Multi-Storey Car Park at 7x Original Speed


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2013
Reaction score
Kingston on Thames
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Mobius B (x2) & A119
Created in RegistratorViewer at 7x original speed.

Please click on the 'cog' & select 1080p playback quality. It's a very short video, so won't waste much of your time.

The YouTube playback is a bit jerky & blocky on my old laptop, yet smooth on my iPad so, hopefully, playback will be smooth on your device.
If you 'speed up' digital video it will appear jerky because unlike film, digital video drops frames as you increse the speed. i.e. if you record at 30fps then play back at double the speed the playback will be of 15 frames. So at 7 x original speed, you only see 30 / 7 = 4.28 rounded up to 5 frames.
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Iiiiim so dizzy my head is spinning :D

Ill be dammed if i can remember who made that song :rolleyes:
Aaa yes thats it :) i need that damm time machine to go back to the good old days.