New mobius lens B

Found one
Might have to go through some more stores as shipping might not be the greatest.
I remembered last time you said without discount or how.
From yesterday we are launching a special offer activity for
Shadow GT680W 1920X1080P,30FPS Novatek 96650 Dash Camera at VAT price: £25.00
This price is nearly one half of the purchasing cost than we get them from factory.
In China,there is no chance to get such a price at all also.
We hope you can check it and do not miss the chance,because this special offer only happens one time, is losing profit and losing cost(international freight,taxes,etc) to do this,
and we hope this will promote our website to the members here by such activity.
I have tested, all is fine with UK site. This spam happens only on joovuu US site after about 10 sec when switching from UK site to US site. After closing that spam-bug and refreshing a browser, all is fine, no bug any more. Some kind of strange "spam-bug" ?

Yeah this was for internal testing only (a way to better inform customers), however it somehow went live. This has now been disabled. Sorry!

Kind regards,

I abslutely understand the bad and frustratng feeling!!!I would jump also!because I also met the same problem in,and told the IT people and shop owner @JooVuu ,they are trying best to solve,hopefully it will be soon,the website you messed up is also,not right?

Sorry for the delayed response. I do believe I was on the US site. I just checked it now and it shows it's down for maintenance.
Interesting how the internal system went external. I guess it happens. :)
When it kept happening I thought your site had some sort of malware infection. Glad to see I was wrong. :)
Sorry for the delayed response. I do believe I was on the US site. I just checked it now and it shows it's down for maintenance.
Interesting how the internal system went external. I guess it happens. :)
When it kept happening I thought your site had some sort of malware infection. Glad to see I was wrong. :)

Dear @mr_milo, may you kindly switch UK to USA website now?I checked,which works fine when switch from UK to USA yesterday,but today, just now I also checked,
yep,it is in Maintenance mode,our IT people have manually set up it to Maintenance mode,I am not sure those technical stuff,but I know they are busy with building our family well,haha,but I am sure they will get it worked soon.

If you may meet with any questions,you may put it forward,I would forward your original words to our IT people,let's do it better!

May you kindly use our (UK) channel for temporarily use?Because we have 3 models for special offer sales now,which is an activity to promote traffics to our website, GT680W,G50,K6000,which is at horribly crazy low price.

Yesterday I was enabled to experience the VPN service(China here ,Youtube,facebook is blocked) I felt I was a lucky dog,I was just a little bit over too excited to show you:

In the future,I will upload as many videos as I can for the cameras,so everyone of you can see the quality and trust the quality,service,etc.I hope this website will establish the window between Joovuu and all of you.

Wish you all the best!
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How many versions of the B lens are there? Or is "new B" the same as C lens?
There is only one version of the 'B' lens and there's never been more. I don't know where the mis-information of a new 'B' lens came from, it's just not true. Maybe someone once heard a rumor of a new wide-angle lens and called it the new 'B' lens? That's a reason I hate rumors - they lead to confusion.
I believe this thread was referring to the V3 cameras.
I believe this thread was referring to the V3 cameras.
If the title of the thread refers to the V3 camera, as you suggest, then it is totally misleading - and should be changed.
The V3 has nothing to do with the lens (and why on earth a 'New Mobius lens B' ????) but refers to the mainboard.
V3 cameras, those with the V3 mainboard inside, can use any of the three available lenses ('A', 'B' and 'C').
At approx. the same time as the V3 was released there was also a new case design with an LED light pipe instead of an LED hole. The new case design does not necessarily mean there'll be a V3 mainboard inside. This was especially true at the time the new camera case was released and there was still stock of old mainboards. All cameras produced today have the new case design with the V3 mainboard inside and can be correctly called V3 cameras.
If the title of the thread refers to the V3 camera, as you suggest, then it is totally misleading - and should be changed.
The V3 has nothing to do with the lens (and why on earth a 'New Mobius lens B' ????) but refers to the mainboard.
V3 cameras, those with the V3 mainboard inside, can use any of the three available lenses ('A', 'B' and 'C').
At approx. the same time as the V3 was released there was also a new case design with an LED light pipe instead of an LED hole. The new case design does not necessarily mean there'll be a V3 mainboard inside. This was especially true at the time the new camera case was released and there was still stock of old mainboards. All cameras produced today have the new case design with the V3 mainboard inside and can be correctly called V3 cameras.

I meant V3, V2 vs V3 the only difference are battery and surge protection
There is only one version of the 'B' lens and there's never been more. I don't know where the mis-information of a new 'B' lens came from, it's just not true. Maybe someone once heard a rumor of a new wide-angle lens and called it the new 'B' lens? That's a reason I hate rumors - they lead to confusion.
I've got two B lenses here that behave differently though?

One of them has that strange starburst effect with street lights at night time and the other doesn't so somethings different there?
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I've got two B lenses here that behave differently though?

One of them has that strange starburst effect with street lights at night time and the other doesn't so somethings different there?
Nothing has changed with the lens design. However, the developer has not been too happy with the long lead time, assembly, and focusing of the 'B' lens during the manufacturing process. Quality control is difficult and the final assemblies have not always been consistent.
The tooling cost for the 'C' lens is very high so hopefully the quality control will be easier.
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The tooling cost for the 'C' lens is very high so hopefully the quality control will be easier.

Can you explain why the A and B lenses are using metal while the C lens has a reinforced composite cmos housing? I saw that the C lens itself is sold without a module here. --> Is there a reason beyond cost cutting to go composite instead of metal? Am I better off to buy just the lens itself and put in on the A lens cmos housing instead of going with the complete C lens assembly?

I am still confused how a cmos rated at 3.5MBps can be rated for 18 megapixels.
Can you explain why the A and B lenses are using metal while the C lens has a reinforced composite cmos housing? I saw that the C lens itself is sold without a module here. --> Is there a reason beyond cost cutting to go composite instead of metal? Am I better off to buy just the lens itself and put in on the A lens cmos housing instead of going with the complete C lens assembly?

I am still confused how a cmos rated at 3.5MBps can be rated for 18 megapixels.
I don't know the reason for abandoning the metal housing, but it has certainly nothing to do with cutting costs. The developer will never cut costs, and I believe that is one of the reasons for the Mobius' success. As I'm sure you're aware, the Mobius hardware is constantly being revised so I expect the developer wasn't entirely satisfied with the metal module housing, for whatever reason, so tested other materials. I'm guessing the change was due to possible heat build-up, maybe warping, but this is really only a guess and isn't too logical. All I know is that he tested the new lens module for many months. Again I'm guessing, but I would say he tested it for 6 months as a minimum.

Personally, I would buy the complete assembly. You then have a spare in case you damage one of the modules/cables. You also won't have the hassle of focusing the lens and it will only take you a couple of minutes to open the case and swap the complete module.