Pics that make you smile

I dont see NyQuill
Introverts all over the world are uniting,,,,, now is our moment.
And we will do absolutely nothing about it.
Bathurst are such a manly race track, what a place to have your head taken clean off,,,,,,, ill give it a go in a heartbeat.

My kind of man. (y)
PS. I can almost get aroused by a good looking weld, as a apprentice it was also one of my favorite things to do.
Even if waltrip is a older guy now, i recon it still take something to make him sound like a little girl :)
Also he don't look all too comfortable.
It is maybe also sitting in the right side of the car but having no steering wheel or pedals.
Danish race tracks.

Jyllandsringen, the oldest track here i think

Padborg park.

Ring djursland ( this where i drifted a truck and trailer, putting all 16 M or so sideways ,,,, on soapy wet turn )

And that's about it for Danish race tracks, so when you see a Danish race car driver, you better give him a little respect for his meager origins.
If you are a Dane and want to race just about anything, you better head to another country.
It is strange how some things pan out, this example i think underline a major problem in our societies.


Idiot kicking ball = rolling in money
Person working helping others = almost minimum pay.
Hehe if that only worked, that would be so great.

Within the last week i have my internet vaporize, but looking at the router lights everything is just dandy, and rebooting the damn thing also fix the problem.

I sort of blame Microsoft, their latest updates have been really bad, some experience boot problems, me being me i of course experienced turn off issues, meaning my computer just would not power down in the regular way a few times
Living la covida loca ( living la vida loca )
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