Parking mode doesn't work & shut off for no reason

The Hardwire kit shuts the Dashcam off when the Cellink Neo 8+ has ~10% Charge left remaining.

Thats not as bad as I worried - however its still costs me 3h of potential recording time.
It's probably best not to drain the battery completely, anyway
The Hardwire kit shuts the Dashcam off when the Cellink Neo 8+ has ~10% Charge left remaining.

Thats not as bad as I worried - however its still costs me 3h of potential recording time.

10% is about bang on!

Lifepo4 batteries can happily be discharged to 0% percent with no immediate ill effects, however, for long term battery life, 10-20% remaining is the best way to increase/maintain their lifespan.
It's not, and if you did some reading around you'd see recommendations not to discharge lifepo4 cells completely, but I hope you figure out a way to do it so you can experience it yourself.
It's not, and if you did some reading around you'd see recommendations not to discharge lifepo4 cells completely, but I hope you figure out a way to do it so you can experience it yourself.
Noone gives up 10% of the battery.
Obviously you don't let it run empty every single time.
But if you need those extra 3h recording time then you just need it and you paid for it.

Pretending that viofo do me a favor by not letting me use 100% of my Neo battery is just plain stupid.

But here are a lot of viofo fanboys who just try to justify the brand whatever they make wrong...
Noone gives up 10% of the battery.
Obviously you don't let it run empty every single time.
But if you need those extra 3h recording time then you just need it and you paid for it.

Pretending that viofo do me a favor by not letting me use 100% of my Neo battery is just plain stupid.

But here are a lot of viofo fanboys who just try to justify the brand whatever they make wrong...
With respect, you are correct to a degree, but also completely wrong!

I agree, there are a few (but not many) fanboys who dont really understand what they're saying, they just praise the product whatever the facts.

However, you are wrong about Viofo and the low voltage cut-off on the hardwire kit. The hardwire kits are designed for car lead acid batteries, and NOT LiFe's like the ones in the Cellink Neo. You definitely DONT want to be discharging a car lead acid below 11.8v. 12v is really the minimum in regular use, otherwise you definitely will degrade the battery far quicker than you think.
With respect, you are correct to a degree, but also completely wrong!

I agree, there are a few (but not many) fanboys who dont really understand what they're saying, they just praise the product whatever the facts.

However, you are wrong about Viofo and the low voltage cut-off on the hardwire kit. The hardwire kits are designed for car lead acid batteries, and NOT LiFe's like the ones in the Cellink Neo. You definitely DONT want to be discharging a car lead acid below 11.8v. 12v is really the minimum in regular use, otherwise you definitely will degrade the battery far quicker than you think.
I am not wrong about the hardwire kit.
I never wanted to use the hardwire kit and the dashcam is supposed to work properly without the hardwire kit.

However viofo sucks and the parking mode does NOT work reliably without the hardwire kit so I am forced to use it.

So yes - so am completely aware that the hardwire kit is supposed to not run the buttery empty.

However that's not my case.

I want to use the dashcam and have use of 100% or my battery.

And that viofo makes me use the hardwire kit although it's supposed to work with USB only is the problem. Not the hardwire kit itself.
Viofo sold you the neo battery?
Viofo confirms that the dashcam should work without hardwire kit.
But it doesn't
Then they recommend the hardwire kit but have no solution on how to use 100% of the Neo.

I don't mind them not to know the best solution for a workaround.

I demand that there products deliver what they advertise: parking mode after 5min when the cat is parked.

Hallo Piccolo88,

das tatsächliche "Problem" ist dass der Ausgang der Neo unreguliert ist. Was recht primitiv für ein solch´ teures Gerät ist. Meine Meinung. Du bräuchtest ldgl. zum Beispiel diesen buck-/boost-Regler zwischen den Ausgang der Neo und den Eingang des HK3 zu hängen. Der Regler hält die Spannung auf konstant 12V sodaß das HK3 niemals die 11,8V zu sehen bekommt und niemals die Spannungsversorgung unterbricht, stattdessen wird die Versorgung ltztl. von der Quelle, der Neo abgeschaltet.

EXP GmbH hat diese am Lager.

Falls das HK3 mit höheren Eingangsspannungen als 14,2V umgehen kann, könntest Du auch einen reinen boost-converter wie z.B. diese 15V-version verwenden oder den zwischen 4,5-20V einstellbaren. Diese Konverter können mehr Ampere liefern.


