.

The stunt bike is a gsxs1000, I had one before the Gsxr, I don't want ape bars, they are no good for wheelies. I did put flat bars on though


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I used an Innovv K1 for a number of years, they have a K2 out now that I'm surprised no one mentioned yet. However I was never happy with the K1 from a reliability perspective, as often as not I would get to my destination and discover the unit had locked up somewhere along the trip. Effectively rending it useless. I tried ferrite cores, delay timer switches, better power connectors, faster microSC cards, active cooling, and none of it made it more reliable.

I'm told the K2 is much more reliable but I'd hold off until there are some verified uses of it for more that a short while. I have an A119 in my and my wife's vehicles and have been pretty happy with them, so a VIOFO dual motorbike camera will definitely have my attention.