Mini 0803 coming

Ok thanks, dose yours get hot, I was looking at buying one from they have the ones with 1296P on them
I don't know diggcam, but If you checked carefully, their products category is almost same as foxoffer, also some products info are same as foxoffer, even use our waterproof picture.
Most of products sell same price as foxoffer, some sell $1 less than us.
The FoxOffer 'Watermark' on the photo proves that have copied items from the FoxOffer website. I'd be a little weary buying from an unknown source, without having positive feedback from others first...

has a bit of a Renoir effect when you pause
Does that mean if I hold onto mine for, lets say, 100 years or so it could be worth Millions??!:p
Don't worry I'm only taking the Picasso...;)
Have anyone tried 64GB card?
I'd requested that possibility elsewhere and got the following replies....

+ make the 0803 compatible with 64GB exFAT format memory cards.
that's a big ask
If you don't ask you don't get! ;)
If it isn't possible, nothing lost nothing gained.
it's possible, the chipset supports it, there are license fees involved as it's a patented technology, given the price point I'd suspect the factory probably wouldn't be keen on spending the money required though (it's quite expensive)
I'm sure if the Russian's ever decided to work on this model it would happen ;)
So it's not compatable with exFAT formatted cards, yet....
Here's hoping one day it will be, please Mr Manufacturer/Developer!!o_O
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That's strange, Foxoffer sells these with a class 10, I'm getting close to ordering one, just can't make up my mind.

How much better if any is the 0803 than 0801 in your opinion
Not used 0801 so I can't compare.
Main reason I went for the 0803 is for the WDR
I'm using Kingston 32GB Class10 card, without any problem. Works perfect! :)
Think It's pot luck with class 10 cards.
Manual does say class 6 is recommended.
My class 10 card didn't work.
Might buy a Kingston class 10 card and see if It's works on mine.
I am thinking of ordering a 0803 from the UK next week. I am just about to return the second dodgy worlds smallest dashcam effort thingy as its complete rubbish and totally unreliable.

How are you guys getting on with the latest production 0803? Will I regret getting one or should I go for an 0801?
Although the 0803 could still do with some fine tuning in the firmware the hardware won't change so probably still better to go with the newer model, @JooVuu has both
Personally, I will wait until I see examples of output that are acceptable (to me).
There is never any guarantee that a new piece of hardware can be improved to the standard you are looking for by changes to the firmware - or that the engineers who developed the product have the capability to improve it sufficiently.
However this is purely a personal thing - and you could end up waiting forever - so in the meantime I will keep looking for acceptable (price, features and quality) alternatives.;)

As I understood, hardware is sorted out ( latest production models with better lens ). Only thing is to wait til firmware will be fully tuned up.

It reminds me situation with Vico WF1. It took about half year to get firmware to tune-up to best possible video result. Same situation is with 0803. Sooner or later I believe FW will be sorted.
The effect does not worry me at all, most of my driving is in the dark so I need the cam to see in the dark which this cam does very well.

As for now, - it does OK, but could be better if comparing to some other similar price-range dashcams. Still some small tweaks in FW need to be done.
So it's not compatable with exFAT formatted cards, yet....

Yep, but i think, there probably is a possibility to format SDXC 64GB card in FAT32.
So, before Russian guys will add support of exFAT in "unofficial FW", or manufacturer will buy the license, somebody can try 64gb FAT32 card.
They have....
I have posted in the 0803 coming thread. 64GB cards are working formatted with fat32. It is a band aid, but it works. ExFat would be better. Camera would format 64GB with ExFat by default, but it would not use it.
I have the 0803 with the latest FW and using a 32 gb class 10 card. No problems at all. All works as it is supposed to. It runs a bit warm but that seems to be the norm.
What's the difference AF in a measurement between the centre forward and a spot?
As for now, - it does OK, but could be better if comparing to some other similar price-range dashcams.

I am still considering which camera to go for - can you say which your comment is referring too and do you have any links to the details on your site??
I am still considering which camera to go for - can you say which your comment is referring too and do you have any links to the details on your site??

0803 firmware developers working hard and it getting better, but not yet fully polished up to what its hardware / firmware is capable of producing. I believe its OK to buy 0803 and wait til firmware will be fully polished up.
Is the Mini 0805 already in development phase or just on drawing board at this time?o_O
in sample phase.
need several monthes to make it works like 0803.