The actual "problem" is the output of the Neo being unregulated. That´s quite primitive for such an expensive device. My opinion. You might just want to connect for example this buck-/boost-converter between the Neo-output and the HK3-input. The converter keeps the voltage on constant 12V so the HK3 will never see 11,8V and will never cut the power, instead the power will finally be cut by the source, the Neo.

EXP GmbH has these in stock.

If the HK3 can deal with input-votages higher than 14,2V than you might use a pure boost-converter like the 15V-version or the adjustable 4,5-20V one. These are able to deliver more Ampere.

S18V20F12 buck/boost with 2A no problem:

View attachment 64297

Hallo Piccolo88,

das tatsächliche "Problem" ist dass der Ausgang der Neo unreguliert ist. Was recht primitiv für ein solch´ teures Gerät ist. Meine Meinung. Du bräuchtest ldgl. zum Beispiel diesen buck-/boost-Regler zwischen den Ausgang der Neo und den Eingang des HK3 zu hängen. Der Regler hält die Spannung auf konstant 12V sodaß das HK3 niemals die 11,8V zu sehen bekommt und niemals die Spannungsversorgung unterbricht, stattdessen wird die Versorgung ltztl. von der Quelle, der Neo abgeschaltet.

EXP GmbH hat diese am Lager.

Falls das HK3 mit höheren Eingangsspannungen als 14,2V umgehen kann, könntest Du auch einen reinen boost-converter wie z.B. diese 15V-version verwenden oder den zwischen 4,5-20V einstellbaren. Diese Konverter können mehr Ampere liefern.


The actual "problem" is the output of the Neo being unregulated. That´s quite primitive for such an expensive device. My opinion. You might just want to connect for example this buck-/boost-converter between the Neo-output and the HK3-input. The converter keeps the voltage on constant 12V so the HK3 will never see 11,8V and will never cut the power, instead the power will finally be cut by the source, the Neo.

EXP GmbH has these in stock.

If the HK3 can deal with input-votages higher than 14,2V than you might use a pure boost-converter like the 15V-version or the adjustable 4,5-20V one. These are able to deliver more Ampere.

S18V20F12 buck/boost with 2A no problem:

View attachment 64296
Danke dir. Irgendwann ist aber mal gut.
5 Dinge zwischen schalten damit die dashcam funktioniert mache ich nicht.das ist einfach unverhältnismäßig
Ich habe lieber einen berechtigten hate auf viofo und lebe nun mit 90% Kapazität in der Neo.

Danke für den Hinweis jedoch!
Viofo confirms that the dashcam should work without hardwire kit.
Where, exactly?
Then they recommend the hardwire kit but have no solution on how to use 100% of the Neo.
The compatibility with the neo is not Viofo's issue. Viofo sells a thing. Celllink sells a thing. They are compatible, but they each have a limitation, Viofo has a cutoff for a voltage and the Neo voltage will drop below that. That is not Viofo's fault. You need to do proper research and understand these limitations. If you don't, you'll be disappointed. It happens. The other week I bought a bluetooth audio transmitter and receiver. I bought 2 of them actually. Get this: you can't pair them together, one in transmit and one in receive. So I returned them. I didn't go online and start berating people in a forum for it.
I demand that there products deliver what they advertise: parking mode after 5min when the cat is parked.
Again, where exactly did they advertise this? I can't find it. I just checked the website, it's not mentioned. I checked the manual, it's not mentioned. Both do say to use their hardwire kit, though.
I am not wrong about the hardwire kit.
I never wanted to use the hardwire kit and the dashcam is supposed to work properly without the hardwire kit.

However viofo sucks and the parking mode does NOT work reliably without the hardwire kit so I am forced to use it.

So yes - so am completely aware that the hardwire kit is supposed to not run the buttery empty.

However that's not my case.

I want to use the dashcam and have use of 100% or my battery.

And that viofo makes me use the hardwire kit although it's supposed to work with USB only is the problem. Not the hardwire kit itself.

I think your best bet is to return the dash cam for a replacement or refund. I use it with GPS only, and the parking mode works perfectly for me (other than in areas with poor or no GPS reception obviously).

