Mobius in motion detect mode

Has someone here tested how long the original Mobius battery can last in the motion detection mode?
Has someone here tested how long the original Mobius battery can last in the motion detection mode?

I think I recall it being roughly the same as in loop-record mode ... Around 2 hours with the 820mAH battery.
Has someone here tested how long the original Mobius battery can last in the motion detection mode?
With motion detect after power off set to 15 seconds, I get an average of 3 hours total run time, but can't recall the average number of clips recorded as I lost my notes. :(
I remember that @Isoprop mentioned at some point that there's not much difference between stand-by mode (waiting for motion) and recording in terms of power draining.
I stuck one of my spare, wide angle mobius up in the windshield of the truck last night when I parked, set in motion detection mode.
I wasn't expecting much, and don't have internet access that will enable me to upload video at this location. (too slow).

Will keep playing with it. I didn't expect it to record much, but the card was more or less full when I woke up.
It mostly triggered by big trucks moving in the area, and up to 250 feet away. I haven't found any files where it was triggered by a pedestrian, except by ME when I left the truck and walked into the building, 200 feet away. (It did not pick me up coming back, 5 minutes later, walking directly toward the truck.)

A little better than I expected, but not sure how useful it may be?
If it will pick up a pedestrian near the truck, could be a cheapo 'parking mode' solution.
Will play with the settings and use it again tonight.

I did power it with a 7200 ma external USB battery thing, which should have been close to full charge when I parked. It does have a 4 LED charge indicator, which shows half charge this morning.
I do some test of motion detection indoor. And I have BIG issue with motion detection sensibility:

My 32Gb SD Card is full with 8H of video 720P thats perfect. But it is full after 72H !!!

- The sensibility "Medium" is a bit too low, and short video stops too easily and I lost parts of whats happend
- The sensibility "High" is way to high and detect many false positive
=> Sometimes (with my eyes) I can't say why it triggers (does the sound trigger the record ?)
=> Sometimes it is a cloud shadow that slightly change the luminosity

Is there anyway to fix the firmware to ignore luminosity change / shadows and do Optical Flow ? I assume its a color change in the picture not a motion

I think the workflow should be:
- Sensibility medium to start recording because we want a real motion not clouds
- Sensibility hight to stop the recording because a slight motion may comes from the people starting the motion (not clouds).

Why not setting longer timeout ? because opening a door takes 3s and I don"t want 30s video for that :)

Is there any possibility to fix a firware at least to split the starting sensibility and the stopping/postpone sensibility ? That would be awesome !


With the following snapshot:


EDIT: Some video are totatly BLACK I don't know why the camera trigger ... very strange I have 2.21H from 2AM to 5AM of black vidéo ... a ghost ?

Thanks !
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We tested many different sensitivity values for the Motion Detect settings and found the current settings to be the best. There will also always be a small variation of sensibility depending on what lens is used and component toleration, lighting etc.
Only motion is detected, not sound. Neither the developer nor us testers were ever really satisfied with the results. In fact, the developer didn't even want to release MD because it can't be adequately tweaked, but people wanted it all the same. It was even present in one of the very early beta-releases but was then removed from the official release because it didn't meet the standards the developer expected.
So, I'm afraid it's what it is. If it's useful to you, then it's there to use.
We tested many different sensitivity values for the Motion Detect settings and found the current settings to be the best. There will also always be a small variation of sensibility depending on what lens is used and component toleration, lighting etc.
Only motion is detected, not sound. Neither the developer nor us testers were ever really satisfied with the results. In fact, the developer didn't even want to release MD because it can't be adequately tweaked, but people wanted it all the same. It was even present in one of the very early beta-releases but was then removed from the official release because it didn't meet the standards the developer expected.
So, I'm afraid it's what it is. If it's useful to you, then it's there to use.

Thanks, well a big part of our business is based on Motion Detection on Camera that's why we choose Mobius because it provide a great camera with good motion detection choice.

- About Medium sensitivity it seems to be the good compromise
- About high sensitivy I don"t understand because it seems useless

I understand there is no "perfect choice" and it would not be possible to implement optical flow or other algorithms because of too many cpu involve ...

