Officer Ignores Stranded Motorist


Aug 19, 2014
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Plano, TX
United States
Dash Cam

On my way to work I saw a police cruiser ahead of me. Then I came up on a stalled car with the hood up... See what happens next...​
Maybe he was on the phone. ;)
Nice of you.
That's very dangerous and high risk of rear end collision.
Damm that was a stunningly bad pice of public servant work, the good old days sure have gone bye - bye :oops:
commercial vehicle enforcement? well, a chevy cavalier isn't exactly a commercial vehicle. he still should have stopped though. at least the cavalier driver had enough sense to get back in the car so he wouldn't be run over, since i'm guessing he couldn't make it to the side of the road due to assholes not stopping to help.
what's the bet half of them are driving by wondering why somebody doesn't help the guy ;)
having been the one guy that actually stopped to help push a disabled vehicle out of the intersection, i can say that it's kinda scary when other morons won't stop or at least SLOW DOWN and MOVE OVER when it's obvious people are outside working with a broken car. i had put my own car in the way with the flashers on to help protect us, but that just seemed to make people angry.
I often see LEOs loan cars to family members, who would not be well equipped nor expected to stop.
I often see LEOs loan cars to family members, who would not be well equipped nor expected to stop.
MARKED police vehicles? they can be fired and jailed for that. I know my aunt wasn't allowed to drive her husband's police cruiser in small-town Gulfport, Mississippi, and I'm pretty sure my neighbor isn't allowed to drive his wife's cruiser either. just like they can't let anyone else use their service weapons.
MARKED police vehicles? they can be fired and jailed for that. I know my aunt wasn't allowed to drive her husband's police cruiser in small-town Gulfport, Mississippi, and I'm pretty sure my neighbor isn't allowed to drive his wife's cruiser either. just like they can't let anyone else use their service weapons.

I can't attest to how all areas do these things. But our LEOs have take-home cars. I can ask my LEO friends. But yes, I see non-uniformed people; what seems to be spouses, young drivers, etc. As well as car-load of family, too. All this is to the untrained eye (would not attest to it in a court of law). And I am old. I could have mis-remembered any detail at all or dreamt it. But that is my perception. Not to get sidetracked. Could be a whole slew of reasons. It's easy to think of more than the one I posted about.
Both my uncle and neighbor also had take-home cruisers. at one point my uncle even had an unmarked unit. family aren't allowed to drive them, either. I have seen my neighbor move the cruiser in the driveway to get one of their other cars out... i figure that would be ok, but not much beyond that.
I like voice comments on the video. OP - nice job for being caring citizen !
Probably cop was in a hurry to buy another pizza or doughnuts, - thats the only thing they think of while at work.
"Donuts? I love donuts!"
I wonder if the officer called for service response. Was anyone injured or in danger? Nevermind -just saw the video - that's what he has lights for. Years ago in Philly an off duty police officer's car broke down in a traffic lane. Before she could get things under control, a dump truck took took out her two children.
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Thanks for all your replies guys! I posted it elsewhere, and someone had the gall to go "It's not even his job" because it was "commercial vehicle enforcement".

If you are a cop you have a duty to protect and serve. I saw the guy in the cruiser, it was an officer. He should have stopped. His reply "oh, I'll go back," was one of "I was either oblivious to the situation or I was trying to get away with not doing my sworn duties,"

Even though traffic was backing up, it only takes a few cars moving over and one not paying attention to create a huge accident.
Just because an Officer does not have lights and sirens on does not mean they are not dispatched to a call. Jurisdictional, departmental procedures, etc, any number of reasonable possibilities why the officer did not stop. The fact that everyone just immediately talks nonsense just goes to show whats wrong with the public at large.