My C3 is longer than my c2 and won't fit the holder (among other issues)

What length do you get in mm with C3?

I measured mine...
62.22mm length
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image.jpg image.jpg I don't remember the length I just remember it was 0.5mm longer give or take 0.02mm. Don't have the digital caliper on me anymore.

I removed the front and back plate and the tube section is still too long to fit without either plate on. it IS the length of the enclosure.
i am still having frustrations with the C2 also. i tested all the usb cables i have to see which ones worked with it, found one that did make it auto record once plugged in. last night i am on my way to work, plug it in... it just charges it... doesn't auto record, even though it did from a wall charger. unplug it and replug it a few times... nothing. get to work try a wall charger... nothing... just charging. so i start recording manually, then unplug it. now when i plug it in, it starts auto recording again. but for some reason it just decided it didnt want to 3-4 times prior.

i am going to try it more today, but I work 72 hours this week, dont have a day off until sunday, and I just switched to over nights so my sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up so I have little time this week to do much.