Need recommendations for 64/128gb card for 9665gc

Against all recommendations I'm trying a 128gig SanDisk Ultra!!!

Yes, I know, I know.....

...but the cam was delivered with the latest firmware, card was purchased on a whim for only $69, and besides, I have no other use for the card at the moment :)

The card formatted fine in the cam after initially formatting with FAT32 formatter in the PC

I'll be keeping the 32gig Kingston in the glove box just in-case but will report back how things go with the SanDisk.... fingers crossed!!!
Against all recommendations I'm trying a 128gig SanDisk Ultra!!!

Yes, I know, I know.....

...but the cam was delivered with the latest firmware, card was purchased on a whim for only $69, and besides, I have no other use for the card at the moment :)

The card formatted fine in the cam after initially formatting with FAT32 formatter in the PC

I'll be keeping the 32gig Kingston in the glove box just in-case but will report back how things go with the SanDisk.... fingers crossed!!!

it's not they don't or can't work, just not what we recommend
yup, still have the receipt :)

Better to be testing it out in the dashcam than having it sitting unopened/unused in the house with my wife nagging me for wasting money!
Better to be testing it out in the dashcam than having it sitting unopened/unused in the house with my wife nagging me for wasting money!
well if she didn't nag you to spend less then she wouldn't have as much to spend for herself hey? that's why they nag you for wasting cash all the time.
...the problem is you get weeks of cold shoulder for even suggesting that a $120 hot oil hair treatment is an unnecessary expense.... what would be the worst that could happen, it's not like their hair will fall out :)

...but you bite your tongue and remember the old adage"happy wife, happy life!"
Or like my Tshirt from The Prisoner says: A still tongue makes a happy life.
Let's get back to 128G data cards...

In short, do as I say and not as I just did..:rolleyes: