nanoQ 0903

Before anything, try a different card.
That was the first thing I tested with 2gb sd card.
@kentaur I think your problem is not software issue but hardware issue. By the way try to format your SD card by Windows (if possible, use card reader not dashcam) and then copy FIRMWARE.bin. Also make sure you're "safely removing" usb device.

During the update the red LED will blink for about a minute. Once it's done, it'll boot. After flashed, format your card by dashcam.

I don't know the reason but when I tested some firmwares and wanted to flash dashcam in car I couldn't. In vehicle I tried to format SD by camera, and Android tab/phone, then copied the firmware file >> Camera didn't flashed. When I arrived home and used PC to format and copy (by 3rd party card reader) it worked.
Yea, I partitioned, formated SD cards under Linux and Windows, it ended up nanoq complaining about wrong cluster size.
Also I stated that I used card reader.
16gb had ~3mb free and then the partition started, I made new one with all the space used.
Partition was probably aligned or the free space was for booting as the partition had bootable flag.
I had to test, maybe that was the reason firmware upgrade didn't work.

Anyway I'm open for ideas, why the cam stops recording after a while ?
Bad card would be the most common reason

Don't partition the card though, return it to defaults and then format in the camera
I used that card about a year in Sony Z3 Compact and it worked perfectly.
So why can't I upgrade the firmware ?
Cam just deletes the FIRMWARE.bin
btw 2gb SD card has been never used and behaves the same as 16gb Kingston.
So why can't I upgrade the firmware ?
Cam just deletes the FIRMWARE.bin
btw 2gb SD card has been never used and behaves the same as 16gb Kingston.
Are you by any chance on Linux? Before copying the firmware to SD card, rename it to all CAPS. For me FIRMWARE.bin doesn't work, FIRMWARE.BIN works.
Yes I'm using mainly linux.

Thanks, after renaming to FIRMWARE.BIN and with 2gb SD card upgrade worked. < this should be sticky
With 16gb it didn't work.

I restored the 16gb partition layout, formated it according to that article
Then I tested it with f3 SD card test and got zero errors.

Hopefully cam behaves itself.
Are you by any chance on Linux? Before copying the firmware to SD card, rename it to all CAPS. For me FIRMWARE.bin doesn't work, FIRMWARE.BIN works.

that's an interesting find, @Feitelijk was having problems previously updating firmware as a Linux user, I didn't even think about case sensitivity at the time, will have to check that out with ours
You give me beta 27 and I'll try the caps!
@Rayman.Chan What about NanoQ PLUS? Is that an existing product or a dead concept?

I'd intrested to buy that NanoQ quality, NanoQ house and mount dashcam with Ambarella A7 (??), 7G F1.7 lens, high res sensor :)
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Just for fun

Partial* success of mounting a NanoQ 0903 on a quadcopter.
NanoQ shut down and mount on housing is broke, but the camera itself working. Some details at YouTube description

*partial because it crashed due to bad wiring, too much resistance and too much voltage drop = early shut down of quadcopter**
** Drone shut down throttle once the battery voltage under 7.0V (under load) to save battery (in cost of quadcopter). This is stupid, since LiPo is OK until 3.1-3.2V/cell (loaded)

