Never believe a turn signal/blinker/indicator on any vehicle. (they may have left it on by mistake)

True, but the biker was also doing 50+ in a 40 mph zone according to the speedo, despite what the caption claims. Rather than slowing down when he still had time, he chose to shoot for the gap.

Actually he was doing a speedo-indicated 50 in a 45mph zone (see 0.06), so pretty much on the nail.
In my eyes he was riding very safely with a healthy gap in front of him. It was only because the car on the right slowed AND then moved left that he was caught out. The normal instincts that would register danger would be slower to pick up this combination.

I would have slowed though.
But he clearly sees the car indicating - we can see it on the camera so he MUST, surely, be able to see it? Then again, he's going for the undertake - hence the lifesaver at 19s - kinda doesn't make sense.
Also, as already said, 50 in a 45 zone & complete lack of leathers.
Edit. What I can't help noticing on this clip (and many Russian accident clips) people heading for the accident rather than steering to avoid. The car is indicating right, it is moving right. Safe to assume the driver hasn't seen the bike coming to the right so isn't going to stop therefore a better course would be to slow & steer around behind?
This could also have turned into one of those occasions where the car stops, biker stays on course but loses control on the grass verge & ends up in the same situation but the car driver has continued his manouvre & driven off!

Back to the OP though. My original instructor was ex-police instructor, He wouldn't allow me to apply for my test until certain actions were second nature, one of which was indicating. Mirrors ALWAYS had to be set before setting off, he adjusted his side, I adjusted mine. They HAD to be set so no part of the car could be seen in the wing mirrors therefore a deliberate movement HAD to be made (albeit not a large one). As I drove along, always had little tests - what's behind, what gear are you in, what does that sign mean? etc etc. Also, as with police drivers, once I was confident, I had to give a running commentary until he was confident that I was observing pretty much all there was to observe.
Not sure what they teach these days but I've seen many a learner not indicating, ignoring bike boxes, straying over lanes, heck, even saw an instructor driving (and trying to park) whilst on his mobile.

Until this car, I've never had a car where the sound of the relay is almost inaudible when driving, it's actually louder when I'm towing & the relay tucked behind a panel in the boot 'beeps'. The old mini seemed to have the right idea, A very bright green light bottom centre of the clock coupled with (what sounded like) a hammer on an anvil ("clonk-a-clonk-a-clonk", you had an audible AND visual warning that was so damned annoying if you ignored it. these days, the only annoying sounds I hear are the "no seatbelt" alarm or SWMBO's voice:D
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I don't see the car indicating on my screen. I just see his brake lights.
I don't think the biker was doing a life-saver, just being generally observant. No you're right, I was thinking of the look right at 14s. I think the life-saver at 19 was in response to the car moving left, not indicators.

I'm going to backtrack a bit though. Many bikers/cyclists have a general habit of looking for a gap they can fit through, and they just go for it without thinking through what can go wrong. If they can fit, they see it as an entitlement. Once you develop that habit, then when a dangerous situation develops as we see here, then that habit kicks in. He went for the gap without slowing, and at least on some level he just assumed it would be safe.
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I don't see the car indicating on my screen. I just see his brake lights.
I don't think the biker was doing a life-saver, just being generally observant. No you're right, I was thinking of the look right at 14s.

I'm going to backtrack a bit though. Many bikers/cyclists have a general habit of looking for a gap they can fit through, and they just go for it without thinking through what can go wrong. If they can fit, they see it as an entitlement. Once you develop that habit, then when a dangerous situation develops as we see here, then that habit kicks in. He went for the gap without slowing, and at least on some level he just assumed it would be safe.
Yeah, I originally thought it was a look back at the SUV (he looked at it before as he passed it). You are right about the light, I thought it was brake light indicator but just notice the other one (this is why static cams are better).
Also just noticed the amber beacon over the driver's door. So not your average daily commute then?