Moving on from a G1W


New Member
Oct 29, 2014
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United Kingdom
Hey all,

So I've had my G1W for around a year now but the last few times I've checked the memory card it has kept clips from 4 months ago but only recorded the odd clip of part of a journey from recently, and missed a few days out completely even though the cam always shows as recording. I've tried formatting the card to no avail.

So it's time to move on.

I've only got a couple of requirements..

I want the new one to have a button I can quickly press to save/prevent a clip being overwritten. Reason being is that I generally only remove the cam if there is something I want to upload, it would be handy to know it's kept permanently at the simple press of a button.

Secondly is I'd like it to be more concealed, the G1W is obviously quite large.

I like the look of the 'wedge' cam and it would fit nicely in my car.

Budget: low as possible retaining a similar quality of footage to the G1W.

Any thoughts?

I've been happy with the SG9665GCs that replaced by G1W-H cams. A bit pricier but so far have been more than adequate for the job with the added benefit of GPS. Day and night video quality is noticeably better than the G1W as well. Capacitor vs battery if that makes any difference to you.

I had considered getting a third 'GC' as a rear cam for my car but decided that it was a bit extravagant (money wise) for that purpose so I went with an A118-C for that. Video quality isn't as good as the 'GC' but for a rear cam it's fine and at least as good as the G1W-H.
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A bit off what I was originally going for but after hours of watching reviews on Techmoan, I decided to go for the SJCAM SJ4000 WIFI, on the basis that I don't need to worry about having a button to save clips as I can just whip the iPhone out and save a clip to my camera roll if I ever want to keep a clip.

I also like the fact I can use it for other things as well as a dash cam, and it's actually smaller than the G1w with the sticky mount.

(Reason I know this is I've just had an SJ4000 turn up which turned out to be fake so I've returned it & ordered one from FoxOffer)

that's a question that's hard to answer, these are public model products meaning there are multiple supply channels and assemblers, it's not so much about real or fake, just different, some are certainly better than others, which is which is not something that is easy to determine though unfortunately, if it's what you decide on just make sure to buy from a supply channel where returns are easy in case you do get a dud

FWIW I have 2 "Black Box" brand G1W-H cameras and they are what they were advertised as being. Both work well with good video quality. These are the battery version versus capacitor.

The one I had mounted in my wife's car began having issues recording after being out in direct sunlight all day (facing south) when the temps got up in the mid to high 80 degree F range. It would either not start recording or would start and quit after a couple minutes. Once it cooled down it would function fine again.
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Would you buy the GW1 or the Mini 0805? The later is newer without suction mount but seems to be a better product?
Would you buy the GW1 or the Mini 0805? The later is newer without suction mount but seems to be a better product?
Since I just bought 2 SG9665GCs and an A118-C I'm not really looking at other cameras at the moment.

Based on reports of issues with the 'Mini' line I would probably pass on them. That said, it's an evolving market and things could change radically in a matter of a few months so what I would or would not consider today could change as well.
i am looking for somehting that is small and almost discreet and does a good job of what it is supposed to do.