Mobius C2 failure

May 15, 2016
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Mobius C2 c/w super capacitor/Mobius 1s C2
I attached my Mobius C2 to my RC car in order to capture the hoopla surrounding the Stanley Cup playoffs here in Edmonton, Alberta. I took it on a test run yesterday and everything worked perfectly. Video and photo mode were spot on. Came home, removed the camera, and changed the angle a little bit by placing a wedge under it. Re-attached the camera using a couple of zip ties, and voila, it doesn't work now. Tried everything in order to remedy the situation, including the re-configuration on the setup on the computer. NO GO! After spending the next couple of hours scratching my head as to why it's not working and pushing all the buttons about 500 times each, it finally started working on photo mode only. No video. Haven't a clue why this happened, but I can assure you that this is the worst timing possible with the Stanley Cup finals starting tomorrow. What happened?? Did I tighten the zip ties too much? Did the planets align improperly? Does God hate me? WTF???
Have you tried pressing the re-set button using a paper clip? Or a new memory card?

P.S. You've been a member here a long time. Why not post in the Mobius Support & Trouble Shooting sub-forum?
I haven't been on for years. Yes, I pushed the re-set button. No, I still have the same memory card. I could have posted this elsewhere, but it took me forever just to figure out how to post at all. Thank you for your response.
I haven't been on for years. Yes, I pushed the re-set button. No, I still have the same memory card. I could have posted this elsewhere, but it took me forever just to figure out how to post at all. Thank you for your response.
Try a new memory card.
Well I ended up taking the camera off the RC car and once again, stuck it to the brim of my ball hat. After pressing the re-set, and opening the housing to see if there was anything obvious, it seems to be working again. I am using the same memory card, also. I can't explain why it stopped working, and I can't explain why it began working again. I suspect the zip ties that I used to secure it to the RC car were simply too tight. I just hope that it continues to work until my newly ordered Mobius 1s C2 arrives. Thank you for you input.
Not the existing card, but I did put in a new one and ran the format program for it. So, after all the hoopla, I still have a camera that works on photo mode only. Both video modes do not work. As unfortunate as that is, I'm actually glad that 'something' on it works. I was able to get approx. 250 photos around the rink last night. I just set it to take a shot every ten seconds, and velcroed it to the peak of my ball hat and let the battery do the rest.