I'm no Viofo fanboy, neither am I a hater, and I will give praise/credit where due. On this occasion, as far as I can see, Viofo at no point has said the camera will fully integrate with a Neo battery, so I dont see how it's their fault that you cant get it to work 100% as you'd like in your specific scenario.
Where, exactly?

The compatibility with the neo is not Viofo's issue. Viofo sells a thing. Celllink sells a thing. They are compatible, but they each have a limitation, Viofo has a cutoff for a voltage and the Neo voltage will drop below that. That is not Viofo's fault. You need to do proper research and understand these limitations. If you don't, you'll be disappointed. It happens. The other week I bought a bluetooth audio transmitter and receiver. I bought 2 of them actually. Get this: you can't pair them together, one in transmit and one in receive. So I returned them. I didn't go online and start berating people in a forum for it.

Again, where exactly did they advertise this? I can't find it. I just checked the website, it's not mentioned. I checked the manual, it's not mentioned. Both do say to use their hardwire kit, though.
It has been confirmed that parking mode will work with GPS only, as expected, and their marketing simple recommends the hardwire kit. The reason they recommend it is because its an accessory they sell, and it will be 100% reliable. Whereas GPS can obviously vary depending on your location. That doesnt mean GPS parking mode doesnt work though, and in my case in the UK, it's working perfectly.

Agree with everything else though lol
It has been confirmed that parking mode will work with GPS only, as expected, and their marketing simple recommends the hardwire kit. The reason they recommend it is because its an accessory they sell, and it will be 100% reliable. Whereas GPS can obviously vary depending on your location. That doesnt mean GPS parking mode doesnt work though, and in my case in the UK, it's working perfectly.
Where has it been "confirmed" because we have two users here who say it does work and doesn't work, and the official site says very little about it except to say it's not stable. I don't think this is a ploy to sell the hardwire kit... I think they'd pull the parking mode without the kit completely out of the firmware if that was the case.

Interestingly, I've found it will go into parking mode inside my home after 5 minutes without being connected to the GPS base. You'd think if that was possible, it wouldn't matter if there was no GPS signal when it is connected to the base. Perhaps @piccolo88 's unit is not reporting GPS position correctly and causing the camera to think there is movement? If that's the case, then Viofo should provide some warranty service.
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Where has it been "confirmed" because we have two users here who say it does work and doesn't work, and the official site says very little about it except to say it's not stable. I don't think this is a ploy to sell the hardwire kit... I think they'd pull the parking mode without the kit completely out of the firmware if that was the case.

Interestingly, I've found it will go into parking mode inside my home after 5 minutes without being connected to the GPS base. You'd think if that was possible, it wouldn't matter if there was no GPS signal when it is connected to the base. Perhaps @piccolo88 's GPS is not reporting GPS correctly and causing the camera to think there is movement? If that's the case, then Viofo should provide some warranty service.
It's been confirmed by Viofo in correspondence.

They wouldn't remove the GPS parking mode, because then they'd be selling a standalone dashcam without parking mode, which would put people off. Including GPS means they can sell it as such, but recommend you buy the additional kit. I have no problem with that by the way, its common marketing practice, but dont be under any illusions, the "recommended" is a marketing tactic. The way the product details are laid out, persuades most people to buy the hardwire kit, because they think its needed to get parking mode to work. It's definitely the most reliable way, but its not the only way. It would say "required" rather than "recommended". You have to read product descriptions in a certain way to understand. People think it doesnt work without the hardwire kit, because Viofo doesn't actually say it does. But simply because they dont say it doesnt work, means it MUST work, otherwise it would be false advertising. Long winded I know, but thats the way it is haha.

Again, I'm not knocking Viofo for it at all, its a common practice.

Anyway, the original poster is obviously very hot headed, and doesnt like Viofo. His dashcam is probably faulty. My GPS parking works at the end of the day, who cares? haha lol
I think it's recommended and not required because it's just a USB input. They can't require to use theirs... But they recommend you do and not a generic one like this. Just my opinion. Screenshot_20230227_195810_Amazon Shopping.jpg
I think it's recommended and not required because it's just a USB input. They can't require to use theirs... But they recommend you do and not a generic one like this. Just my opinion. View attachment 64299
Technically no on that one, because it wont give you parking mode. Its just a USB power supply, whereas Viofo's outputs a signal to switch parking mode on/off