Memory Card for Mobius.

so what do you think about that one?

I can get it for 13$, will it work fine with Mobius?
can you guys answer? because I want to order today :P
Personally I'd pay slightly more and order the Scosche adapter from Amazon (do they ship to Poland?)
that's the problem. Amazon doesn't ship to Poland :/
I'm sure this car charger is great, but 80zł is too much for me. I think I'll have to take a risk with that one for 13$.
well, I'd be a little affraid to use a 6 cent charger with my dash cam :D what voltage does the Mobius require?

It looks identical to the one that sells for $3.98 on Ebay from the guy who sells the Mobius. I tried both out today and they both charge my phone. Don't have my Mobius yet but will do some voltage and current test on these two chargers. Usually they sell for around $1.25 American dollars on Ebay but for
That's right - just get a decent USB car charger than can supply 1A or greater and you should be good - if you already have a phone charger then check the specs and if it outputs 1A or above you're good.

I personally use two of these:
To be honest if you went straight for the Mobius then consider yourself lucky - there are much worse options on the market!

Or try one of these: usb car charger usams&_sop=15

Cheap, stable, 3.1A (1x 2.1A and 1x 1A), takes 12-24V interesting for truckers, and when used in 12V outlets it wouldn't have big problems with little spikes.... And if one might blow out, you always have a cheap spare.....

Oh yeah, they don't wobble around like the taller ones......
I started reading this thread cause my SANDISK ULTRA 32GB won't record from 1.17 and up.The leds are flashing like it's recording, but NOTHING is actually written to the card. The maps DCIM and supmaps are created but that's it. I've tried formatting in PC and Mobius, no go. The card seems OK because I can copy paste delete any type of file, but Mobius is not writing the clips in the folder.

Which is weird because I have a same type/brand 64GB that DID work, but locked up for some reason, it's on an RMA status with SANDISK, I should receive a new one soon.

At present I use a noname 32GB that works fine, in ALL version F/W.......!

Now I really need 64 GB because of the longer recordings/trips, and I would like to know who has good experiences with their 64GB card in Mobius?

Please let us know which ones.
what about that Belkin charger?

it has 2,1A 5V on both USB ports, looks fine :)
I started reading this thread cause my SANDISK ULTRA 32GB won't record from 1.17 and up.The leds are flashing like it's recording, but NOTHING is actually written to the card. The maps DCIM and supmaps are created but that's it. I've tried formatting in PC and Mobius, no go. The card seems OK because I can copy paste delete any type of file, but Mobius is not writing the clips in the folder.

Which is weird because I have a same type/brand 64GB that DID work, but locked up for some reason, it's on an RMA status with SANDISK, I should receive a new one soon.

At present I use a noname 32GB that works fine, in ALL version F/W.......!

Now I really need 64 GB because of the longer recordings/trips, and I would like to know who has good experiences with their 64GB card in Mobius?

Please let us know which ones.
I did extensive testing with v2.10 and v2.12 (test version) using Sandisk, Kingston, PQI and PNY 64 GB cards formatted with FAT32. There was a BIG difference in the results. I basically had zero problems using v2.12 whereas v2.10 gave erratic and unreliable results. After v2.12 came a lot of intermediate FW versions so I didn't have a chance of continuing my tests. Today I started testing the same cards with v2.18 but this time formatted with exFAT. The problem is not so much the firmware, but more the codes from the chip manufacturer which are linked into the firmware. The developer almost always uses the very latest codes provided by NTK but, unfortunately, there is no guarantee they will work the same as in a previous version. The only way to be sure is test, test and test again.
I don't know what you mean by "locked up", but if you mean your card flipped to read-only then that is a (common) problem with Sandisk.
From all the problems posted, Sandisk cards seem to be far the most vulnerable. Although I haven't had any compatibility problems myself (except for two flipped read-only cards), I can only advise to avoid Sandisk cards. Kingston have the best reputation.
If the card routines in the NTK codes used in v2.18 are identical with those used in v2.12 then I expect far less card compatibility problems. Let's hope NTK hasn't changed them.
Until my testing is completed, I can't make any other comments on card compatibility with v2.18, there are just too many variables.
I don't know what you mean by "locked up", but if you mean your card flipped to read-only then that is a (common) problem with Sandisk.
From all the problems posted, Sandisk cards seem to be far the most vulnerable. Although I haven't had any compatibility problems myself (except for two flipped read-only cards), I can only advise to avoid Sandisk cards. Kingston have the best reputation.
If the card routines in the NTK codes used in v2.18 are identical with those used in v2.12 then I expect far less card compatibility problems. Let's hope NTK hasn't changed them.
Until my testing is completed, I can't make any other comments on card compatibility with v2.18, there are just too many variables.

Correct, flipped to read only...... I'm switching to Kingston I guess......

Thanks for your input!

there are also many Sandisk fakes on the market. I bought a Transcend 32GB Class 10 card, hope that everything will be ok with it.
I'm intrigued by these Sandisk cards flipping to read only - are they dead in things like Linux too when they go?
I have three 32GB class 10 Sandisk cards I've purchased on Amazon running in my various cameras including Mobius. I bought them before I became aware that anyone was having issues with them and have never had the slightest problem with them myself. I have no doubt that this is a real issue but despite all the reports I wonder what percentage of these Sandisk microSD cards are prone to such problems. It might be interesting to do a poll and see approximately what kind of numbers we are talking about.
there are also many Sandisk fakes on the market. I bought a Transcend 32GB Class 10 card, hope that everything will be ok with it.

Yes there are, but mine are real, the one 64gb was returned, and a new one is on it's way.
There is a way to check, find characteristics on SanDisk website.

I'm intrigued by these Sandisk cards flipping to read only - are they dead in things like Linux too when they go?

What I know is, they get some write protection on for some weird cause that I still can't pinpoint, can't format them, can't write on them, but all info on them can be retrieved.

My SanDisk 32gb however is fine, and after formatting the maps are being created while mobius is "recording" but the video clips themselves are nowhere to be found.....
do you guys think that the 3 meter cable would be enough to properly install Mobius in a small car?
do you guys think that the 3 meter cable would be enough to properly install Mobius in a small car?

Depends on your routing and where you plan to plug it in but it should be more than enough, if you have a small car. I use this Rosewill 15-Feet USB 2.0 A Male to Mini B 5-Pin Male Cable (RCAB-11026) in my Audi A4 and have cable to spare. It's being used for my rear mounted Mobius and runs from the center top of the rear window, across to the driver's side pillar, down the side pillar, behind the rear seat back, then under the rear seat across to the center console and up into the center console where it plugs into the USB adapter I have in the center console 12V outlet. I still have a couple of feet to spare that I left under the rear seat.