New DR400G-HD11, but can't read Korean...


New Member
May 20, 2013
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United Kingdom
Hi everybody!
I am new on here, as I have just received my DR400G-HD11 from Korea :P .
I tried out the camera in my car right away, and then loaded the micro SD card into my computer, and a file folder called ‘BlackVue’ appeared.
I double clicked it, and 6 sub-folders appeared, called respectively Application, Config, Doc, Record, Software and System.
In the ‘software’ folder I found the ‘BlackVueSetUp’ file. I opened it, but as it is in Korean :( . I do not understand it and am unable to go further. I cannot even see what the version number is.
I would like to have the ‘BlackVue’ folder in english– could someone please tell me how to get it? in very simple language please, as I have very little computer knowledge) :)
just goto pittasoft website and download the English viewer.
Warm thanks to Hillbilly, Wozzzzza, and JazJon (though I cannot read JazJon's language :? ) for your kindly offered advice.
I have now downloaded the english language versions- software v 1.038-400-E and firmware v 1.04 -400-E.
Looking good so far! :)
v 1.038 firmware is not for DR400G-HDII
Hi Mio
Thanks for putting me right and letting me know that v 1.038 firmware is not for DR400G-HDII :idea: :oops:
What firmware should I use, and where can I get it? :|

By the way, when I went out to my car and connected the DRG400, the voice constantly repeated two words in Korean, not English, so I have no idea what was being said :( .
I do now at least have the Blackvue application on my computer in English (though I get a message saying I need to get a google map key from this address- I then get this- “404. That’s an error. The requested URL /apis/maps/documentary/javascript/v2/introduction.html was not found on this server. That’s all we know. “
Do you know how I go about acquiring a google map key
are you using the latest 2.032 viewer? if not that's your problem.
Hi Wozzzza
I am really grateful for your help :)
In answer to your question, I think it is the 2.032 viewer that I was using, but just in case it wasn't, I have downloaded v 2.032 now, and extracted the zip file, and double clicked the file Blackvue setup HD E v2.032. I presume that it will have overwritten whatever version I installed yesterday and that when I double click on the short cut icon on my desktop, I am seeing the new 2.032 version!
Meantime I have formatted my MicroSD card to get rid of the Korean language set up on it- where can I load the English language setup on to it, for loading into the camera?
Hi and thanks for the help and advice :) .
My DRG400 HD 11, is now running firmware BlackVue DR400G-HD II v1.010K. The voice prompts are in Korean, and I’d like to change the language to English. I see a method for doing so, but I need to clarify 2 of the steps (as I am pretty dim about computers etc)
To change the language I think what I need to do is-
[1] take my micro SD card with the Blackvue firmware V 1.010 installed on it, and insert it into my PC;
[2] download the Blackvue 1.010K from the card onto the” all file”
[3] remove and format the msd card, and reinsert it in the PC
[4] copy (drag) the Blackvue folder from the” English zip file” onto the formatted MSD card.
[5] insert the MSD card in the Camera, and power on the camera so as to flash the camera with new firmware.
My questions are:
In step [2] . I am not clear what “the all English zip file” is?
In step [3] is the “Blackvue folder” the English zip file from step [2] containing the 1.010 firmware?
Can anyone explain this a little more fully for me please :| I apologize for needing so much help :oops:
Thank you, Mio, but the problem is not with the GPS. The problem for me is that the camera speaks Korean :| and I would like it to speak English 8-)
Thanks, Mio :) I'll try that, and let you know how I get on :?
Thanks to you, my DRG400 HD11 is now speaking to me in a familiar language- English :!: so please accept my thanks for enabling me to alter the language setting :D
I am most fortunate to have found such a friendly and helpful forum, and to have received such willing and expert help from you in particular. My sincere thanks to you :P