nanoQ 0903

Dashcam doesn't delete files correctly and ends up filling all the sdcard space after that it can't record anymore.
Also sometimes it makes files with wrong date "01.01.current year" and you end up with full sdcard.

Other people have the same problems, check the comments under updates :
David T
01/23/2017 4:38pm

Only had it for a few weeks.
Loop recording stops once card memory's full. Date and time decided to reset itself to 1st Jan 2016!
02/18/2017 8:15pm

I have the same issues as David. The fault with loop is my major issue ...
01/29/2017 11:44am

Have downloaded and used latest firmware 26122016, but camera will not overwrite old files, I need to reformat every time card is full.
Also sometimes it makes files with wrong date "01.01.current year" and you end up with full sdcard.
I suspect internal tablet battery. May be to small voltage to save date/time (2.929-2.771 V)? Sorry I am not radio man.
In my case both nanoQ's have the same date/time settings savings problem :( Every time, after 2-3 days of not using car,
must to check date/time in nanoQ before starting driving. If resets to default 2o16o1o1 - I will setting to current...
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I suspect internal tablet battery. Every time, after 2-3 days of not using car, must to check date/time in nanoQ before starting driving.

that happens on old batch 0903, the discharge current of RTC battery is too high so the RTC survive less than 2 days.
if you can, a DIY work will help (need some DIY solder skill and equipment):
1, take the battery + pin from PCB, use a heat resisting tape to insulate;
2, connect the battery +pin with the diode with a 220R resistor
that means add a resistor between the diode and battery, which will extend the RTC last time effectively.
<<of course, if you can't DIY, it is OK to send the the camera to our factory to repair>>
Hi it is a MS621 battery, or can use Double Layer Capacitor
the diameter is 6.8mm
I was looking for an update on the NanoQ (mini 0903) if the problems have been fixed. This still seems like a good camera with many features for the price, but know there has been a lot of problems. Have all of the problems been fixed or should I stay away from buying the camera?
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I don't know about the GPS working. I haven't updated it since late last year but I know for sure the GPS hasn't worked for me. It may have worked about 30% of the time.
I was looking for an update on the NanoQ (mini 0903) if the problems have been fixed. This still seems like a good camera with many features for the price, but know there has been a lot of problems. Have all of the problems been fixed or should I stay away from buying the camera?
Not fixed. Stay away.
I currently like the features of the camera: Small, 1080P, wifi, GPS, Parking Mode, Capacitor for backup power. I would like to buy 2 cameras for front and back, maybe 4 cameras (front, back, both sides). I liked this because of the of the many features and the low price since I want to buy up to 4 cameras. I can update and fix the hardware issues, but feel that I should not have to. I understand some of the software issues and I am willing to wait for a firmware update. But I have been reading problems with the GPS not working, the focus problems, the last video not saving correctly, plastic mount breaking, etc.

Is there another camera with the same feature set as the mini 0903 that is cost effective since I would like to buy up to 4? I can not justify spending $200 for each camera for a good one.
I was looking for an update on the NanoQ (mini 0903) if the problems have been fixed. This still seems like a good camera with many features for the price, but know there has been a lot of problems. Have all of the problems been fixed or should I stay away from buying the camera?

I see that Lacibaci has independance & tenacity to tell it like it is with this camera.
Don't hold your breath awaiting a frank reply from any of the Dash Cam Talk gurus.
That is not in their political interest.
Especially when it comes to covering for the infamous Rayman Chan.
Hi bro, Rayman is here

I knew that when making this comment yesterday

I see that Lacibaci has independance & tenacity to tell it like it is with this camera.
Don't hold your breath awaiting a frank reply from any of the Dash Cam Talk gurus.
That is not in their political interest.
Especially when it comes to covering for the infamous Rayman Chan.

I don't talk about people behind their back.
That's deceitful
Speaking of which, it is a pleasure to learn that you & MegTech are still taking people's hard earned money for carelessly developed, misrepresented, poorly performing, products

and I am not your Bro!

Kindest regards
Hi Edward,
nanoQ (mini 0903) is our first Novatek chipset product yes we admit there are some deficiency on Novatek experience.
but then we made a lot of improvement on RD&producing line, and worked a lot on after service.
now the entry level novatek production line are very stable (0903, 0905, Q-lite)

with that experience ( or “lesson”) we can develop the 2nd generation Novatek product mini 0906 much better (

no one grow up to adult in one night without childhood, right?
Hi Edward,
nanoQ (mini 0903) is our first Novatek chipset product yes we admit there are some deficiency on Novatek experience.
but then we made a lot of improvement on RD&producing line, and worked a lot on after service.
now the entry level novatek production line are very stable (0903, 0905, Q-lite)

with that experience ( or “lesson”) we can develop the 2nd generation Novatek product mini 0906 much better (
no one grow up to adult in one night without childhood, right?

