Mobius 2 Lens

@Harsh , @TonyM , @Dashmellow

I was able to solve the problem:

I opened the camera and only had to "screw" the lens to the base.
The problem was that without opening the camera, i just put the lens and did not adjust it correctly.
View attachment 36284

The camera is new (eBay, eletoponline365), the white that is seen, is glue to hold the lens:
View attachment 36282
View attachment 36283

Thanks to everyone!!
Glad you got it fixed. Although it doesn't look like there's very much thread engagement within that lens holder, I'm still surprised that you were able to pull it out like that.
In my view, just about everything about the M2 vs the M1 is a step backwards.
As you know, I have a beta test Mobius camera here, and I can say that just about everything is a step forwards from the M2 and the M1! ;)
I was able to solve the problem:

I opened the camera and only had to "screw" the lens to the base.
The problem was that without opening the camera, i just put the lens and did not adjust it correctly.

Good that it's not actually broken. You'll still need to refocus it.
I hope the limited time offer is not a sign of things to come!

After carefully going through eletoplonline365's listings once again I did finally find the AV wiring harness on sale as a separate item, so happily it appears I was mistaken in my commentary above where I said they were not selling it separately anymore . I do hope we continue to see the item on offer whether it is included with the purchase of an M1 or not.

Which is the better cable to order, the 4 separate or the ones interconnected ?
As you know, I have a beta test Mobius camera here, and I can say that just about everything is a step forwards from the M2 and the M1! ;)

I vehemently disagree.

Here we are in February, 2018 some 21 months after the camera first went on sale and almost two and a half years after it was first publicly announced and the M2 is still not anywhere near to fulfilling its promises. "The goal is superior image quality" Tom Frank said in his RCgroups post announcing the camera on September 10, 2015, along with, "Needless to say excellent image quality in the Mobius tradition can be expected." But now, here in February, 2018, the M2 offers terrible overall image quality and it is missing many of the key features that made the M1 the success that it is. The decision to eliminate the user focusable lens is a major step backwards, as is the loss of web cam functionality. The decision to not supply AV connectors is another compromise and the notion that Mobius couldn't even be bothered to publicly inform buyers that the old AV connectors would work is also mystifying. The brass screw-in tripod mount with its tiny little screws is another major step backwards from the elegant slide-in lens cradle with pop out tripod adapter. Anyone who needs to remove the tripod adapter out in the field will spend a lot of time fussing with it and risks losing the screws versus instantly sliding the cam out of its cradle or slipping the cam back into the cradle so it is positioned just the way it was before. The case design is also problematic as the hard plastic buttons on one of my cameras make a loud rattling noise in the videos. Mobius had nothing to say when I repeatedly reported this issue. There is no longer a DCIM folder which is yet another loss.

A "Mark II" iteration of a camera design usually provides enhancement and improvement not major compromises and set-backs compared to the original.
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Which is the better cable to order, the 4 separate or the ones interconnected ?

They are the same thing. It's just how they are presented in the photo. The 4 separate cables can all be connected simultaneously.
@Harsh asked about how I focused the M2, not the M1. I didn't think there was a way to get live view out of the M2, so I resorted to trial and error..... Am I missing something? :confused: Are you saying that I can use the AV wiring harness that comes with the M2, along with the compatible RCA breakout cable adapter that came with the M1?

I had lost the RCA cable from my original Mobius 1 long ago. I noticed that the more recent Mobius 1's I bought no longer come with that RCA cable, just the USB lead. The last M1 I bought was the A2 lens version, and I chose that partly because it's the only M1 version that eletoponline ships with the RCA adapter.

