Pics that make you smile

Thought smile.

Denmark as a big farming nation, like many others rely on imported Soy pellets, often come from places where forest have been hacked down to fill that need.
Well a test run of a new plant able to " upgrade " regular grass grown here to a similar protein rich feed as the soy pellets, well the trial run on Friday seem very promising, so in 7 - 8 years Denmark will not import any Soy pellets if this is fully implemented.
The trick is to get protein out of the grass ASO, this way animals with just 1 stomach can use it much better, the left overs from production multi stomach animals like cows can eat as always

This do mean that in the scale of Denmark, 1/3 of all fields will have to be converted to the grass and similar stuff like Alfalfa - peas - beans that can also be used, but then we can feed our 13 million pigs and X million cows on home grown stuff, and then at least on that front it is not our fault the rain forest are dwindling.
So that + our other invention that will take a big hit on Methane and other nasty stuff in pig manure, well maybe we are making the world a little better here.

PS: The carbon footprint of the SOY pellets we Danes import, well it is about 80% of what Danish cars have, so it could well be a win / win for us. ( and add a win more if we can export these plants or license the design off )
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This do mean that in the scale of Denmark, 1/3 of all fields will have to be converted to the grass
Where are you going to put the pigs?

Might be better to do it the other way around and grow the protein in the sea.
The pigs are already here, outnumber us Danes with more than 2 : 1

It is somewhat of a wonder for me why hardcore Muslims want to move here, i mean you can barely leave a major town before you breathe in pig something.
At least in spring when the fields are fertilized, and even now when old style spreading methods of just hurl it all over the lace are illegal.
Its like i would move to Northern Greenland as i am so fond of going to the beach and drive a cabriolet, and i just despise the lack of sunshine.
well a junkie would do sort of the same for a little Meth or something, crystals just like the Ibex are after on the dam.
The Ibex would probably appreciate it if someone put out one of those salt blocks the cows have to lick on.

Somehow i like that Brian Cox guy, and not just he is named Brian too
With all this wanting to buy and not wanting to sell, someone might want to forward this pic to the president.


Not least the last bit.
" The government of the Unites States Of America will not object to the Danish government extending their political and economic interests to the whole of Greenland "
And not forgetting the Danish government giving Americans permission to put bases on Greenland, a not irrelevant or small contribution to American security during the cold war.

Okay this is signed by a Democrat ( Robert Lansing ) which might not mean much to a Republican president today, but i am sure it is a other matter for the good people of America in general.
Record braking times in Denmark.
For the first time in 45 years we have had 6 days in a row with temperatures over 30 degrees, and today are the 9 day with temperatures over 25, and best of all it carry on until Monday, but then it also turn into a more normal Danish summer situation.

Normally 30 deg C days we only get 1 or maybe 2 in a row, 6 is almost unheard off, and i also think it is safe to say that it happening in August are pretty unusual.
And of course for my birthday coming up soon, the weather are back to normal.