No GPS data

I am having a similar issue. GPS was working great for a while, and about a week or two ago, GPS stopped working. There is no longer an icon on the screen showing it is seeking or locked on to satellites, and my GPS files are missing the coordinates (they still do show accel data). Does anyone have an idea how to troubleshoot this? There was no changed done to the camera itself (firmware or otherwise, and the GPS menu menu setting is enabled) so I am guessing it's either the antenna base itself or the connection between the two.
I think I will initially try to re-spring the contacts on the camera with some needle-nose to make sure they are connecting, then I guess take apart the base to make sure no solder points broke. If everything looks physically connected, that's where I think I will be stuck and any troubleshooting info would help a lot.
I don't want to have to order and wait for a new GPS base from China - this cam has been awesome up until loss of GPS :) I did send an email to Givoe but no response yet so I was hoping someone else had successfully troubleshot a similar issue.
That's what I said earlier Lunar. You were causing more confusion in this thread :p

I did apologise for any confusion caused....sob sob.. :p
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