Hi TonyM, did/does the A2 Mobius 1 come with a metal or plastic lens mount from eletoponline?
I hope they've done away with the heatsink cum threaded-mount design and gone back to the cradle, the screws tend to loosen with all the vibration.
I vehemently disagree.
maybe you misread what he wrote

As you know, I have a beta test Mobius camera here, and I can say that just about everything is a step forwards from the M2 and the M1! ;)

sounds like his beta unit isn't an M2, he says it's better than that, M3 maybe???
I assume any lens module connection to the work station is on a board level. Jokiin might be able to enlighten us further.

depends on the camera design as to how they are focused, the method of focusing is pretty much universal, aimed at a wall chart etc, if the camera has HDMI out that is used connected directly to a monitor, that's pretty much the reason why so many cameras have HDMI out as it makes it easier for production, if it doesn't have that then there is generally a purpose built jig that the sensors are connected to which has an output for the monitor so it can be adjusted
maybe you misread what he wrote

sounds like his beta unit isn't an M2, he says it's better than that, M3 maybe???

OH, I read it wrong also, I thought the Mobius test camera he was referring to was an old Mobius 2, but I see what you mean now! He is implying there is a new Mobius beta camera (Mobius 3?) in his possession now for review!:cool: Wonder if the people of interest will be asked for their input before another fiasco is built :censored: ?
Wonder if the people of interest will be asked for their input before another fiasco is built :censored: ?

they seem a bit selective about who they listen to at the times, sometimes to their detriment, if @TonyM is able to give them some input though that would certainly be a step in the right direction
maybe you misread what he wrote

sounds like his beta unit isn't an M2, he says it's better than that, M3 maybe???

I do have to admit that I found @TonyM's post a bit confusing and puzzled over it briefly. Re-reading it now I see that I hastily focused more on the words, "a step forwards". I'm aware that Tony has a beta Mobius camera he's been testing but it's not up me to reveal what I know about it publicly. I'll say that the little I know about the design philosphy is infuriating despite some appealing aspects. Anyway, apologies for my misinterpretation of your post @TonyM.

Still, I stand behind everything that I said regarding the M2. I am especially disgusted with the aloofness, the denial or ignoring of the obvious flaws by all the key apparatchiks and complete lack of Mobius' willingness to communicate in the slightest way with loyal Mobius buyers who are stuck with this compromised disappointment of a camera. It should be taken off the market until they can come up with a worthy replacement to the M1.
Still, I stand behind everything that I said regarding the M2.

yeah not disagreeing with your thoughts on the M2, it does sound like he is referring to some other model though, which hopefully is a step back in the right direction for Mobius
yeah not disagreeing with your thoughts on the M2, it does sound like he is referring to some other model though, which hopefully is a step back in the right direction for Mobius

It would be inappropriate for me to say (assuming we're talking about the same camera) but from what I know it's a case of some positive steps forward and what I would describe as a major step back. :mad: I think hobbyists, enthusiasts and DIYers will be very disappointed in the direction Mobius has decided to take their business. Hopefully, I'm wrong about this but if the heavily glued in lens is any indication many won't be happy.
depends on the camera design as to how they are focused, the method of focusing is pretty much universal, aimed at a wall chart etc, if the camera has HDMI out that is used connected directly to a monitor, that's pretty much the reason why so many cameras have HDMI out as it makes it easier for production, if it doesn't have that then there is generally a purpose built jig that the sensors are connected to which has an output for the monitor so it can be adjusted

Thanks for the explanation.
I thought I could get away with a quick comment. In hindsight I probably should not have said anything.

I do have a beta version of a new camera. I think it is better than the M1 in some aspects, but not all. I think it is better than the M2 in most aspects, but again not all. I don't expect it will suit everyone. It's still in development, although the basic hardware design appears to have been set before I was involved. I've helped with some image quality issues and tested some firmware features.

I hope to be able to share more details soon.
Hi TonyM, did/does the A2 Mobius 1 come with a metal or plastic lens mount from eletoponline?
It's a plastic lens mount on the A2, unlike my original A lens model. At least it comes with a set screw :)
It's a plastic lens mount on the A2, unlike my original A lens model. At least it comes with a set screw :)

I believe it was around the time that Mobius introduced the C2 lens that they made the transition to FRP modules. FRP is very dimensionally stable which is good of course, but I preferred the metal ones, especially in a tiny camera like a Mobius because the metal module appears to disipate the heat of the sensor more efficiently.