Exactly my point Rayman
Your business model is just that.
  • Build a camera Model xxx1, test it hastily, put it on the market and sell it to unsuspecting buyers expecting a quality product & who do not know that it has not been vetted; then make excuses and offer no support
  • The customer continually pays the tab for the next step of "R&D" and woosh you rush an xxx2 onto the market and cry "see we fixed it" and "sorry you bought the first version"
  • Continue this way offering shoddy products with inoperable features (valuable for marketing purposes) & no support,;and of course never a refund or replacement; and not even an apology
  • There is too much money to lose being ethical; and even more to lose accepting responsibility
This has been your business ethic certainly since the 0806 fiasco when I caught on to you, and probably for years before that
Company name, Megatech, Novatech , whosi-watsit-tech - IRRELEVANT
It is the man behind the product that sets the tone

The consumer expects R&D to be done before the product hits the market; and in fact deserves it.
That is how businesses that care about their customers and their reputation operate

Regarding your comment
no one grow up to adult in one night without childhood, right

That's a self reference, correct?
Goes to something about old dog & tricks, wolves cross-dressing as sheep, and the birth rate of suckers does it not?

As always
With kindest regards

now the entry level novatek production line are very stable (0903, 0905, Q-lite)
Are you shure? :) I've got one fresh 0905.
1. Can't set parking guard working in low frame mode - it just writes as usuall. Do I need to switch timelapse mode on?
2. On engine start - parking guard mode switches camera off and doesn't restart at all.
3. Video resolution setting switches to default 1280 x 1080 30 fps, no matter how often I change it to 1280 x 720 60 fps.

firmware version is v2.0 25/04/2017

UPD. The problem with parking guard mode, is probably because of my OBD-kit.
What pins of microusb connector is used for +5 in normal/parking mode, or there is another logic for switching modes? Thanks.
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Hi Dude,
please be noticed you need to use a exclusive Parking Guard Hardwire Kit to support the Parking Guard function.
seems you are using an OBD kit, which will provide camera a constant power supply but NO parking signal.

we are rereseaching on Parking Guard function from mini0806 camera. When the other camera developers define the function to be functional only when get a hit, we thought it is not a good idea because you will lose a lot of information before the camera boot up and start recording. maybe the bad guy just walk away, maybe he only need to shield the camera with a simple paper, or just damage your vehicle from back.
the Parking Guard on 0903/0905/plus/0906 is quite different if you power the camera with a Parking Guard Hardwire Kit, the caemra will turn to low frame recording after the vehicle parked, so you will not lose anything then, and also don't need to worry the recording space; if any moving stuff pass by or any vibration there the camera will immediately overturn to normal recording for 30fps video, and back to low frame after the environment go to silence again.
in this method, any still images will be quick play and the triggered image will be normal, so your vehicle will be protected safely under the PARKING GUARD.
Hi Dude,
please be noticed you need to use a exclusive Parking Guard Hardwire Kit to support the Parking Guard function.
seems you are using an OBD kit, which will provide camera a constant power supply but NO parking signal.

we are rereseaching on Parking Guard function from mini0806 camera. When the other camera developers define the function to be functional only when get a hit, we thought it is not a good idea because you will lose a lot of information before the camera boot up and start recording. maybe the bad guy just walk away, maybe he only need to shield the camera with a simple paper, or just damage your vehicle from back.
the Parking Guard on 0903/0905/plus/0906 is quite different if you power the camera with a Parking Guard Hardwire Kit, the caemra will turn to low frame recording after the vehicle parked, so you will not lose anything then, and also don't need to worry the recording space; if any moving stuff pass by or any vibration there the camera will immediately overturn to normal recording for 30fps video, and back to low frame after the environment go to silence again.
in this method, any still images will be quick play and the triggered image will be normal, so your vehicle will be protected safely under the PARKING GUARD.

Not sure i understand.
Are you saying the 0903/0905/plus/0906 parking guard is modeled after the 0806?

Also, about the Parking Guard Hardwire Kit.
  • Is this included with the camera or an accessory to be purchased separately?
  • When the camera is in "low frame mode" what is the current draw?
  • Is there low battery protection?
  • Where an i find specifications on this item, please?

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in 0806, the parking guard is a common design but not perfect;
then we designed a new parking guard function from 0903.

for your questions on Parking Guard Hardwire Kit:
  • Is this included with the camera or an accessory to be purchased separately? ------- it is a optional accessory separately, as most users will not use Parking Guard.
  • When the camera is in "low frame mode" what is the current draw? --------- around 30mA lower than normal recording
  • Is there low battery protection? --------- yes, and the protecting voltage will be adjustable 11.8V, 12.0V. 12.2V or 12.4V according your requirement.
  • Where an i find specifications on this item, please? ------- please PM me your E-mail so i can send you a PDF.