Nauto - The beginning of the end of the dash cam market as we know it?

This subject was already in discussion here, believe it or not, almost 2 years ago!
That's why I posted the old link, it's in the news again but not much seems to have happened other than taking money from investors
And that before the advent of internet, cell phones, etc. Wonder what he would think today.

Just a guess but I believe he would think far differently- he would be changing the word "minute" to "second" :eek: And in that he would be correct :(

Aaa yes the old taking money ploy, Danish tax authorities know all about that, though in their case they just hand it out by the billions it would seem.
That's why I posted the old link, it's in the news again but not much seems to have happened other than taking money from investors

It would ship me no end to keep ahead of the curve like you do and much appreciated
Why do you think the Tesla model 3 is cheap. I am 100% sure they will be collecting and selling data about all kinds of things to everyone that wants it. Tesla S I bet is doing same on some scale. I am somewhat surprised that google does not have some dash cam device. but I guess they can use phone data/nav.

you can bet this is coming in a big way.
Apparently that is the accepted practice nowadays.

they have cute terms now like Angel Investors, Venture Capital etc, in the old days it was just referred to as Pump & Dump, build up some big hype about what you're going to do and sell people on the idea and then walk out when it's half finished with all the cash

here's a how-to video for the current methods

they have cute terms now like Angel Investors, Venture Capital etc, in the old days it was just referred to as Pump & Dump, build up some big hype about what you're going to do and sell people on the idea and then walk out when it's half finished with all the cash
That is an accurate description of a lot of people in this country.
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this is mostly a software thing.
Hw-wise the "end of dashcam market" will happen as soon as cars mfg will include it as an option, as it happened for rearview camera and car stereo. Few big oem and that's it.
Backed by Andy Rubin (the person responsible for Android) and Reid Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn), they just raised $159 million from BMW, GM, Toyota and a few others to build a connected smart dash cam which they plan to eventually fully integrate into the cars from the factory floor.

If all cars start coming out of the factory with a Nauto camera, what would that do to the dash cam market?

It could make the public really aware of the necessity to have one and cause a dash camera era like cell phones:D:cool:.
Manufacturer implemented dashcam would be out of touch from a consumers needs. I'd expect it to be under spec'd and limited in options.

Case in point: I have yet to come across a factory head unit/satnav that didnt suck. Otherwise aftermarket brands would have died out a long time ago.
Manufacturer implemented dashcam would be out of touch from a consumers needs. I'd expect it to be under spec'd and limited in options.
Not only that: if "all cars start coming out of the factory with a (...) camera" sounds a bit out of touch with reality, "all cars start coming out of the factory with a Nauto camera" sounds completely utopic. :rolleyes:
Manufacturer implemented dashcam would be out of touch from a consumers needs. I'd expect it to be under spec'd and limited in options.

Case in point: I have yet to come across a factory head unit/satnav that didnt suck. Otherwise aftermarket brands would have died out a long time ago.

Funny, because "factory head unit" are not coming out of nowhere...TomTom is Mazda's OEM (possibly others as well).
And garmin...;jsessionid=1F20F9A85A6D696D179123C9756152BE
Manufacturer implemented dashcam would be out of touch from a consumers needs. I'd expect it to be under spec'd and limited in options.

Case in point: I have yet to come across a factory head unit/satnav that didnt suck. Otherwise aftermarket brands would have died out a long time ago.

You can bet they will have a vehicle payment plan that is wither peer, but that's about the only thing that really works, however, not in our favor! :(

Years ago, people used to be able to go into a Chevy (or whoever dealership)
and order any model they wanted exactly the way they wanted without the darn package deals you must get now!! A friend of my brothers bought a ford falcon which was basically a little economy car (Special version), but he ordered it without seats (and other things) and the baddest 427 cu inch engine and 4 speed they had with special rear end and shocks. It was one BAD machine..
Now it's the package deals or nothing! Total greed!
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