I think a good behavior would be to start "medium" then increase sensitity to "high" while recording.

About dark vidéo at 3-4AM I have no clues....
Just trying a mobius wide angle cam in motion detection mode for the heck of it. The first segment, sensitivity was set at high, next two at medium. It doesn't appear to trigger by pedestrian traffic, although the closest pedestrians would be is 7-8 feet away.

These are just sample segments
I have been having a bit of trouble with motion detect over the past week or so.

When switching the car off motion detect only activates occasionally. It always works immediately after using msetup, but then after a few power cycles it becomes random. Often when it does activate it only detects motion/records for a short period before shutting down despite a fully charged battery. All other functions work as expected.

The problem seems to have started after using a version of the android app without the settings for MD. Prior to this MD was working correctly for many weeks.

In the next couple of days I will reinstall the current firmware and see how it goes.
Finally updated the firmware, and the problem of unreliable MD persists.

I believe the battery is the problem. I occasionally get run times of no more than 30-45 minutes despite the battery led flashing three times before going completely flat.
Is there any way to use a button press to turn motion detection on and off?
I drive -> not motion detection, continious recording. I park -> press button -> motion detection on.
Press button again, back to continious recording.
Is everyone in this thread dyslexic? "sensibility" is not the same thing as "sensitivity"

Does Mobius have a park power mode? Like regular dashcams that feed off the battery when ignition is turned off.
How can it if it's fed through a USB, where's the ignition sense connection?
Does it run in park mode only on lithium internal battery?
Does it switch from MD to driving mode and start continuously recording when ignition is turned on?
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Is everyone in this thread dyslexic? "sensibility" is not the same thing as "sensitivity"

Does Mobius have a park power mode? Like regular dashcams that feed off the battery when ignition is turned off.
How can it if it's fed through a USB?
Does it run in park mode only on battery?
Does it switch from MD to driving mode and start continuously recording when power is applied?

Only 2 people or so referred to sensibility instead of sensitivity.
But I think you are insensitive here. Not everyone's native language is English.

The Mobius does not have any modes (or is it modi? ;) ) where it detects if there is power from the battery while parked or driving. The mobius gets 5V from the converter, no matter what, so I guess this could be a problem even if they would like to implement such features.

The "park mode" is the motion detection mode. You just set it to this mode. It will work as long as the cam has power.
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For what you pay for the Mobius, you will not find a substantially better cam for motion-detect operation. If you need better motion detect then you need a better cam which has pre-buffering. Expect to pay 1-1/2 times the price of Mobius or more to get that reliably in any dashcam.

Mobius has been developed about as far as it can go given it's current hardware. In this it has surpassed all other cams of it's age and price range. What it excels at is general reliability, small size, and value for cost. Plus all parts are user-replaceable and readily available; I know of no other cam which can make that claim. Even today it is still one heck of a good economy dashcam as long as you understand that like it's cohorts, M/D and G-sensor aren't what one might expect them to be. They do work, but not well, so best to just leave those "off" and use it as a pure dashcam for driving purposes only or as an action cam which is what it really is.

For what you pay for the Mobius, you will not find a substantially better cam for motion-detect operation. If you need better motion detect then you need a better cam which has pre-buffering. Expect to pay 1-1/2 times the price of Mobius or more to get that reliably in any dashcam.

Mobius has been developed about as far as it can go given it's current hardware. In this it has surpassed all other cams of it's age and price range. What it excels at is general reliability, small size, and value for cost. Plus all parts are user-replaceable and readily available; I know of no other cam which can make that claim. Even today it is still one heck of a good economy dashcam as long as you understand that like it's cohorts, M/D and G-sensor aren't what one might expect them to be. They do work, but not well, so best to just leave those "off" and use it as a pure dashcam for driving purposes only or as an action cam which is what it really is.

The only camera I've used that had a useful motion detection mode so far was the Papago GS110. Useful in that it triggered by both pedestrians and vehicles within view, and the night video was OK. Limited usefulness, but it worked OK.