Opposite Day


Feb 3, 2017
Reaction score
United States
Dash Cam
Thinkware F50, Thinkware F200, Thinkware FA200.

Watch at 0:13, the Ford Expedition is using the left signal to make a lane change to the right lane. It almost crashed into the sedan in front of me. The good thing is that the rain stopped, but that still would of been bad with the wet pavement.

I installed a Thinkware F50 on my 2006 Nissan Pathfinder SUV. This is my first dash cam & I am really impressed by it. I'm lucky got it when it still had the Black Friday & Cyber Monday discount because it went back to its regular price of $100 at Best Buy during New Years.

Lets hope the Spy Tec G1W-C I got for my 2005 Suzuki Forenza sedan is just as good.
You should tilt the camera down more so it doesn't view too much sky. It will improve the image quality considerably.
Yes it is way better to have hood of the car in the footage than "clear" blue sky, both will have a impact on the camera metering, but mostly the hood of the car should have a less significant impact than the sky.

If you tilt the camera down some to a 50/50 split at the horizon you should see the lower part with the road and cars become brighter.
In addition to improving exposure having some portion of your vehicle in the frame gives a point of reference as to where other objects (people, vehicles, etc.) are in relation to you if something happens.
As far as the Expedition, two possibilities: turn signal stuck or 'I hear the clicky noise so my turn indicator is working'
Here in SC USA you learn to never trust turn signals. Daily or more you see an "opposite". About half the time no signal is given or is began when the car is already greatly slowed for their turn. And many times a day you see a signal left blinking for miles on end. Then there are those who signal for a turn so far ahead of time that you have no idea of what their intentions are until they actually turn. Maybe 15% of the people here at the most use their signals correctly.

As someone who watches the details of anomalies, I have noticed that for each of these, there is usually one category of people doing almost all of it when you consider sex, ethnicity, age, and apparent wealth. It's not considered acceptable to state these things publicly so I won't, but if it were made a consideration when training drivers there could be extra focus placed where it's so obviously needed to mitigate that group's particular tendencies which would help things considerably ;) It's pretty clear that teaching everyone the same way isn't working well enough :(

I'm almost OCD and rabid about using my signals to the degree that I sometimes begin to reach for the lever when a sharp curve om the road requires considerable slowing down :rolleyes: Oh well. I ain't perfect either :p

Good tip on the camera angle adjustment. :)

The Expedition must of ran out of blinker fluid for the right passenger side. :eek:

(...)but that still would of been (...).
The video is no longer available, so I can't say much about it. What I can say, however, is that you should've written "would've" or "would have" instead of "would of". ;)
Then there are those who signal for a turn so far ahead of time that you have no idea of what their intentions are until they actually turn.
And it gets worse when they pass several potential turning places and don't turn into any of them, leaving you guessing when the hell are they going to turn. :mad:

Sorry about that, I merged it with another video.
Agree. One wonders how many vehicles are driven daily with warning indicators illuminated on the dash.
as a former mechanic, i can tell you it's sad how many people simply cover them up with photographs, stickers, trinkets, or actually remove the light bulb itself.

@jfsoto1988 - a note to skip to 4:20 to see the dumb ford expedition in question would be useful on long videos like this. ;)
Another problem is adding tint to the taillights. Why? The windows, sure, but why the taillights? :confused:
Another problem is adding tint to the taillights. Why? The windows, sure, but why the taillights? :confused:

Or to the headlights. Seems like it's a pathway to trouble.
'Sorry that I ran onto your car, child, dog, cat, grandmother cause I couldn't see them, but my car looks cool'.