Partial red cast flash on video footage?

Estoril Sport

Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
BlackVue DR900S 2CH
Playing back the recording that has been saved on to the MicroSD card I have noticed a number of instances that I get a partial red cast flash over video on the right hand side for a very short time. I first thought it was some external interference. However I have noticed this red flash appearing even when the car is stationary in rural areas! Any ideas what would be causing it. Would it be a faulty sensor, If so I would have expected it happening more frequently also I do not think the the dashcam overheating as temps were not high in the car less than was 23c. Snapshots from the video recording with and without the red cast. If it is a bad connection I might expect this from the rear camera.

The Micro SD card used to record the video a Delkin 128Gb Advantage series. If it was the memory card at fault I would have expected much more corruption in the image?


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How many frames does it last?
On this instance 9 frames, I believe the other instances will be similar to this. Another instance the red cast was visible for just 6 frames.
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Wait a minute, that's exactly the same area as of mine DR900S and i thought it's a defective sensor (it looked like light dependent). Now it seems rather like a software bug.

EDIT: On the other hand, it's the same side and pretty damn close to a heat source (main chipset and GPS).


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Yes it looks like the same issue!
Doesn't look very hot in those first to shots though.
If it’s heat related it could be permanent damage which doesn’t need a high ambient temperature anymore to manifest itself. Could be a cold joint.
heat issues could cause that
That’s my point.
The red tint only appears for less than a second and fortunately only intermittent ( may appear twice in 30 mins). The inside car temps were not even warm? Also I am using the latest firmware update If the issue is caused by heat any recommendations to resolve this?
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I had the same issue. It all began after I upgraded the firmware. It would always happen with light changes, for intense when leaving my parking garage. To fix this I had to turn off HDR in the settings.
Nice catch! So that’s why i haven’t seen it for a while. (I turned off HDR to compare IQ against A129Pro)
So i contacted Blackvue about this issue and they want me to send my DR900S to them with the footage in their Blackvue SDcard :D. The problem is, i’ve deleted about 6TB of my videos (day before their email request) to free some space and some of them were probably the evidences. Guess i have to record some new ones.

In other words, you can contact them as well. (and i wonder if they’ll claim they “never heared about that before”) I’m just unsure whether i should do that because this particular unit overall/somehow works. I don’t want after warranty another unit with defective rear-cam input...
I have another update. I noticed artifacts even in rearcam image (only in HDR enabled) now:


How about you guys?
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I just saw it today on my recording for the front camera. It only appeared briefly as well. Running the latest firmware with HDR enabled in 4k
After providing sample footage displaying the red flashing to the official importer, was informed it was a faulty sensor and needs to be returned back to the factory and replaced. Expected duration for the repair being 2 months plus the cost of repair. Unfortunately only a few months out of warranty. Not willing to be without a Dashcam for that length of time, so going to putting up with it and might buy a replacement in the new year :( (Personally think heat has some to do with the fault as the flashes only appear about an 1/2 after continuous usage.
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you're still part of the EU at the moment? EU rules are two year warranty, they offer those here through some channels with 5 year warranty, bit rude fobbing you off after only 18 months when it's clearly a hardware fault
Why two months to repair/swap a part?