Pics that make you smile

There was a Danish grass farmer, there put up a add on his field to promote his business, but was told it was against the law to have a permanent sign.
Good luck was he got some trailer he could put the banner on. He moved them around now and then, so there wasn't permanent parked on his own field.
And he started a trend, you often see trailers with some banner on parked here and there, or bales of hay on a field with a banner strapped to them, or a 40 foot container dropped on a field and also outfitted with some banner.

BUT ! the signs like you see so often in America, those we dont have here,,,,,,, yet.

Hehe yeah, too bad its a picture and not just a link to google maps/earth so we could know precise where to steer clear off.
Temporary or portable signs are banned in many places here so some business owners buy an old car, van, truck or bus then have a sign painted on it. They park it in their parking lot by the road legally since State law applies to vehicles and local laws cannot be applied regarding them as long as they are registered and insured. And if the truck is in good shape you can actually use it too :D Most of these 'sign trucks' don't even run though.

To try to get rid of them some cities have passed laws restricting how long a vehicle can remain parked in a publicly accessible lot without being moved so once every couple days all the employees get together and push the truck to another space :ROFLMAO: If you really want to do something you can find some way to do it :cool:

I know that throwing coin in a well should bring luck.
I didn't know it will bring luck to throw them into a engine.
I know that throwing coin in a well should bring luck.
I didn't know it will bring luck to throw them into a engine.
That was funny, on this video they say "engineers try to recreate any possible problem" but maybe they didn't think old lady throwing coins at it:)
Positive proof that the world is chock-full of fools and idiots :(
