Original Mobius night recording with 4mm ~ F1.2 lens (!)

Yes, but I'm not posting them all, why do you ask?
Most of the footage you have shown is at night, I'm basically interested in daytime footage especially after the tweaking of the Mobius software. It was more of a wondering question
, no big deal.
Yes, but I'm not posting them all, why do you ask?
I answered this a minute ago but it seems to have disappeared. I am more interested in daytime footage then night footage. Especially since you tweaked the Mobius software. However it's no big deal.

You asked about the cabin footage, I noticed you could read the road signs better if that is what you are referring to.
How about the cabin recordings? Have you seen something that's remarkable? I did, but I'm really curious if we all see it....

Could just be my old eyes but they all seem in focus at all ranges both near and far. I also didn't see any significant windshield reflections from inside the cab.

I answered this a minute ago but it seems to have disappeared. I am more interested in daytime footage then night footage. Especially since you tweaked the Mobius software. However it's no big deal.

You asked about the cabin footage, I noticed you could read the road signs better if that is what you are referring to.

That's what I noticed as well. Although license plates are not as good readable when the camera is close to the windshield. Besides it would seem the part through the windshield is brighter, but that may be deceptive because of the dark interior, in any case I like it.

I didn't tweak the camera's software or firmware, but I'm sure you meant the settings. I just played a little with image settings. Different strategies though for F1. 4 and 1.2,different lenses.... You just need to play a little bit with it.
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Could just be my old eyes but they all seem in focus at all ranges both near and far. I also didn't see any significant windshield reflections from inside the cab.


There are the reflections from inside the cabins interior lighting. But from outside you wouldn't see real reflections because the windshield is vertically upright,so no dashboard reflections.
Didn't see Lola's post before replying. I'm getting slow in my old age :D Amazing results anyway- footage this sharp should be mandatory for all dashcams!

Didn't see Lola's post before replying. I'm getting slow in my old age :D Amazing results anyway- footage this sharp should be mandatory for all dashcams!




So, anyone up for a hardly used a119s... Hahaha

no just kidding guys......
- footage this sharp should be mandatory for all dashcams!

You know, I've had that same thought about certain of the captures I've made with the ƒ/1.4 varifocal (for seven & a half bucks no less!). And @kamkar1 and @TonyM's aftermarket lens experiments have been pretty cool! There's definitely something going on here. With the Mobius one of the key ingredients is the unique ability to finely tune the camera to match the qualities of each lens to optimize it's capabilities . Not that that hasn't always been the case but here somewhat more so.
To you experts - I’m looking at you @Dashmellow, @dirkzelf and @TonyM:

First, thanks so much for these great threads. It has opened mine and I’m sure countless others’ eyes on the possibilities with the Mobius. I’m wowed with these results and am even wondering why bother with “newer” cams these days (I mean that seriously).

Second, as I’m a total noob on this, I’d appreciate your input on a couple of lenses I’m considering (fitment, appropriateness for the Mobius, etc). The links you guys have provided would be the easiest routes, but I prefer to order from Amazon (for speed of delivery/convenience/confidence mostly) and I think these are the closest matches from your three threads (I could not find your exact ones on Amazon, unfortunately).

My ~4 year old Mobius has the A lens and my goal is to replace it with better quality at night primarily, and a little more zoom (I’d think anywhere from 2.8 to 10mm would be ideal).


Edit: fixed incorrect link

I think I would avoid those two lenses. Neither of the two lenses you linked appear to have an IR-cut filter installed so they would perform similarly to the IR varifocal lens installed on one of my Mobius cams that I've been discussing for the last several months. Lenses sold without an IR-cut filter are really meant for CCTV cameras that already have an IR-cut filter installed internally. To use these M12 lenses in a dash cam or action cam they require the IR-cut filter to be attached directly on the rear of the lens. Another issue, FWIW is that one vendor only has two items for sale, an overpriced IP cam and the 4mm lens in your link, so they seem a little questionable for an Amazon retailer and the other is a Chinese vendor who sells all manner of items and just happens to have this 2.8mm lens on offer. They also don't mention what the aperture is on their lens and that is information you will want to know. I would recommend buying from a vendor who specializes in these kind of lenses and related products.

Speaking of which, I just ordered some of the lenses being discussed in this thread from two different vendors on AliExpress and so far have had an excellent experience. In both instances, the vendors responded almost instantly to my pre-purchase questions and were very friendly and knowledgeable. Both vendors were happy to provide the lenses with IR-cut filters and both shipped out my order promptly. One guy even had a sense of humor. After he messaged back to me that he would be happy to supply the requested IR-cut filter at no charge I immediately went ahead and placed my order. As soon as he saw the order come through he messaged back a double VICTORY emoji! Had a good chuckle over that.

The three lenses I ordered were the 6mm ƒ/1.2 and 4mm ƒ/1.2 from TreeEye that we've been discussing all along here and another 6mm ƒ/1.2 from a different vendor .



I was able to take advantage of the dramatically reduced prices on 11/11 available because of "Singles Day", China's massive answer to Amazon Prime Day, which led me to order the extra 6mm lens out of curiosity as it is of a somewhat different design.

I can appreciate your desire to order from Amazon but in this case I think it best to be patient and order elsewhere. While it will be awhile until the lenses I ordered from AliExpress arrive I have confidence there won't be any issues based on my positive experience with the vendors and the fact the others here have not mentioned any adverse issues either. On one order I paid an extra two and a half dollars to upgrade to an expedited shipping method.

Another option for you if you don't want to order direct from China might be to look to purchasing from vendors like M12 lenses.com or Peau Productions.

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I had no problems dealing with AliExpress and the seller Treeye who were happy to add the IR cut filters at no cost. Shipping speed and packing were more than adequate. Once I'm done with my telephoto tests I will probably order the 2.8mm F1.2 lens that @dirkzelf has shown to work so well here.
I had no problems dealing with AliExpress and the seller Treeye who were happy to add the IR cut filters at no cost. Shipping speed and packing were more than adequate. Once I'm done with my telephoto tests I will probably order the 2.8mm F1.2 lens that @dirkzelf has shown to work so well here.

With all those lenses you're OBVIOUSLY gonna' need more Mobius cameras to put them on. :D
With all those lenses you're OBVIOUSLY gonna' need more Mobius cameras to put them on. :D
Have you got one or two spare you can lend me?
BTW, the other 6mm ƒ/1.2 lens I ordered is an aspherical design which has in interestingly different look to it that intrigued me. It is not clear whether or not both of these 6mm lenses are aspherics and they very well may be but I decided to try this one too for the 8 bucks it cost me as Yumiki actually goes to the trouble of stating that it is. Nevertheless, it has been my theory all along that part of the excellent light transmission capability these starlight lenses display along with the wide aperture is that they use an optical design that allows for fewer glass elements in the construction. Aspherical lenses would be one method of achieving that along with excellent optical correction. Aspherical lenses also tend to allow for wider apertures than equivalent spherical designs.


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ps I bought me this yesterday:

Just because it's so stupid cheap..... So, I thought I could get away with that here, but guess what, I'm sleeping on the cauch for an undefined period of time..... :mad:

If you're interested, just a little over 35 pcs left.... I've seen great reviews on this one. Simple, but in chinese, but the app is english. I'm curious how that works out.
come on man, 55 bucs here:



buy a bunch and hang em in your christma's tree.... connect power and you have your flickering lights, AND at the same time it records your chritma's party as well!!!

And in new year you start goofing around teasting al those lenses ....... WooHoo!

I did actually buy another mobius 1 earlier this month to support this lens testing, so I have three of them now :) I currently have a 4mm, a 6mm and the super 25mm all side by side. I ain't missing nothing :D
Edmund Optics has a really interesting and thorough article on aspheric lenses on their web site that I think you guys might enjoy and that I think you will find enlightening. It will explain my interest and excitment in finding the ƒ/1.2 - 6mm aspheric on AliExpress and why I suspect that the other "Starlight" lenses may also employ aspheric elements in their design.

Two of the key concepts I'm talking about can be found in the following quotes from the article:

"To achieve the required performance of an imaging lens, optical designers often have to stop down, or increase, the f/# of their design. While this may achieve the desired resolution goal, this technique results in a loss of light throughput. Utilizing aspheric lenses in the design, however, improves aberration correction and makes it possible to design high throughput systems with low f/#s, while simultaneously maintaining good image quality."

"Aspheric lenses improve image quality and reduce the number of required optical elements."

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